ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia


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product. The c<strong>la</strong>y can be used directly, without any previous chemical modification. One interesting aspect of thismethod is that some polymeric chains became directly grafted on the c<strong>la</strong>y p<strong>la</strong>telets, thus giving rise, for somecomposition,s to a complete c<strong>la</strong>y exfoliation. The same method has been applied to the preparation of binary orternary blends of the polymers above cited, that are normally consi<strong>de</strong>red as incompatible. The results obtained arevery promising.Dielectric properties of nanocomposites based on thermop<strong>la</strong>stic polymers reversibly crosslinked.Wishing totake advantage of our previous experience in this field, we have exten<strong>de</strong>d our investigation to some other polymersof increasing interest and wi<strong>de</strong> use, as, for instance, poly(ethylene terephtha<strong>la</strong>te) PET, poly(ethylene naphthalenedicarboxy<strong>la</strong>te) PEN, poly(methyl methacry<strong>la</strong>te) PMMA, and poly(vinyli<strong>de</strong>ne fluori<strong>de</strong>) PVDF. Moreover, we areespecially interested in applying the procedure to obtain nanocomposites in one step to the preparation ofnanocomposites of the preceding polymers with c<strong>la</strong>y, graphite, and some other additives. We are making an especialemphasis in the study of the dielectrical properties of the resulting materials.Polymer/organometallic polymer nanocomposites.We have carried out a <strong>de</strong>ep study on the advanced properties ofpolymer/organometallic polymer nanocomposites. In particu<strong>la</strong>r [Fe(II) (4-octa<strong>de</strong>cyl-1,2,4-triazol)3(ClO4)2] inPolystyrene (PS). Our results confirm that, even in the presence of PS, the structural transition associated to achange in the magnectic susceptibility of the organometallic polymes occurs. This transition is associated to theconversión from <strong>la</strong>mel<strong>la</strong>r to hexagonal structure in the organometallic polymer.The work has been carried out incol<strong>la</strong>boration with doctors Daniel López and Rebeca Hernán<strong>de</strong>z from <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Ciencia y Tecnología <strong>de</strong>Polímeros (ICTP-CSIC) and with Doctor Ana Roig, from <strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> Ciencia <strong>de</strong> <strong>Materia</strong>les <strong>de</strong> Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY(AFM)During the <strong>la</strong>st year <strong>2011</strong>the AFM facility has been implemented with a system to measure forces allowing not onlyvisualization by also assessment of mechanical properties at scales of nanometer. The new capabilities will enable toinvestigate mechanical properties such as e<strong>la</strong>stic modulus, adhesion and <strong>de</strong>formation forces as well as to performnanoin<strong>de</strong>ntation experiments.BIOSAXCharacterization of biologically interesting colloids and lipoplexes. We have continued with research on thestructuration of mix liposomes formed by a cationic and a zwiterionic lipid in the presence of DNA. By Small AngleX ray scattering we have <strong>de</strong>termined the effect of the lipidic composition in the structure of such lipoplexe and theresults have been compared with the theoretical phase diagram with an excellent agreement. This work has beencarried out in col<strong>la</strong>boration with the group of Prof. E. Aicart from the Química Física I <strong>de</strong>partment from UniversidadComplutense <strong>de</strong> Madrid.Research on new compounds and their influence on the assembly of microtubules.By means of X ray andNeutron scattering it is possible to extract information on the conformation of biologically interesting systems, like,as an example, proteins in solution. In col<strong>la</strong>boration with the group of Dr. F. Díaz from the Centro <strong>de</strong>Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC), we are carrying out SAXS experiments on the influence of new antitumoralcompounds based on taxanes on the tubulin assembly. The goal is to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the mechanism, at atomic andmolecu<strong>la</strong>r level, of the microtubule assembly in the presence of the mentioned compounds.Group of BIOPHYSICS OF MACROMOLECULAR SYSTEMSSIMULATION OF PHYSICAL PHENOMENA IN MACROMOLECULAR SYSTEMSMelt macromolecu<strong>la</strong>r dynamics of polyolefins.Full Monte Carlo (MC) and molecu<strong>la</strong>r dynamics (MD) atomisticcomputer simu<strong>la</strong>tions of the molecu<strong>la</strong>r dimensions and dynamial processes in entangled linear and short chainbranched polyethylene chains were <strong>de</strong>signed to establish the effect of the molecu<strong>la</strong>r architecture on the diffusion andviscoe<strong>la</strong>stic properties. This strategy allows one to evaluate the <strong>de</strong>nsity and the intermolecu<strong>la</strong>r local packing (chainsize) in the melt by mapping of MD simu<strong>la</strong>tions on the reptation mo<strong>de</strong>l of <strong>de</strong> Gennes and Doi-Edwards. The resultsobtained illustrate the <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of the chain dimensions, the entanglement features, and the characteristicre<strong>la</strong>xation time of the transition from Rouse-to-reptation regimes with the molecu<strong>la</strong>r architecture of polyethylene forshort chain branching content between 0 and 55 per 1000 carbon atoms. The results are in very good agreement withthe experiments in the literature, and more interestingly with those obtained in our group in molecu<strong>la</strong>r mo<strong>de</strong>ls ofbranched polyolefins, characterized by a very homogeneous molecu<strong>la</strong>r architecture.76

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