ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia


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Finally, we have also conducted a work is in col<strong>la</strong>boration with the group of Ab<strong>la</strong>tion P<strong>la</strong>sma Spectroscopy to obtainsynthetic g<strong>la</strong>ss (fulgurites) in building materials silicon base by applying continuous and pulsed <strong>la</strong>sers andsubsequent i<strong>de</strong>ntification by <strong>la</strong>ser ab<strong>la</strong>tion techniques (LIBS) and Raman. Preliminary results show that irradiatingwith continuous CO 2 <strong>la</strong>sers fulgurite-like materials are generated bearing a composition simi<strong>la</strong>r to those found innature.INFRARED AND RAMAN BIOSPECTROSCOPYWe have continued this research line by measuring infrared and Raman spectra of blood fractions from sixtysubjects, forty three of them affected by Alzheimer’s disease and the rest being healthy controls. Following themathematical treatment of spectra for normalization and baseline corrections, multivariate analysis was performed,particu<strong>la</strong>rly ROC curves, discriminant analysis and multi<strong>la</strong>yer neural networks for c<strong>la</strong>ssification of samples.C<strong>la</strong>ssifications of the mononuclear leukocyte fractions were obtained with approximately 85% sensitivity andspecificity, generated by infrared ami<strong>de</strong> I bands of protein -structure. Simi<strong>la</strong>r c<strong>la</strong>ssification results were obtainedthrough the infrared spectra of the p<strong>la</strong>sma fraction by consi<strong>de</strong>ring the ami<strong>de</strong> I region and the 1150-1000 cm -1 rangecontaining CO bands of alcohols and peroxi<strong>de</strong>s generated by oxidative stress characteristic of this disease. On theother hand, multivariate analysis of the 800-350 cm -1 Raman region of this fraction allows c<strong>la</strong>ssification of bloodp<strong>la</strong>sma samples with about 90% sensitivity and specificity, due to spectral differences caused by tertiary structure ofprotein si<strong>de</strong> chains containing tryptophan.STRUCTURE OF BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS IN FOODIn col<strong>la</strong>borationwith the Instituteof Scienceand Technology of Food andNutrition (ICTAN, CSIC) we haveconducted a studyre<strong>la</strong>ted to applications ofFTIRspectroscopyaimed at <strong>de</strong>termining the structuresof lipidsandproteins and theirpossible interactionsin the formation ofvariousoil-in-water emulsions. Particu<strong>la</strong>rly, emulsionsstabilized with soy protein and other emulsions stabilized with soy protein, sodium caseinate and transglutaminasehave been studied. A re<strong>la</strong>tionship between thetextural and proteolipid structuralpropertieshave been found to be<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on the proteinstabilizersystem used in these emulsions.SURFACE INTEGRAL SCATTERING FORMULATION IN 3DA formu<strong>la</strong>tion of this kind has been <strong>de</strong>veloped on the basis of the Sttratton-Chu equations, for a system of severalscatterers with arbitrary shapes and dielectric response. The co<strong>de</strong> is now running for scatterers with arbitrary shapes,thanks to the implementation of flexible surfaces (now using in particu<strong>la</strong>r 3D Gieli’s superformu<strong>la</strong>). Tests havesatisfactorily reproduced the well known: Mie scattering patterns for a single sphere; exten<strong>de</strong>d-Mie theory for spheredimers; other results (FDTD, DDA) for complex shapes (nanocubes).SERS ON NANOSTARSWe have investigated theoretically the optical properties associated to Localized Surface P<strong>la</strong>smons of Agnanoparticles known as 3D nanostars without axial symmetry (mo<strong>de</strong>lled by a supershape). Large field intensityenhancements are obtained at the tips, which make these nanostars specially suitable as (single-nanoparticle) SERSsubstrates, by hosting molecules for SERS sensing applications. In<strong>de</strong>ed, we have very recently exten<strong>de</strong>d such studyto revealing strong LSP in the visible and NIR, and confirming their performance as suitable (single-nanoparticle)SERS substrates. In additionby exploiting genetic optimization algorithms, we have shown that such shapes lead,among a variety of them, to maximized LSP cross sectionsSURFACE PLASMONS ON EFFECTIVEΜ0) METAMATERIALSWe have investigated the optical properties of media with negative magnetic response (μ

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