ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia


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screening of the interaction potential in the <strong>la</strong>d<strong>de</strong>r series, and above a value α c ≈ 1.75 in the more sensible instanceof dynamical screening of the interaction.The main conclusion of our work is that the value α c ≈ 1.75, resulting from the most accurate treatment of the manybodycorrections, stillremains below the nominal value of the graphene fine structure constant in vacuum. Thismeans that an iso<strong>la</strong>ted free-standing <strong>la</strong>yer of the material should be in the phase with dynamical gap generation, inagreement with most part of less precise theoretical studies on the subject, but apparently at odds with presentexperimental measures in suspen<strong>de</strong>d graphene samples. A key observation is however that, if chiral symmetrybreaking is to proceed in graphene accordingto our estimates, it should lead to a gap at least three or<strong>de</strong>rs ofmagnitu<strong>de</strong>below the high-energy scale of the Dirac theory. This suggests then that thedynamical gap generationcannot be discar<strong>de</strong>d in iso<strong>la</strong>ted free-standing graphene, though its experimental signature may be only found insuitable samples, for which the Fermi level can be tuned within an energy range belowthe milli-electron-Volt scaleabout the charge neutrality point.EXACTLY SOLVABLE MODELSThe Richardson-Gaudin (RG) integrable pairing mo<strong>de</strong>ls emerged from the combination of the exact solution of theBCS Hamiltonian obtained by Richardson in the sixties and the integrable mo<strong>de</strong>l of quantum magnetism found byGaudin in the seventies. Formally, the RG mo<strong>de</strong>ls can be c<strong>la</strong>ssified two families, the rational family and thehyperbolic family. The rational family contains the BCS Hamiltonian as well as many other exactly solvableHamiltonians studied in the <strong>la</strong>st <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> in the areas of nuclear structure, ultrasmall superconducting grains, quantumdots, trapped cold fermionic and bosonic gases, etc. In 2009 it has been shown that the px+ipy pairing Hamiltonian<strong>de</strong>scribing the interaction between spinless fermions in 2D <strong>la</strong>ttices, is exactly solvable and it pertains to hyperbolicfamily. This Hamiltonian, studied by Read in connection to the fractionary quantum Hall effect, has a phasediagram with a topological phase transition (without or<strong>de</strong>r parameter). From <strong>de</strong> exact solution we studied the phasediagram of for one channel Hamiltonians (pairing interaction). The mo<strong>de</strong>l disp<strong>la</strong>ys a quantum phase transition of 3ºor<strong>de</strong>r compatible with the <strong>la</strong>ck of an or<strong>de</strong>r parameter. The exact wave function of the RG mo<strong>de</strong>ls is a product ofcorre<strong>la</strong>ted pairs whose bound energies come from the solutions of the Richardson equations. The size of thecon<strong>de</strong>nsed wave function, which experimentally accessible in ultracold po<strong>la</strong>rized gases, disp<strong>la</strong>ys a divergence at thecritical point. Therefore, it can be used as an experimental signature. The structure of the Cooper pairs is moredifficult to be revealed experimentally. However, its size has been associated with threshold in energy of the radiofrequencyspectrum in trapped gases. The structure of p-wave pairs is different of the s-wave pairs. It shows anabrupt change between the weak pairing phase (exten<strong>de</strong>d pairs) and the strong pairing phase (bound pairs). Westudied the extension of the px+ipy mo<strong>de</strong>l to a two channel mo<strong>de</strong>l in which the interaction is mediated by a p-waveFeshbach resonance. The corresponding phase diagram also shows a 3º or<strong>de</strong>r quantum phase transition that wecharacterized by means of the quantum fi<strong>de</strong>lity. The analysis of this magnitu<strong>de</strong> led us to conclu<strong>de</strong> that the phasetransition cannot be <strong>de</strong>scribed by the Landau theory.The second realization of the hyperbolic family consists on an exactly solvable Hamiltonian with non-<strong>de</strong>generatesingle particle energies and a separable pairing interaction with two free parameters. One of the parameters is thestrength of the pairing interaction and the other is an energy cutoff. We showed that these parameters can beconveniently chosen to reproduce the physical properties of the ground state of heavy nuclei <strong>de</strong>scribed by the Gognyforce. In particu<strong>la</strong>r, we showed that the hyperbolic mo<strong>de</strong>l <strong>de</strong>scribes with great precision the wave function of theGogny Hartre-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation. We also showed that the Gogny gaps disp<strong>la</strong>y a behavior compatiblewith the square root in the form factors of the hyperbolic interaction. This new exactly solvable mo<strong>de</strong>l opens theway for the construction of a selfconsistent algorithm of Hartree-Fock plus exact pairing for the <strong>de</strong>scription ofmasses and low energy properties of heavy nuclei.QUANTUM TRANSPORTDuring 2010 we have focused our efforts in the study of the transmission phase through quantum dots in theCoulomb blocka<strong>de</strong> regime. Quantum mechanics fundamentally differs from c<strong>la</strong>ssical mechanics in that timeevolutions are <strong>de</strong>termined by complex probability amplitu<strong>de</strong>s instead of real probabilities. Theassociated phase is akey element to un<strong>de</strong>rstand mesoscopic transport experiments on Aharonov-Bohm (AB) conductance oscil<strong>la</strong>tions,weak localization, and conductance fluctuations. For a long time, the transmission amplitu<strong>de</strong> phase through aquantum dot could not be measured directly. The pioneering experiments of Yacoby et al. opened a new field inmesoscopic physics at the end of the 90s when they embed<strong>de</strong>d a quantum dot into one of the arms of an Aharanov-Bohm interferometer. However, these experiments have escaped a consistent and generic theoretical exp<strong>la</strong>nation.Specially surprising is the fact that a phase <strong>la</strong>pse of πalways appears between resonances in the transmission phasefor quantum dots with <strong>la</strong>rge number of electrons.51

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