Obituario Dr. German Ochoa Final

Obituario Dr. German Ochoa Final

Obituario Dr. German Ochoa Final


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Participation on Faculty Development working groupsParticipation on development of Inter-professional / Inter-disciplinary core curriculumsRecent Publications§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G., Morillo O.C ( 2012 ) Stentoplasty : an alternative for osteoporotic and metastatic spinal fractures. Spineweek, Ámsterdam, Mayo 2012. ( Abstract book ).§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. (2010 ) Low Back pain as an expresión of musculoeskeletal pain. . Chapter in the book “Musculo-skeletal Pain “. Colombian Pain Society. May.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G., Bejarano P., Bistre S. ( 2010 ) Disc herniation related sciatica - radicular pain : an expression of a complex regional pain syndrome ? . Workshop. 3th. Congress ofSpecial Interest Group on Neuropahtic Pain. - International Association for the Study of Pain. – IASP - Athens, Greece, May 27th - 2010§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G , Abella P. : “Low doses of I.V. Ketamine to treat acute neuropathic pain”. . Workshop. 3th. Congress of Special Interest Group on Neuropahtic Pain. - InternationalAssociation for the Study of Pain. – IASP - Athens, Greece, May 27th - 2010§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( Editor ) . (2010). “ Opioids to manage musculo-skeletal and neuropathic Pain. Experts Consensus. Panamá. March 26-27, ( Under Revision )§ Neuropathic Pain : Up- date. ( 2009 ) .Chapter’s Book . In : Anzola Fuentes L.K. Frequent Knee Pathology. A Perspective from the clinic to the images. Argüeso Garzon Editors.Pages 81 – 90§ Balagué F., <strong>Ochoa</strong> G., Geneway S. ( 2009 ) Prise en charge conservatrice des lombalgies chroniques : quoi de neuf ? Revue Médicale Suisse 5 : 560-4§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G., Abella P., ( Editors ) 2008. Perioperative Pain : A Revision on the Evidence. Experts Meeting Latinamerican Federation of Pain Societies. May. Europapress.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. Open Vertebroplasty : A treatment Option for Metastasis to the Spine. ( 2007 ) . Journal of Colombian Orthoapedic Society. Vol 21, 4 December§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. Infections of the Spine.( 2007 ) . ( Chapter ) In New AO Spine Manual . Aebi M, Webb J, Arlet V. ( Editors ). Springer – Verlag. <strong>German</strong>y.§ Abella P, <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. Pain Management : A Practical Guide to Primary Care Physicians and Nurses. ( 2007 ). ( In Press )§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( 2006 ). Pain Imaging. Inspine. International Publication of AOSpine. Switzerland.§ Abella P, <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( 2005 ) . ( Manual ) . Rationale to use Pain Medication in the Daily Practice.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. Low Back Pain : An Update. ( 2005 ) . In : Pain Textbook . Bilbeny N, Paeille C.( Editors ). Santiago de Chile.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. Sandoval A, Dimian D. ( 2004 ) Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Spine : two case reports and review of the literature. Abstracts. Spineweek. Porto, Portugal.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( 2004 ) Direct Instrumentation in the treatment of Infections of the Spine. . Abstracts. Spineweek. Porto, Portugal.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( 2004 ) Open Vertebroplasty : an alternative for the treatment of metastasis to the spine. . Abstracts. Spineweek. Porto, Portugal.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( 2004 ). The Pediatric Spine. In : Textbook Of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Malagón V, Soto D. ( Editors ). Editorial Celsus.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G, Abella P. ( 2004 ) . ( Manual ) .Guidelines to treat Pain in the Emergency Room . Colombian Association for the Study of Pain.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G., ( 2004 ) Neuropathic Pain : An Update. In : Pain Textbook . Osorio R, Granados M, ( Editors ). Editors Guadalupe. Bogotá, 2004.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( Editor) . ( 2004 ) Acute and Subacute Disc Herniation : Evidence Based Medicine Review . Journal of the Colombian Orthopaedic Association . Vol . 18Supplementum 1.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( 2004 ) The Spine on Rheumatoid Arthritis. In : Rheumatoid Arthritis Textbook. Ramirez. CA, Anaya JM. ( Editors ) Colombian Association of Rheumatology.Editorial Médica Colombiana.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G, Morales O, Herrera G. ( 2004 ). Vertebral Body Replacement with Expandable Cages. Abstracts. 49º. International Congress of the Colombian OrthopedicAssociation .§ Martinez Z, <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( tutor ). ( 2003 ). Thesis : Results of three different methods of treatment for Acute Low back Pain. “ Manuela Beltran” University. P.T Department.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G, Sandoval A, Dimian D. ( 2003 ) Is postoperative brace necessary after anterior Spinal fusion and instrumentation ? Abstracts. 48º. International Congress of theColombian Orthopedic Association .§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G, Marré B. ( 2002 ) . AO / ASIF Principles in Spine Surgery . Spanish version. Aebi M, Thalgott J, Webb J. Springer-Verlag. ( Editors ).§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G, Montealegre D. ( Editors ) .( 2002 ). Textbook . Pediatric Pain. Colombian Association for the Study of Pain. Editorial Caos.§ <strong>Ochoa</strong> G. ( 2001 ) Low Back Pain : revisited . In Pain 2001 . Manual of the Colombian Association for the Study of Pain. Hernández JJ, Fernández CF.( Editors ).Address for correspondence :Carrera 11 A No. 97 19Bogotá, D.C.COLOMBIA.Phone : ( 57 1 ) 6 10 1761Fax : ( 57 1 ) 2 36 1544Mobile : (57 ) 315 791 3875e-mails : germanochoa19@yahoo.comgermanochoa74@hotmail.comgerman_ochoa@cable.net.co9

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