GSD ALCALA - Gredos San Diego Intranet

GSD ALCALA - Gredos San Diego Intranet

GSD ALCALA - Gredos San Diego Intranet


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What is Scholar’s Notebook 21Scholar’s Notebook 21 is an educational program dedicated to the sustainable development of theeducational community, with the goal of provoking participation among students in improving socialaspects of the educational environment in such a way that works toward sustainability in the localcommunity and in our world.Participants form a part of a local initiative that is beginning to take on a global scope with programdevelopment throughout Spain, Europe, and beyond.Scholar’s Notebook 21 allows the student to analyze problems and propose alternatives to the socialenvironment at hand, giving them the opportunity as well to present their propositions to communityleaders.The three fundamental components of Scholar’s Notebook 21 are:Participation of the educational community (students, teachers, families, and non-staff contributors)Curricular innovation through integration of environmental issuesAchieving greater sustainability in every-day practices in schoolsBased on these three core principals, a specific project is designed for each school to aid in its transformationand to move the school toward sustainability.The students directly involved in the project and responsible for analyzing the following four areasof study are those of 2 nd and 3 rd Primary cycle.3 rd Primary: Water4 th Primary: Waste and Residues5 th Primary: Urban Planning6 th Primary: EnergyThe students will propose alternatives for improvement in these four fields and will participate in theprocess of organizing and communicating these alternatives to their community according to theireducational level.

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