RAP 18.1.indd - Revista d'Arqueologia de Ponent

RAP 18.1.indd - Revista d'Arqueologia de Ponent

RAP 18.1.indd - Revista d'Arqueologia de Ponent


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BibliografíaAm i c h y Ca s a s 1998N. Amich, J. Casas, “La Tabula Peutengeriana i laXarxa viària al nord-est <strong>de</strong> Catalunya. Una novalectura”, Comerç i vies <strong>de</strong> comunicació (1000 aC-700dC), XI Col·loqui Internacional d’arqueologia <strong>de</strong>Puigcerdà (31 d’octubre i 1 <strong>de</strong> novembre <strong>de</strong> 1997),Puigcerda, 1998, 175-181.Be l l et al. 2002T. Bell, A. Wilson, A. Wickham, “Tracking the Samnites:Landscape and communications routes in the SangroValley (Italy)”, American Journal of Archaeology, 106,2002, 170-186.Br i a n 2005R. Brian, “Praise the sea, on shore remain?. GIS analysisof travel routes in an Iron Age island environment”,The world in your eyes. Book of abstracts, CAA 2005(Tomar 21-24 march 2005), Tomar, 48-49.Bu r c h et al. 2000J. Burch, J. M. Nolla, L. Palahí, J. Sagrera, M. Sureda,D. Vivó, “La fundació <strong>de</strong> Gerunda. Da<strong>de</strong>s noves sobreun procés <strong>de</strong> reorganització d’un territori”, Empúries,52, 2000, 11-28.Ca s t e l lv í 1997Castellví et al. (dir.), Voies romaines du Rhône à l’Ebre:via Domitia et via Augusta, DAF 61, Paris, 1997.Ch e va l i e r 1997Chevalier, R., Les voies romaines, Paris, 1997.d e Si lva y Pi z z i o l o 2001M. De Silva y G. Pizziolo, “Setting up a «HumanCalibrated» anisotropic cost surface for archaeologicallandscape investigation”, Computing archaeologyfor un<strong>de</strong>rstanding the past. Proceedings of the 28 thconference (Ljubljana, april 2000), BAR, 931, Oxford,2001, 279-286.Er i c s o n y Go l d s t e i n 1980J. Ericson, R. Goldstein, “Work space: a newapproach to the analisis of energy expediture withinsite catchments” F. J. Fi n d l o w, J. E. Er i c c s o n (eds.),Catchement Analysis: essays on Prehistoric ResourceSpace, Anthropology UCLA, 1980, 21-30.Je n s o n y Do m i n g u e 1988S. K. Jenson y J. O. Domingue, “Extracting TopographicStructure from Digital Elevation Data for GeographicInformation System Analysis”, PhotogrammetricEngineering and Remote Sensing, 54, núm. 11,1593-1600.Ma l l e r et al. 1997M. Mayer, J. M. Nolla, I. Rodà, “La via Augusta <strong>de</strong>sPyrénées à l’Èbre”, Voies romaines du Rhône à l’Ebr:via Domitia et via Augusta, DAF 61, Paris, 1997,114-140.Mo r e n o 2004I. Moreno, Vías romanas. Ingenieria y técnica constructiva,Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Fomento-CEDEX-CEHOPU,Madrid, 2004.No l l a y Ca s a s 1997J. M. Nolla, J. Casas, Nouvelles donnés sur la viaAugusta dans le secteur nord-est <strong>de</strong> la Catalogne,Voies romaines du Rhône à l’Ebre: via Domitia et viaAugusta, DAF 61, Paris, 142-148.Pa n d o l f et al. 1977K. B. Pandolf, B. Givoni, R. F. Goldman, “Predictingenergy expenditure with loads while standing orwalking very slowly”, Journal of Applied Physiology43, 1977, 577-581.Va n Le u s e n 2000M. Van Leusen, Pattern to process: Methodologicalinvestigations into the formation and interpretationof spatial patterns in archaeological landscapes, tesisdoctoral Universidad <strong>de</strong> Lei<strong>de</strong>n, 2000.Wh e at l e y y Gi l l i n g s 2002D. Wheatley, M. Gillings, Spatial technology andarchaeology: the archaeological applications of GIS,London, 2002.215

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