
studium-veritatis-17-fondo-editorial-ucss studium-veritatis-17-fondo-editorial-ucss

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NORMAS DE PUBLICACIÓNSTUDIUMVERITATISISSN 1682-0487Catolica Sedes Sapientiae UniversityScientific investigation magazineStudium Veritatis is an annual magazine, edited by Fondo Editorial atCatólica Sedes Sapientiae University. It publishes original and unpublishedresearches as well as academic-scientific oriented papers. It is dedicated tothe academic community of researchers in a diversity of fields.Studium Veritatis displays four sections. These are the following: (a) Almamáter, where studies and documents related to our university mission andvision are presented; (b) Studies, is the room for scientific articles; (c)Interviews, a section that contains conversations with celebrities who belongto academic and scientific fields an (d) Reviews, is the section for booksanalysis and critics.GUIDELINES FOR ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS1. The article must be original and not have been published by anymeans (printed or electronic). It cannot be simultaneously postulated forpublication in other magazines.— 573 —

NORMAS DE PUBLICACIÓN2. The articles should be written in Spanish. The complete paper shouldbe submitted in word type to the magazine electronic address:, accompanying another copy to Fondo Editorial UCSSelectronic address ( The article should show the following characteristics:• Format: the writer should regard the following aspects: (a) spacing:1. 5; (b) font: Times New Roman; (c) size: 12, and (d) numberedpages. The article extension should not be less than 15 pages neithermore than 25 pages.• Title: Should be written in Spanish and English.• Author’s identification: It should contain the followinginformation: (a) author’s name, (b) institutional affiliation and (c)electronic address.• Summary: it must be between 150 and 250 words long. It must bewritten in one or many paragraphs in English and Spanish, with thecorresponding key words (4 to 10). The summary should show thefollowing parts: (a) theme, (b) work methodology, (c) developmentstructure and (d) conclusions.• Content: generally, the scientific article shows the following parts:(a) introduction, (b) methodology and resources, (c) results, (d)discussion, (e) conclusions and (f) references. It is recommendedto communicate the work according to each author’s investigationneeds. This is with the purpose that the work results can beexpressed with as much clarity as possible.• Sections and y subsections: the text should be divided as follows:— 574 —

NORMAS DE PUBLICACIÓN2. The articles should be written in Spanish. The complete paper shouldbe submitted in word type to the magazine electronic address: <strong>studium</strong>@<strong>ucss</strong>, accompanying another copy to Fondo Editorial UCSSelectronic address (f<strong>editorial</strong>@<strong>ucss</strong> The article should show the following characteristics:• Format: the writer should regard the following aspects: (a) spacing:1. 5; (b) font: Times New Roman; (c) size: 12, and (d) numberedpages. The article extension should not be less than 15 pages neithermore than 25 pages.• Title: Should be written in Spanish and English.• Author’s identification: It should contain the followinginformation: (a) author’s name, (b) institutional affiliation and (c)electronic address.• Summary: it must be between 150 and 250 words long. It must bewritten in one or many paragraphs in English and Spanish, with thecorresponding key words (4 to 10). The summary should show thefollowing parts: (a) theme, (b) work methodology, (c) developmentstructure and (d) conclusions.• Content: generally, the scientific article shows the following parts:(a) introduction, (b) methodology and resources, (c) results, (d)discussion, (e) conclusions and (f) references. It is recommendedto communicate the work according to each author’s investigationneeds. This is with the purpose that the work results can beexpressed with as much clarity as possible.• Sections and y subsections: the text should be divided as follows:— 574 —

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