EntrEntr evista/evista/ InterInter viewview

EntrEntr evista/evista/ InterInter viewview

EntrEntr evista/evista/ InterInter viewview


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Remaining Lifetime, a Remotely Operated Robot<br />

System and CAMP.<br />

• Development of courses on medical practices<br />

for the treatment of the potentially irradiated and<br />

contaminated wounded, study of occupational<br />

accident rates at nuclear power plants and<br />

acquisition and dispatch of dosimetric and medical<br />

data for the epidemiological study at nuclear<br />

installations being performed by the International<br />

Cancer Institute (IARC) of Lyon (France).<br />

• Participation in a project on nuclear power plant<br />

lifetime management, along with EDF, Tractebel and<br />

Framatome, financed by the European Commission.<br />

• Drawing up, with ENRESA, of Appendix J of the<br />

UNESA-ENRESA Framework Contract for the<br />

management of radioactive wastes, on the<br />

dismantling of nuclear power plants.<br />

Finally, I cannot but dedicate a few words to the<br />

activities carried out from the UNESA nuclear area in<br />

relation to the so-called Y2K Effect. The<br />

coordination of work and activities (joint plans,<br />

common database, procedures, etc.) with the plants,<br />

the CSN and the Ministry of Industry and Energy’s<br />

Electricity Committee for the Y2K Effect has made it<br />

possible for the operation of Spain’s nuclear power<br />

plants, and of all the other electricity generating<br />

facilities, to continue with absolute normality as the<br />

transition to the year 2000 took place.<br />

It should be pointed out that, in accordance with<br />

the directives issued by the Ministry of Industry and<br />

Energy, and on the basis of the contingency plans<br />

drawn up, the plants reduced their power to 60% in<br />

order to minimise the effects that the hypothetical<br />

shutdown of a high capacity unit might have on<br />

national electricity supply during the transition to the<br />

year 2000.<br />

Like the rest of the Spanish electricity sector, the<br />

nuclear power plants operated throughout the<br />

aforementioned period of transition just like on any<br />

other day of the year. Safety, in particular, was<br />

maintained at the same high levels as is habitual,<br />

with the systems and components performing with<br />

absolute normality.<br />




I should now like to say a few words regarding<br />

some of the most significant aspects of the Electricity<br />

Industry throughout 1999.<br />

Progress in the process of liberalisation<br />

The process of opening of the market has once<br />

again been speeded up in 1999, with respect to what<br />

is established in Law 54/1997. The approval of<br />

Royal Decree Law 6/1999, of 16th April, regarding<br />

Urgent Measures for Liberalisation and Increasing<br />

Competition, has not only meant an additional<br />

reduction in the electricity tariff, to which I shall<br />

refer below, but also strengthening of the process of<br />

liberalisation. The percentage of participation on the<br />

organised generation market by eligible consumers<br />

has increased throughout the year, reaching around<br />

22% at year’s end. These consumers, who access<br />

the market directly or through commercialisation<br />

agents for their energy purchases, have benefited<br />

from an average price reduction of approximately<br />

20%.<br />

Furthermore, in accordance with the<br />

aforementioned Royal Decree Law, as from 1st July<br />

2000, all those having supplies at nominal voltages of<br />

more than 1,000 volts will be considered as qualified<br />

electricity consumers, this meaning some 65,000<br />

clients representing around 54% of the market.<br />

• Gestión de más de 30 proyectos<br />

del Plan Coordinado de<br />

Investigación CSN-UNESA, cuyo<br />

importe conjunto es de cerca de<br />

800 MPta, habiendo finalizado 10<br />

de ellos en 1999 y aplicado 205<br />

MPta. Asimismo, se han continuado<br />

los trabajos de los proyectos PIE sobre<br />

Vida Remanente, Sistema<br />

Robótico Teleoperado y CAMP.<br />

• Desarrollo de cursos de prácticas<br />

médicas para el tratamiento de<br />

potenciales heridos irradiados y<br />

contaminados, estudio de la accidentabilidad<br />

laboral en las centrales<br />

nucleares y obtención y envío de<br />

datos dosimétricos y médicos para<br />

el estudio epidemiológico en instalaciones<br />

nucleares, que realiza el<br />

Instituto Internacional del Cáncer<br />

(IARC) de Lyon (Francia).<br />

• Participación en un proyecto<br />

sobre gestión de vida de centrales<br />

nucleares junto con EDF, Tractebel y<br />

Framatome, financiado por la<br />

Comisión Europea.<br />

• Redacción con ENRESA del<br />

Apéndice J, sobre desmantelamiento<br />

de centrales nucleares, del<br />

Contrato-Tipo UNESA-ENRESA para<br />

la gestión de residuos radiactivos.<br />

Por último, no puedo por menos<br />

que dedicar unas palabras a las actividades<br />

que desde el área nuclear<br />

de UNESA se han venido dedicando<br />

al denominado Efecto 2000. La coordinación<br />

de los trabajos y actuaciones<br />

(Planes conjuntos, base de<br />

datos común, procedimientos, etc)<br />

con las centrales, el CSN y el<br />

Comité Eléctrico del MINER para el<br />

Efecto 2000 ha posibilitado que el<br />

funcionamiento de las centrales nucleares<br />

españolas, al igual que el<br />

resto de las instalaciones de generación<br />

eléctrica, haya sido absolutamente<br />

normal en el tránsito al año<br />

2000.<br />

Es de señalar que, de acuerdo con<br />

las directrices dadas por el<br />

Ministerio de Industria y Energía en<br />

base a los planes de contingencia<br />

previstos, las centrales redujeron su<br />

potencia al 60% con el fin de minimizar<br />

los efectos que pudiera tener<br />

sobre el suministro eléctrico nacional,<br />

una hipotética parada de un<br />

grupo de alta capacidad de generación.<br />

Al igual que el resto del sector<br />

eléctrico español, las centrales nucleares<br />

funcionaron en dicho tránsito<br />

como cualquier otro día del año.<br />

En particular, la seguridad se mantuvo<br />

en los mismos altos niveles que<br />

vienen siendo habituales, con un<br />

comportamiento absolutamente normal<br />

de sus sistemas y componentes.<br />




Llegados a este punto, permítanme<br />

decirles unas palabras sobre algunos<br />

otros aspectos significativos<br />

del Sector Eléctrico en 1999.<br />

A b r i l 2 0 0 0<br />

R e v i s t a S N E

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