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[SHWW08] Changhua Sunand, Le He, Qingbo Wang, y Ruth Willenborg. Simplifying<br />

service deployment with virtual appliances. En Services Computing, 2008.<br />

SCC ’08. IEEE International Conference on, volume 2, pages 265 –272,<br />

july 2008. doi:10.1109/SCC.2008.53.<br />

[SMS04]<br />

[Sol92]<br />

Richard Stallman, Rolan McGrath, y Paul D. Smith. GNU/Make A Program<br />

for Directed Compilation. GNU Press, Junio 2004.<br />

K. Sollins. The TFTP protocol (revision 2). RFC 1350, Internet Engineering<br />

Task Force, July 1992. On-line: .<br />

[Som04] Ian Sommerville. Ingeniería del Software. Addison Wesley, séptima<br />

edición, May 2004. On-line: .<br />

[Sta03]<br />

Richard M. Stallman. Using GCC: The GNU Compiler Collection. Free<br />

Software Foundation, 2003.<br />

[Sta07] Richard Stallman. GNU Emacs Manual, decimosexta edición, 2007.<br />

[Sun]<br />

SunMicrosystems. Virtualbox. On-line: [ene 2010].<br />

[VMA] David Villa, Cleto Martín, y Óscar Aceña. Atheist. On-line: [may 2010].<br />

[WZ04]<br />

[ZZ07]<br />

C. P. Wright y E. Zadok. Unionfs: Bringing File Systems Together. Linux<br />

Journal, 2004(128):24–29, December 2004.<br />

Yaoxue Zhang y Yuezhi Zhou. 4vp: A novel meta os approach for streaming<br />

programs in ubiquitous computing. Advanced Information Networking and<br />

Applications, International Conference on, 0:394–403, 2007. doi:http:<br />


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