Consumidor Hispano Magazine - Abril, 2015

Consumidor Hispano Magazine is an annual publication published by Vega Pages. It features over 200 pages of tips and information that help you choose professional services in DC, Maryland & Virginia. For a free copy, email your address to: or call us at: 703-408-1411 Consumidor Hispano Magazine es una revista anual publicada por Vega Pages. Contiene más de 200 páginas con información y consejos sobre cómo escoger servicios profesionales en Washington DC, Maryland y Virginia. Para adquirir una copia gratis, mándenos su dirección por correo electrónico a: o llámenos al: 703-408-1411 Consumidor Hispano Magazine is an annual publication published by Vega Pages. It features over 200 pages of tips and information that help you choose professional services in DC, Maryland & Virginia. For a free copy, email your address to: or call us at: 703-408-1411

Consumidor Hispano Magazine es una revista anual publicada por Vega Pages. Contiene más de 200 páginas con información y consejos sobre cómo escoger servicios profesionales en Washington DC, Maryland y Virginia. Para adquirir una copia gratis, mándenos su dirección por correo electrónico a: o llámenos al: 703-408-1411

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Consumidor Hispano Consumidor Hispano Magazine, a division of Vega Pages Visítenos en... ÍNDICE DE ANUNCIANTES A AA Locksmith Co. ..................................................... 85 About Beautiful Smile / Cecilia Cuellar, D.D.S., P.C. ...................................145 Accfitax, Inc. ............................................................. 99 Ad Council .............128, 183 y Contraportada Interior Alberto A. Borges, M.D. / Arlington Medical Center II ................................................177 Aldana & Associates ................................................ 97 Alicea-Cambel, Alia, Esq. ......................................... 62 Allstate Insurance Company / Ladislao Carballosa ............................................120 Alvarez-Przygoda, Suzanne .................................... 56 Alzheimer / Fuerza Contra Alzheimer’s .................183 América 1540 AM, Radio .......2, 14, 15, 81,106 y 107 America Travel Outlet .............................................. 46 American Immigration Services ............................. 62 Ameriwell Chiropractic ..........................................205 Ammerman & Goldberg ......................................... 59 Ana María Onaga .....................................................77 Angela C. Salazar, P.C. .............................................. 96 Aquas, Inc. ................................................................75 Arlington Medical Center II / Alberto A. Borges, M.D. .......................................................177 Arlington Podiatry Center / Dr. Edward S. Pozarny ........................................172 Arturo H. Hernández ................................. 12, 42 y 43 Autismo / Ad Council .............................................183 B Balarezo García, Martín .........................................113 Barrera Law Firm, PLLC ............................................ 58. Berkowitz, Leon / Chiro-Med Health Center ........202 Bianchi, Graziella, Esq. ............................................. 50 Borges, Alberto A., M.D. / Arlington Medical Center II ................................................177 Boulevard Dental Clinic / Ricardo M. Gaitán, D.D.S. ......................... 142 y 143 Bowman Chiropractic Center / Dr. Robert W. Wainer, D.C. ..................13, 194 y 195 Burgos & Burgos .......... 9, 30, 31, 49 y Contraportada C Cámara de Comercio Hispana del Área Metropolitana de Washington ............................ 78 Cámara de Comercio Hispana del Condado de Montgomery ................................... 79 Camille D’Amato ....................................................201 Carballosa, Ladislao / Allstate Insurance Company ............................................................120 Caruso Florist ..........................................................153 Cecilia Cuellar, D.D.S., P.C. .......................................145 César F. Peña .............................................................99 César Villacorta ............................................. 6, 94 y 95 Charles J. Miller, P.A. ................................... 11, 40 y 41 Chaudhry, Maqsood A., D.D.S. / Grove Dental Clinic ............................... 7, 140 y 141 Cherkasky, Clare, Esq. .............................................. 48 Chica, Jaime A., D.C. / Columbia Pike Chiropractic ........................................................200 Chiro-Med Health Center / Dr. Leon Berkowitz .............................................202 Clare Cherkasky, Esq. ............................................... 48 Columbia Insurance Services ................................122 Columbia Pike Chiropractic / Dr. Jaime A. Chica, D.C. .......................................200 Conrad Gaarder-Escudero ............................................ .........................................Portada Interior, 32, 33 y 51 Consumidor Hispano ..................................... 72 y 184 Cuellar, Cecilia, D.D.S., P.C. ......................................145 D D’Amato, Camille / Quality Chiropractic............... 201 Daniel P. Barrera, Esq. .............................................. 58 Dave Stinson / GEICO .............................................116 Dodds & Associates .................................................. 60 Dr. Anteneh Roba / Zinnia Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Clinic ................................................173 Dr. Edward S. Pozarny / Arlington Podiatry Center ..................................172 Dr. Jaime A. Chica, D.C. / Columbia Pike Chiropractic ........................................................200 Dr. Leon Berkowitz / Chiro-Med Health Center .................................................................202 Dr. Levi, D.C. .................................................. 196 y 197. Dr. Maqsood A. Chaudhry / Grove Dental Clinic ............................... 7, 140 y 141 Dr. Nader, D.C. ........................................................199 Dr. Robert W. Wainer, D.C. / Bowman Chiropractic Center .................................. 194 y 195 Dra. Camille D’Amato / Quality Chiropractic ...........................................201 Dra. Cecilia Cuellar, D.D.S., P.C. ...............................145 Dra. Evita James, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. / OB/GYN Women’s Care, P.C. ...............................169 Duke Dental Care ................................................... 147. E Edgewood Dental Arts / Joaquín M. Pérez-Febles, D.D.S. ........................144 Edward S. Pozarny / Arlington Podiatry Center ....172 El Comercio Newspaper .........................................111 El Ojo Latino Newspaper .......................................112 Emergency USA Family Medical Center, Inc..........158 Estrada Income Tax ................................................100 Evita James, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. / OB/GYN Women’s Care, P.C. ...............................169 Eye Care Center / Nuvision Optical ........................174 F Firstone Insurance Agency / ObamaCare .............124 Fuentes Insurance Agency, LLC / Marta Fuentes ....................................................118 Fuerza Contra Alzheimer’s .....................................183 G Gaarder-Escudero, Conrad ............................................ .........................................Portada Interior, 32, 33 y 51 Gaitán, Ricardo M., D.D.S., P.C. ..................... 142 y 143 Gamarra, Orlando A. ................................................ 47 Garro, Juan Javier, M.D. .........................................177 GEICO / Dave Stinson .............................................116 Gematext, Inc. / Martín Balarezo García ...............113 Glenn H. Park ............................................... 3, 36 y 37 Glenn S. Wainer, Esq. ........................... 10, 38, 39 y 57 Golden Era Antiques / Graciela Vega ....................... 71 Gordon Insurance ..................................................117 Graciela Vega ........................................................... 71 Graziella Bianchi, Esq. .............................................. 50 Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce ........................................................78 Gregory J. Park ............................................. 3, 36 y 37 Grove Dental Clinic / Dr. Chaudhry ......... 7, 140 y 141 Guzmán Insurance Services ..................................121 H Henry, Jeffrey B. ....................................................... 52 Henry Aldana ...........................................................97 Hernández, Arturo H. ................................ 12, 42 y 43 Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Montgomery County ........................................... 79 I International Language Institute ............................ 25 Interpreting & Translation Services, LLC.................. 56 206 © 2015 by Vega Pages, LLC • 703.408.1411 • Diga que lo encontró en Consumidor Hispano Magazine

Visítenos en... Consumidor Hispano Magazine, a division of Vega Pages Consumidor Hispano ÍNDICE DE ANUNCIANTES J Jaime A. Chica, D.C. / Columbia Pike Chiropractic ........................................................200 James, Evita, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. / OB/GYN Women’s Care, P.C. ...............................169 Jeff J.S. Pan, M.D., P.C. ............................................178 Jeffrey B. Henry ........................................................ 52 Joaquín M. Pérez-Febles, D.D.S. ............................144 John H. Dodds ..........................................................60 John O’Neill Castro, Esq. ............................... 5, 34 y 35 Joseph Tibui .............................................................63 Juan Estrada, EA ....................................................100 Juan Javier Garro, M.D. ..........................................177 K Kastner, Scott, DVM / Sunshine Animal Hospital .................................178 L La Auténtika 1600 AM, Radio ...............83, 109 y 127 La “Z” 1390 AM, Radio ..........................83, 109 y 127 Ladislao Carballosa / Allstate Insurance Company ............................................................120 Latin Tax ....................................................... 6, 94 y 95 Law Offices of Graziella Bianchi, PLLC .................... 50 Leon Berkowitz / Chiro-Med Health Center .........202 Levi, Rashid, D.C. .......................................... 196 y 197. Libre by Nexus ..........................................................63 M Mario Dorado / New York Life Insurance Company ............................................................123 Marta Fuentes / Fuentes Insurance Agency, LLC ........................................................118 Martín Balarezo García ..........................................113 Martínez, Alberto, M.D. / Visionary Ophthalmology .................................................176 Maryland Hispanic Business Conference ...........................................................98 Miller, Charles J., P.A. .................................. 11, 40 y 41 Multicultural Radio Broadcasting................................. ........................................................83, 109, 124 y 127 Murphy, Paul A., MBA ............................................. 53 N Nader, D.C. ..............................................................199 Natural Granite, LLC ................................................. 89 New York Life Insurance Company / Mario Dorado .....................................................123 Nexus, Libre by .........................................................63 Nuvision Optical / Eye Care Center ........................174 O OB/GYN Women’s Care, P.C. / Dra. Evita James ....169 Odio, William Alfredo ............................................... 61 Oficinas Legales de Glenn S. Wainer.... 10, 38, 39 y 57 Oficinas Legales de Jeffrey B. Henry ....................... 52 Oficinas Legales de Paul A. Samakow.................... 55 Onaga, Ana María ....................................................77 One Stop Insurance ...............................................119 O’Neill Castro, John, Esq. .............................. 5, 34 y 35 Orbat Associates ...................................................... 99 Orlando A. Gamarra ................................................ 47 Outdoor Painting, Inc. .............................................. 91 P Pablo Guzmán .......................................................121 Pan, Jeff J.S., M.D., P.C. ...........................................178 Park & Park, P.C. ........................................... 3, 36 y 37 Paul A. Murphy, MBA .............................................. 53 Paul A. Samakow, Esq. ............................................ 55 Paul P. Vangelow, P.C. ............................................... 62 Peña, César F. ............................................................ 99 Pérez-Febles, Joaquín M., D.D.S. ...........................144 Plata, Raúl E., D.D.S. ...............................................146 Pozarny, Edward S. / Arlington Podiatry Center ..................................172 Q Quality Chiropractic / Dra. Camille D’Amato .........................................201 R Radio América 1540 AM ............................................... .........................................2, 14, 15, 81,106, 107 y 208 Radio La Auténtika 1600 AM ............... 83, 109 y 127 Radio La “Z” 1390 AM............................ 83, 109 y 127 Radio WFBR 1590 AM ...........................83, 109 y 127 Ramírez Insurance Agency, Inc. .............. 1, 114 y 115 Raúl E. Plata, D.D.S. ................................................146 Ricardo M. Gaitán, D.D.S., P.C. ...................... 142 y 143 Roba, Anteneh, M.D. / Zinnia Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Clinic ............................................173 S Salazar, Angela C., P.C. ............................................. 96 Samakow, Paul A., Esq. ........................................... 55 Sangid, Ronny & Maher, D.D.S. .............................147 Scott Kastner, DVM / Sunshine Animal Hospital .................................178 Shlomo Widder, M.D., P.A. / Widder Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center ................... 175 Silver Spring Jewelry ............................................... 85 Stinson, Dave / GEICO ............................................116 Sunshine Animal Hospital / Scott Kastner, DVM ............................................178 Suzanne Álvarez-Przygoda, M.A. ........................... 56 T The Law Office of Orlando A. Gamarra .................. 47 Tibui, Joseph ............................................................ 63 Torres Insurance Agency, Inc. ................................122 V Valdivieso / G.O. Insurance Agency .......................123 Vangelow, Paul P., P.C. .............................................. 62 Vega, Graciela .......................................................... 71 Vega Group ............................................16, 160 y 184 Vega Pages .............................................................184 Vega Printing Solutions ....................... 8, 44, 86 y 184 Vega Website Solutions ............................... 102 y 150 Villacorta, César / Latin Tax .......................... 6, 94 y 95 Visionary Ophthalmology .....................................176 VL Home Health Care, LLC ............................................ ....................................159, 170, 171 y Contraportada W Wainer, Glenn S., Esq. .......................... 10, 38, 39 y 57 Wainer, Robert W., D.C. / Bowman Chiropractic Center .................................. 194 y 195 WFBR 1590 AM, Radio .........................83, 109 y 127 Widder Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center / Shlomo Widder, M.D., P.A. ...................175 William Alfredo Odio ............................................... 61 Wingfield & Ginsburg ................................................... ................................ 4, 28, 29, 45, 54 y Contraportada Y Yousefi Chiropractic Clinic .....................................198 Z Zinnia Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Clinic / Dr. Anteneh Roba ...............................................173 Diga que lo encontró en Consumidor Hispano Magazine • 703.408.1411 • © 2015 by Vega Pages, LLC 207

<strong>Consumidor</strong><br />

<strong>Hispano</strong><br />

<strong>Consumidor</strong> <strong>Hispano</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, a division of Vega Pages<br />

Visítenos en... www.<strong>Consumidor</strong><strong>Hispano</strong>.com<br />


A<br />

AA Locksmith Co. ..................................................... 85<br />

About Beautiful Smile /<br />

Cecilia Cuellar, D.D.S., P.C. ...................................145<br />

Accfitax, Inc. ............................................................. 99<br />

Ad Council .............128, 183 y Contraportada Interior<br />

Alberto A. Borges, M.D. / Arlington<br />

Medical Center II ................................................177<br />

Aldana & Associates ................................................ 97<br />

Alicea-Cambel, Alia, Esq. ......................................... 62<br />

Allstate Insurance Company /<br />

Ladislao Carballosa ............................................120<br />

Alvarez-Przygoda, Suzanne .................................... 56<br />

Alzheimer / Fuerza Contra Alzheimer’s .................183<br />

América 1540 AM, Radio .......2, 14, 15, 81,106 y 107<br />

America Travel Outlet .............................................. 46<br />

American Immigration Services ............................. 62<br />

Ameriwell Chiropractic ..........................................205<br />

Ammerman & Goldberg ......................................... 59<br />

Ana María Onaga .....................................................77<br />

Angela C. Salazar, P.C. .............................................. 96<br />

Aquas, Inc. ................................................................75<br />

Arlington Medical Center II / Alberto A.<br />

Borges, M.D. .......................................................177<br />

Arlington Podiatry Center /<br />

Dr. Edward S. Pozarny ........................................172<br />

Arturo H. Hernández ................................. 12, 42 y 43<br />

Autismo / Ad Council .............................................183<br />

B<br />

Balarezo García, Martín .........................................113<br />

Barrera Law Firm, PLLC ............................................ 58.<br />

Berkowitz, Leon / Chiro-Med Health Center ........202<br />

Bianchi, Graziella, Esq. ............................................. 50<br />

Borges, Alberto A., M.D. / Arlington<br />

Medical Center II ................................................177<br />

Boulevard Dental Clinic /<br />

Ricardo M. Gaitán, D.D.S. ......................... 142 y 143<br />

Bowman Chiropractic Center /<br />

Dr. Robert W. Wainer, D.C. ..................13, 194 y 195<br />

Burgos & Burgos .......... 9, 30, 31, 49 y Contraportada<br />

C<br />

Cámara de Comercio Hispana del Área<br />

Metropolitana de Washington ............................ 78<br />

Cámara de Comercio Hispana del<br />

Condado de Montgomery ................................... 79<br />

Camille D’Amato ....................................................201<br />

Carballosa, Ladislao / Allstate Insurance<br />

Company ............................................................120<br />

Caruso Florist ..........................................................153<br />

Cecilia Cuellar, D.D.S., P.C. .......................................145<br />

César F. Peña .............................................................99<br />

César Villacorta ............................................. 6, 94 y 95<br />

Charles J. Miller, P.A. ................................... 11, 40 y 41<br />

Chaudhry, Maqsood A., D.D.S. /<br />

Grove Dental Clinic ............................... 7, 140 y 141<br />

Cherkasky, Clare, Esq. .............................................. 48<br />

Chica, Jaime A., D.C. / Columbia Pike<br />

Chiropractic ........................................................200<br />

Chiro-Med Health Center /<br />

Dr. Leon Berkowitz .............................................202<br />

Clare Cherkasky, Esq. ............................................... 48<br />

Columbia Insurance Services ................................122<br />

Columbia Pike Chiropractic /<br />

Dr. Jaime A. Chica, D.C. .......................................200<br />

Conrad Gaarder-Escudero ............................................<br />

.........................................Portada Interior, 32, 33 y 51<br />

<strong>Consumidor</strong> <strong>Hispano</strong> ..................................... 72 y 184<br />

Cuellar, Cecilia, D.D.S., P.C. ......................................145<br />

D<br />

D’Amato, Camille / Quality Chiropractic............... 201<br />

Daniel P. Barrera, Esq. .............................................. 58<br />

Dave Stinson / GEICO .............................................116<br />

Dodds & Associates .................................................. 60<br />

Dr. Anteneh Roba / Zinnia Aesthetics &<br />

Anti-Aging Clinic ................................................173<br />

Dr. Edward S. Pozarny /<br />

Arlington Podiatry Center ..................................172<br />

Dr. Jaime A. Chica, D.C. / Columbia Pike<br />

Chiropractic ........................................................200<br />

Dr. Leon Berkowitz / Chiro-Med Health<br />

Center .................................................................202<br />

Dr. Levi, D.C. .................................................. 196 y 197.<br />

Dr. Maqsood A. Chaudhry /<br />

Grove Dental Clinic ............................... 7, 140 y 141<br />

Dr. Nader, D.C. ........................................................199<br />

Dr. Robert W. Wainer, D.C. / Bowman<br />

Chiropractic Center .................................. 194 y 195<br />

Dra. Camille D’Amato /<br />

Quality Chiropractic ...........................................201<br />

Dra. Cecilia Cuellar, D.D.S., P.C. ...............................145<br />

Dra. Evita James, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. /<br />

OB/GYN Women’s Care, P.C. ...............................169<br />

Duke Dental Care ................................................... 147.<br />

E<br />

Edgewood Dental Arts /<br />

Joaquín M. Pérez-Febles, D.D.S. ........................144<br />

Edward S. Pozarny / Arlington Podiatry Center ....172<br />

El Comercio Newspaper .........................................111<br />

El Ojo Latino Newspaper .......................................112<br />

Emergency USA Family Medical Center, Inc..........158<br />

Estrada Income Tax ................................................100<br />

Evita James, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. /<br />

OB/GYN Women’s Care, P.C. ...............................169<br />

Eye Care Center / Nuvision Optical ........................174<br />

F<br />

Firstone Insurance Agency / ObamaCare .............124<br />

Fuentes Insurance Agency, LLC /<br />

Marta Fuentes ....................................................118<br />

Fuerza Contra Alzheimer’s .....................................183<br />

G<br />

Gaarder-Escudero, Conrad ............................................<br />

.........................................Portada Interior, 32, 33 y 51<br />

Gaitán, Ricardo M., D.D.S., P.C. ..................... 142 y 143<br />

Gamarra, Orlando A. ................................................ 47<br />

Garro, Juan Javier, M.D. .........................................177<br />

GEICO / Dave Stinson .............................................116<br />

Gematext, Inc. / Martín Balarezo García ...............113<br />

Glenn H. Park ............................................... 3, 36 y 37<br />

Glenn S. Wainer, Esq. ........................... 10, 38, 39 y 57<br />

Golden Era Antiques / Graciela Vega ....................... 71<br />

Gordon Insurance ..................................................117<br />

Graciela Vega ........................................................... 71<br />

Graziella Bianchi, Esq. .............................................. 50<br />

Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber<br />

of Commerce ........................................................78<br />

Gregory J. Park ............................................. 3, 36 y 37<br />

Grove Dental Clinic / Dr. Chaudhry ......... 7, 140 y 141<br />

Guzmán Insurance Services ..................................121<br />

H<br />

Henry, Jeffrey B. ....................................................... 52<br />

Henry Aldana ...........................................................97<br />

Hernández, Arturo H. ................................ 12, 42 y 43<br />

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of<br />

Montgomery County ........................................... 79<br />

I<br />

International Language Institute ............................ 25<br />

Interpreting & Translation Services, LLC.................. 56<br />

206 © <strong>2015</strong> by Vega Pages, LLC • 703.408.1411 • Diga que lo encontró en <strong>Consumidor</strong> <strong>Hispano</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>

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