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1<br />

108<br />

Barra conector horizontal.<br />

Barre d’union horizontale.<br />

Display shelf connecting rod.<br />

Barra conector horizontal.<br />

Connettore.<br />

Bartheke konnektor horizontale.<br />

Barra para cartel.<br />

Flag prop.<br />

Supporto per cartello.<br />

Balda.<br />

Display shelf plate.<br />

Ripiani.<br />

10.852 1500x380mm<br />

10.853 1200x380mm<br />

10.854 900x380mm<br />

PoLE SySTEM<br />

Sistema de exhibición ideal para la exposición de carteles, productos<br />

y distintas necesidades de <strong>com</strong>unicación. Fácil y rápido montaje.<br />

Système d’exhibition idéal pour l’exposition d’affiches, de produits<br />

liés à la <strong>com</strong>munication. Montage facile et rapide.<br />

Nombreuses <strong>com</strong>binaisons possibles.<br />

Exhibition system ideal for P.O.S. Easy and fast to assemble.<br />

Sistema de exibição ideal para a exposição de cartazes, produtos e<br />

outros tipos de <strong>com</strong>unicação. Montagem fácil e rápida.<br />

Soporte para cartel.<br />

Barre pour affiche.<br />

Pole System<br />

Originale espositore / libreria adatto ad ogni ambiente. Funzionale<br />

e semplice da montare. Adatto sia al punto vendita, che all’ufficio o<br />

all’abitazione.<br />

System der idealen Ausstellung für die Exposition der Plakate,<br />

der Produkte und der verschiedenen Notwendigkeiten von der<br />

Kommunikation. Leicht und schnell aufstellen.<br />

Etagère.<br />

Prateleira.<br />

Trade mark frame.<br />

Barra para cartaz.<br />

Bartheke für Kartell.<br />

Einlegeboden.<br />

10.849 1500mm<br />

10.850 1200mm<br />

10.851 900mm<br />

10.855 300mm<br />

Support d’affiche.<br />

Suporte para cartaz.<br />

Soporte de balda.<br />

Supporting nip.<br />

Supporto per ripiani.<br />

Pinza anclaje poste.<br />

Random nip.<br />

Pinza Anchorage.<br />

Pinza anclaje poste.<br />

Pince fixation poteau.<br />

Fixed nip.<br />

Pinça de encaixe para poste.<br />

Pinza Anchorage per montanti.<br />

Pinzette Verankerung für Pfosten.<br />

Balda para trípode.<br />

Special tripod desktop.<br />

Ripiani montanti.<br />

Supporto per cartello.<br />

Support für Plakat.<br />

Poste extensible.<br />

Poteau extensible.<br />

Random pillar.<br />

Poste extensível.<br />

Montanti regolabile.<br />

Pfosten ausdehnungsfähig.<br />

10.839 2100-3700mm<br />

10.840 3100-5600mm<br />

Support d’étagère.<br />

Suporte para prateleira.<br />

Support für Einlegeboden .<br />

10.848 4<strong>5m</strong>m diam.<br />

Support pour poteau.<br />

Pinça de encaixe para poste.<br />

Pinzette Verankerung für Pfosten.<br />

10.841 4<strong>5m</strong>m diam.<br />

Etagère pour trépied.<br />

Prateleira para tripé.<br />

10.842<br />

Einlegeboden aus Stativ.<br />

10.845 900x900mm<br />

10.846 700x700mm<br />

10.847 500x500mm<br />

10.844 450x330mm<br />

Pole System<br />

Trípode para poste. Mini balda.<br />

Tripod. Mini-étagère.<br />

Tripiede per montanti. Mini shelf.<br />

Trépied pour poteau. Mini prateleira.<br />

Tripé para poste. Mini ripiani.<br />

Stativ für Pfosten. Mini Einlegeboden.<br />

1-<br />

Ref: 10839=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10841=2 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10842=2 Uni.<br />

2-<br />

Ref: 10839=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10841=4 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10842=4 Uni.<br />

1-<br />

Ref: 10839=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10841=2 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10842=2 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10843=1 Uni.<br />

2-<br />

Ref: 10839=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10841=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10843=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10845=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10846=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10847=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10849,10850,10851<br />

Ref: 10839=2 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10841=4 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10842=2 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10848=4 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10850=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10853=1 Uni.<br />

Ref: 10856=2 Uni.<br />


Ref: 10839<br />


Ref: 10839<br />


Ref: 10839<br />

10.843 10.856 290x300mm<br />

Ref: 10841<br />

Ref: 10842<br />

Ref: 10841<br />

Ref: 10842<br />

Ref: 10848<br />

Ref: 10843<br />

Ref: 10852, 10853, 10854<br />

1- 2-<br />

1- 2-<br />

109<br />


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