R. Relativo >2 - Aveso

R. Relativo >2 - Aveso R. Relativo >2 - Aveso


Prevención del aumento de peso Evidencia Categoria A 150 a 250 min • sem -1 ; 1200 a 2000 calorias • sem -1 Previenen ganancias de peso de más de 3% en adultos. Berk DR, Hubert HB, Fries JF. Associations of changes in exercise level with subsequent ….J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006; 61:97–102. Kavouras SA, Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, et al. Physical activity, obesity status, and glycemic.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39(4):606–11. McTiernan A, Sorensen B, Irwin ML, et al. Exercise effect on weight and body fat in men and women…………... Obesity. 2007; 15:1496–512.

Reducción significativa de peso Evidencia Categoria B �AF >150 min • semana -1 � � moderadas de peso de ≈3 a 5 kg. �AF > 225-420 min • semana -1 � � de peso entre 5 y 7 kilogramos. Patrón de � 3-5% peso. �Presencia de patrón de dosis respuesta. Donnelly JE, et al(1):The effects of 18 months of intermittent vs continuous exercise on aerobic… Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000;24:566–72. Ross R, et al (2):. Effects of energy restriction and exercise on skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in women ……Am J Clin Nutr.1995;61:1179–85. Donnelly JE et al(3). Effects of a 16-month randomized controlled exercise trial on body weight and compo.... Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:1343–50. Garrow JS, Summerbell CD(4) Meta-analysis: effect of exercise,with or without dieting, on the body composition of..Eur J Clin Nutr. 1995;49:1–10. Wing R. Physical activity in the treatment of the adulthood overweight and obesity: current evidence …….Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1999;31:S547–52.

Prevención del aumento de peso<br />

Evidencia Categoria A<br />

150 a 250 min • sem -1 ; 1200 a<br />

2000 calorias • sem -1<br />

Previenen ganancias de peso<br />

de más de 3% en adultos.<br />

Berk DR, Hubert HB, Fries JF. Associations of changes in exercise level with subsequent ….J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006; 61:97–102.<br />

Kavouras SA, Panagiotakos DB, Pitsavos C, et al. Physical activity, obesity status, and glycemic.. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007;39(4):606–11.<br />

McTiernan A, Sorensen B, Irwin ML, et al. Exercise effect on weight and body fat in men and women…………... Obesity. 2007; 15:1496–512.

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