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Name: Sau Sau, Fe<strong>de</strong>rico<br />

Current Appointment<br />

Professor<br />

Depto <strong>de</strong> Biología Vegetal<br />

Escuela Técnica Superior <strong>de</strong> Ingenieros Agrónomos (<strong>ETSI</strong>Agrónomos)<br />

<strong>Universidad</strong> Politécnica <strong>de</strong> Madrid (UPM)<br />

Ciudad Universitaria<br />

28040 Madrid, SPAIN<br />

Phone: +34 913363693<br />

Fax: +34 913365656<br />

<strong>fe<strong>de</strong>rico</strong>.sau@upm.es<br />

Date of birth: July 1, 1959<br />

Nationality: Spanish<br />


Ingeniero Agrónomo <strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Córdoba (Spain) 1988<br />

Ph.D. in Agronomy <strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Córdoba (Spain) 1989<br />

Languages: fluent in English and French<br />


+ Director of research in the following projects:<br />

1. Cultivos alternativos: estudio ecofisiológico <strong>de</strong> la soja y <strong>de</strong>l guisante proteaginoso para adaptar mo<strong>de</strong>los <strong>de</strong> simulación<br />

<strong>de</strong>l crecimiento a las condiciones edafoclimática<br />

Project financed by: Xunta <strong>de</strong> Galicia (XUGA29102B93)<br />

Duration: January-1993 to December-1994<br />

2. Estudio ecofisiológico <strong>de</strong>l guisante proteaginoso y <strong>de</strong>l altramuz blanco bajo las condiciones edafoclimáticas <strong>de</strong>l interior<br />

<strong>de</strong> Galicia: validación <strong>de</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>los <strong>de</strong> simulación <strong>de</strong>l crecimiento y <strong>de</strong> técnicas <strong>de</strong> tele<strong>de</strong>tección<br />

Project financed by: Xunta <strong>de</strong> Galicia (XUGA29107A96)<br />

Duration: January-1996 to December-1998<br />

3. Optimización <strong>de</strong>l uso <strong>de</strong>l agua <strong>de</strong> riego en los sistemas <strong>de</strong> producción <strong>de</strong> patatas <strong>de</strong> Galicia<br />

Project financed by: DGESIC-FEDER (1FD97-0803)<br />

Duration: January-1999 to December-2001<br />

4. Mo<strong>de</strong>lización <strong>de</strong>l crecimiento y <strong>de</strong> la respuesta <strong>de</strong>l rendimiento <strong>de</strong> las leguminosas <strong>de</strong> grano bajo condiciones limitantes<br />

<strong>de</strong> agua<br />

Project financed by: Programa Hispano-Norteamericano <strong>de</strong> Cooperación Científica y Técnica<br />

Duration: January-1999 to December-2000<br />

5. Calibración y evaluación <strong>de</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>los <strong>de</strong> producción <strong>de</strong> la rotación forrajera “maíz-raigrass alternativo”, sometida a<br />

diferentes niveles <strong>de</strong> abono nitrogenado y <strong>de</strong> agua en Galicia: optimización <strong>de</strong>l sistema productivo<br />

Project financed by: Xunta <strong>de</strong> Galicia (PGIDT01AGR29101PR)<br />

Duration: December-2001 to November-2004<br />

6. Agronomía y mo<strong>de</strong>lización <strong>de</strong>l cultivo <strong>de</strong> habas (Vicia faba) en Galicia<br />

Project financed by: Xunta <strong>de</strong> Galicia (PGIDT05RAG29104PR)<br />

Duration: October-2005 to September-2008<br />

+ Member of the research team in the following projects:<br />

1. Fijación simbiótica <strong>de</strong> nitrógeno bajo diferentes niveles <strong>de</strong> déficit hídrico: caso <strong>de</strong>l haba, garbanzo y soja.<br />

Project financed by: Comisión Asesora <strong>de</strong> Investigación Científica y Técnica (CAICYT 84-0258)<br />

Duration: December-1985 to December-1987<br />

Director of Research: Dra. Mª Inés Mínguez Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />

2. Intensificación <strong>de</strong> la producción forrajera: rotaciones y siembra directa<br />

Project financed by: Programa Sectorial <strong>de</strong> I+D Agrario y Alimentario <strong>de</strong>l MAPA (SC97-077-C5-5)<br />

Duration: September-1997 to December-2000<br />

Director of Research: Juan Piñeiro Andión.

3. Generación <strong>de</strong> escenarios regionales <strong>de</strong> clima futuro y su aplicación para estudios <strong>de</strong> impacto en la Península Ibérica<br />

Project financed by: Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Ciencia y Tecnología (REN2000-0769-C02-02/CLI)<br />

Duration: December-2001 to December-2003<br />

Director of Research: Dra. Mª Inés Mínguez Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />

4. Prediction of Regional Scenarios and Uncertainties for <strong>de</strong>fining European Climate Change Risks and Effects<br />

(PRUDENCE)<br />

Project financed by: Comisión Europea (EVK-CT2001-00132)<br />

Duration: December-2002 to December-2004<br />

Director of Research of the Spanish Group: Dra. Mª Inés Mínguez Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />

5. Minimización <strong>de</strong> incertidumbres en los análisis <strong>de</strong> impacto y adaptación al cambio climático en sistemas agrícolas<br />

Project financed by: Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Ciencia e Innovación (AGL2008-00385)<br />

Duration: January-2008 to December-2011<br />

Director of Research: Dra. Mª Inés Mínguez Tu<strong>de</strong>la<br />


+ Journal in<strong>de</strong>xed in JCR:<br />

1.- Mínguez, M.I. and Sau, F. 1989. Responses of nitrate fed and nitrogen-fixing soybeans to progressive water stress.<br />

Journal of Experimental Botany. 40: 497-502.<br />

2.- Sau, F. and Mínguez, M.I. 1991. Response to water stress and recovery of nitrate fed and nitrogen-fixing faba bean.<br />

Journal of Experimental Botany. 41: 1207-1211.<br />

3.- Mínguez, M.I., Ruíz Nogueira, B. and Sau, F. 1992. Faba bean productivity and optimum canopy <strong>de</strong>velopment un<strong>de</strong>r a<br />

Mediterranean climate. Field Crops Research. 33: 435-447.<br />

4.- Sau, F., Boote, K.J. and Ruíz Nogueira, B. 1999. Evaluation and improvement of CROPGRO-soybean mo<strong>de</strong>l for a cool<br />

environment in Galicia, northwest Spain. Field Crops Research. 61:273-291.<br />

5.- Sau, F. and Mínguez, M.I. 2000. Adaptation of in<strong>de</strong>terminate faba beans to weather and management un<strong>de</strong>r a<br />

Mediterranean climate.Field Crops Research. 66:81-99.<br />

6.- Pereira Lorenzo, S., Díaz Hernán<strong>de</strong>z, B., Ciordia Ara, M., Ascasibar Errasti, J., Ramos Cabrer, A.M. and Sau, F. 2001.<br />

Spanish chestnut cultivars. HortScience. 36: 344-347.<br />

7.- Ruíz Nogueira, B., Boote, K.J. and Sau, F. 2001. Calibration and use of CROPGRO-soybean mo<strong>de</strong>l for improving<br />

soybean management un<strong>de</strong>r rainfed conditions Agricultural Sistems. 68: 161-173.<br />

8.- Boote, K.J., Mínguez, M.I. and Sau, F. 2002. Adapting the CROPGRO-legume mo<strong>de</strong>l to simulate growth of faba bean.<br />

Agronomy Journal. 94: 743-756.<br />

9.- Sau, F., Boote, K.J., W.McN., Bostick, J.J., Jones and Mínguez, M.I. 2004. Testing and improving soil water balance of<br />

DSSAT3.5 mo<strong>de</strong>ls. 96: 1243-1257.<br />

10.- López-Cedrón, F.X, Boote, K.J., Ruíz Nogueira, B. y Sau F. 2005. Testing Ceres-maize versions to estimate maize<br />

production in a cool environment. European Journal of Agronomy. 23: 89-102.<br />

11.- Olesen, J. E., Carter T. R., Díaz-Ambrona, C. H., Fronzek, S., Heidmann, T., Hickler, T., Holt, T., Minguez, M. I.,<br />

Morales, P., Palutikof, J. P., Quemada, M., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Rubæk, G.H., Sau, F., Smith, B. and Sykes, M. T. 2007.<br />

Uncertainties in projected impacts of climate change on European agriculture and terrestrial ecosystems based on scenarios<br />

from regional climate mo<strong>de</strong>ls. Climatic Change. 81: 123-143.<br />

12.- Mínguez, M.I., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Díaz-Ambrona, C. H., Quemada M. and Sau, F. 2007. First-or<strong>de</strong>r impacts on winter<br />

and summer crops assessed with various high-resolution climate mo<strong>de</strong>ls in the Iberian Peninsula. Climatic Change. 81: 343-<br />

355.<br />

13.- López-Cedrón, F.X, Boote, K.J., Piñeiro, J. and Sau F. 2008. Testing the Ceres-maize mo<strong>de</strong>l for predicting maize<br />

production un<strong>de</strong>r rainfed conditions in a cool environment. Agronomy Journal. 100: 296-307.<br />

14.- Confalone, A., Lizaso, J.I., Ruíz-Nogueira, B., López-Cedrón, F.X. and Sau F. 2010. Growth, PAR use efficiency, and<br />

yield components of field-grown Vicia faba L. un<strong>de</strong>r various temperature and photoperiod regimes. Field Crops research.<br />

115: 140-148.<br />

15.- Confalone, A., Boote, K.J., Lizaso, J.I., and Sau F. 2011. Temperature and Photoperiod Effects on Vicia faba<br />

Phenology Simulated by CROPGRO-Fababean. Agronomy Journal. (in press)<br />

+ Book chapters:<br />

1.- Boote, K.J., Sau, F., Hoogenboom, G. and Jones, J.W. 2008. Experience with water balance, evapotranspiration, and<br />

prediction of water stress effects in CROPGRO mo<strong>de</strong>ls. In: Response of Crops to Limited Water: Undrerstanding and<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>lling Water Stress Effects on Plant Growth Processes, Vol. 1 of the Advances in Agricultural Systems Mo<strong>de</strong>lling:<br />

Transdisciplinary Research, Synthesis, and Applications Series. L.R. Ahuja, V.R. Reddy, S.A. Saseedran, y Qiang Yu,<br />

(Eds). ASA, CSSA, and SSSA. pp. 59-103. ISBN: 978-0-89118-167-5.

+ Other publications:<br />

1.- Sau, F. 1985. La agroenergética y sus limitaciones: planteamiento <strong>de</strong> un caso práctico en el valle medio <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Guadalquivir. Agricultura y Sociedad. 34: 199-218.<br />

2.- Errasti, J., Sau, F. y Pereira Lorenzo, S. 1998. La fruticultura <strong>de</strong> pepita en Galicia: estructura productiva, mercados y<br />

costos <strong>de</strong> producción. ITEA.95:189-201.<br />

3.- Lorenzo, S., Fernán<strong>de</strong>z López, J, Varela Arias, I. y Sau, F. 2000. Comportamiento <strong>de</strong> patrones híbridos <strong>de</strong> castaño<br />

resistentes a la tinta en zonas <strong>de</strong> castañar. Investigación Agraria: sistemas y recursos forestales: 9: 89-101.<br />

4.- Castro, M.P., Sau F. and Piñeiro, J. 2000. Effect of seeding rates of oats (Avena sativa L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)<br />

and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) on yield, botanic composition and nutritive value of the mixture. Cahiers Options<br />

Méditerranéennes . 45: 207-211.<br />

5.- Sau F. and Piñeiro, J. 2007. Production fourragère et contrainte hydrique en Galice et dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l’Es<strong>pag</strong>ne.<br />

Fourrages. 190: 223-236.<br />


- CROPGRO-faba bean mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

Authors: Boote, K.J., Mínguez, M.I. and Sau, F. 2001<br />

Type: Crop simulation mo<strong>de</strong>l (http://www.icasnet.org)<br />

.<br />


- Ph. D. Dissertations Supervised<br />

1.- Benigno Ruíz Nogueira. Efecto <strong>de</strong> la fecha <strong>de</strong> siembra sobre el rendimiento <strong>de</strong> la soja (Glycine max L. (Merr.)) en<br />

Galicia: Evaluación y mejora <strong>de</strong>l mo<strong>de</strong>lo “CROPGRO-soybean” para Galicia. <strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Santiago <strong>de</strong> Compostela.<br />

1999.<br />

2.- Mª Eugenia Miranda Fontaíña. Pro<strong>pag</strong>ación clonal in vitro <strong>de</strong> castaño: influencia <strong>de</strong> factores nutritivos, ambientales y<br />

genéticos en las etapas <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>sarrollo in vitro y ex vitro. <strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Santiago <strong>de</strong> Compostela. 2002.<br />

3.- Domingo José Ríos Mesas. Caracterización morfológica y agronómica <strong>de</strong> un grupo <strong>de</strong> cultivares locales <strong>de</strong> papas <strong>de</strong><br />

Tenerife. <strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Santiago <strong>de</strong> Compostela. 2002.<br />

4.- Francisco Xavier López Cedrón. Intensificación <strong>de</strong> la producción forrajera en Galicia y evaluación <strong>de</strong>l mo<strong>de</strong>lo CERES-<br />

Maize. <strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Santiago <strong>de</strong> Compostela. 2006.<br />

5.- Adriana Elisabet Confalone. Crecimiento y <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong>l cultivo <strong>de</strong>l haba (Vicia faba L.). Parametrización <strong>de</strong>l<br />

submo<strong>de</strong>lo <strong>de</strong> fenología <strong>de</strong> CROPGRO-fababean. <strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Santiago <strong>de</strong> Compostela. 2008.

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