español - Global Water Partnership

español - Global Water Partnership

español - Global Water Partnership


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Huracanes, Florida International University, 2003), http://www.ihrc.fiu.edu/lssr/workwomenspanish.pdf<br />

(1º de agosto de 2006).<br />

14 Federal Emergency Management Agency, Example plans in CRS coordinator’s manual (USA: National<br />

Flood Insurance Program, 1999).<br />

15 Centro Asiático de Preparación para Desastres, Development and implementation of flood<br />

preparedness programmes at provincial and district levels, training manual (2004).<br />

16 US Army Corps of Engineers National Flood Proofing Committee, Flood proofing: techniques,<br />

programs and references (1996).<br />

17 Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, Yellow River Flood Management Sector Project, ADB TAR:PRC 33165<br />

(1999).<br />

18 Guoying Li, Maintening the Healthy Life of the Yellow River (Yellow River Conservancy Press, 2005).<br />

19 Secretaría interinstitucional de la Estrategia Internacional para la Reducción de Desastres, Vivir con<br />

el riesgo: Informe mundial sobre iniciativas para la reducción de desastres (2004), http://www.unisdr.<br />

org/eng/about_isdr/bd-lwr-2004-spa.htm (2 de agosto de 2006).<br />

20 Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer y Anna Vári, Developing a National Flood Insurance System, A Model-Based<br />

Participatory Process (2004), http://eaere2004.bkae.hu/download/paper/lineroothpaper.doc<br />

(1º de agosto de 2006).<br />

21 Véase la nota 6 supra.<br />

22 Comisión Económica y Social para Asia y el Pacífico, Guidelines on participatory planning and<br />

management for flood mitigation and preparedness, <strong>Water</strong> Resources Series No. 82 (2003).<br />

23 Véase la nota 19 supra.<br />

24 L. Aggens, “Identifying levels of public interest in participation”, en J. Creighton, J. Delli Priscoli y C.<br />

M. Dunning, Public involvement techniques: a reader of ten years of experience at the Institute for <strong>Water</strong><br />

Resources, IWR Research Report 82-RI (Alexandria, VA: US Army Corps of Engineers, 1998)<br />

25 J. Delli Priscoli, Participation, river basin organizations and flood management (Documento contextual<br />

preparado para la CESPAP, Bangkok: 2001).<br />

26 Banco Mundial, Public involvement in environmental assessment: requirements, opportunities and<br />

issues, Environmental assessment sourcebook update No. 5 (1993)<br />


0,,contentMDK:20486268~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:407988,00.html (4 de agosto de<br />

2006).<br />

27 Adaptado de Eelco van Beek, Consensus building in IWRM in the Netherlands, material presentado<br />

en la Conferencia Internacional sobre Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos, Tokyo (2004).<br />

28 Adaptado de J. Delli Priscoli. Participation, river basin organizations and flood management<br />

(Documento contextual preparado para la CESPAP, Bangkok: 2001).<br />

29 Centro Asiático de Preparación para Desastres, A primer for integrated flood risk management in Asia,<br />

(2005), http://www.adpc.net/UDRM/primer/Volume%202/volume2.pdf (4 de agosto de 2006).<br />

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Aspectos sociales y participación de los interesados en la gestión integrada de crecidas

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