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252 Haematologica (ed. esp.), volumen 85, supl. 2, octubre 2000 Table 1. Chromosome regions involved by balanced and unbalanced chromosome rearrangements in 131 patients with MCL* FREQUENCY (N.º of cases) Chromosome Total region breakpoints loss gain N.º of cases 1p21-31 5 7 12 1p36 2 1 3 3/3q 11 11 3q13-21 5 5 3q27-29 3 3 5 4 4 6q15-23 4 11 15 6q24-27 4 4 7q22-32 3 3 8p11-12 4 4 8p23 4 4 8q12 3 3 9p13-23 3 2 5 9q12-22 1 5 6 10p14-15 6 6 10q22-24 2 4 1 7 11q21-23 3 3 1 7 11 5 5 12q24 3 3 13q14 6 6 13q34 3 3 13 14 14 15q26 4 4 17p 7 2 9 19q13 3 3 20 7 7 21 6 6 22 6 6 X 6 6 Y 8 8 *Data derived for 6 studies published in the literature (references 16, 28-32). Additional numerical changes, each present in 15-20% of the cases include + 7; + 8, + X, + 12, + 18. Trisomy 7 was demonstrated to mark progression of FCCL from a low grade histology towards high grade histology 6 . 6q21-23 deletions and 17p deletions were described in several studies to occur at a 15-30 % incidence in FCCL. Interstudy variablity as to the frequency of these anomaly may reflect heterogeneity of patient population as well as different technical approaches for detection, molecular cytogenetic methods being more accurate and sensitive than conventional cytogenetic analysis 7,8 . Shorter survival and shorter time to transformation were found to be associated with these deletions, which maintained their prognostic predictivity in multivariate analysis in a study 4 . A large body of literature definitely showed that in many cases with 17p–, monoallelic p53 gene deletion occurs along with inactivating mutations of the remaining allele, with consequent p53 loss of function and protein stabilization 9 . Though 9p21deletions were rarely detected by conventional karyotyping, submicroscopic lesions affecting the p16-p15 genes were described which were associated with histologic transformation in some cases 10 . More recently, attention was drawn to the occurrence of 1p36 aberrations in low grade follicle centre cell lymphoma, the frequency and significance of which are presently unknown. By conventional karyotyping and FISH some recurrent translocations were identified, i.e. der(1)t(1;1)(p36;q21); der(1)t(1;1)(p36;q25) and der(1)t(1;9)(p36;q13). In addition a number of deletions involving the 1p36 band were detected. These rearrangements never occurred as the sole anomaly and they were also found in other histologic subsets of NHL, suggesting that this region may harbor one or more tumor suppressor genes the disruption of which may contribute to lymphomagenesis 11 . Mantle cell lymphoma Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) accounts for 3-9 % of all non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) in western countries and it represents a distinct clinicopathological entity, having a poor prognosis. This tumor display peculiar histologic characteristics and a CD5/CD19+ phenotype, with CD10– and CD23– 12 . Virtually all cases of MCL were shown to be associated with the 11;14 translocation, juxtaposing BCL1 sequences and the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus on the derivative 14q + chromosome 13,14 . A list of recurrent chromosome anomalies in MCL is presented in table 1. Besides the 11;14 translocation, aberrations found in > 5 cases in a literature review include: deletions/translocations (del/t) 6q spanning a large region comprised between the bands q15-q23 [15 cases]; –13 [14 cases]; del/t 1p21-31 [12 cases]; + 3q [11 cases]; del/t 17p [9 cases]; 8p translocations and del(Y) [8 cases each]; –20 [7 cases]; 13q14 deletion, del/t 11q22-23, del/t 9q, del(10)(q22q24), –20, –21, –22 and –X [6 cases]. Recurrent sites of chromosomal rearrangements present in more than 5 % of the cases in MCL were the following: deletions at 1p21-31; gains of 3q; structural changes of 8p clustered at 8p11-12 and 8p23; deletions/translocation of 11q21-23, –20 and –Y. Though any of these anomalies cannot be regarded as specific for MCL it is noteworthy that some of them showed a preferential association with CD5 + B-cell lymphomas. Indeed, a review of the Mitelman’s catalogue 15 revealed that deletion involving the 1p21-31 bands were not found as recurrent chromosome anomalies in 18 cases of follicle centre cell lymphoma, in 20 cases of large cell lymphoma and in 57 cases of Burkitt’s lymphoma, whereas they were found in 5/21 small lymphocytic lymphomas (SLL) and in 3/9 MCL. Likewise, 11q– (17,41) and 8p anomalies were reported in several SLL and MCL and they have only been reported occasionally in other low-grade

XLII Reunión Nacional de la AEHH y XVI Congreso de la SETH. Simposios 253 or high-grade lymphomas. Conversely, deletions 10q22-q24, gains of 3q and –20 were reported in virtually all subtypes of B-cell NHL 15 . FISH and CGH studies showed that many patients with MCL may harbor cryptic chromosome rearrangements, especially sub-microscopic deletions 16,17 . In a recent study performed in our laboratories 18 the cytogenetic profile of 42 cases of MCL was compared with the results of interphase FISH investigations using 6q21, 9p21, + 12, 13q14 and 17p13 probes. In general FISH confirmed the interpretation of the karyotype in all cases and disclosed cryptic chromosome deletions in a sizeable fraction of cases. One patient (2,4 %) was found with a cryptic 9p21 deletion by FISH. Two cases (4,8 %) had a 6q21 deletion at CCA and at FISH analysis; + 12 was found in three cases by CCA plus nine by FISH (28.6 %); 13q14 deletion was found in six cases by CCA plus 16 by FISH (52.4 %), 17p13 deletion in three cases by CCA plus 8 by FISH (26.2 %). A 13q14 deletion was the only chromosome lesion that occurred in addition to BCL1 involvement in two cases; 17p13 deletion represented an isolated additional anomaly in one case, whereas total/partial trisomy 12 never occurred as the sole additional chromosome change. Dual color FISH experiments in two patients having BCL1 rearrangement as well as concomitant 13q14, 17p13, 6q21 deletions and + 12, showed BCL1 to be associated with 13q14 and 17p13 deletion in all the cells. To the contrary, a significant fraction of cells was shown to carry BCL1 rearrangement without + 12 and 6q21 deletion in the two analyzed cases. The presence of sub-microscopic deletions of 13q14 in lymphoid neoplasias carrying the t(11;14) as well as in small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia (SLL/CLL) was previously reported at a 50-70 % incidence 19-21 . Because an approximate 8-10 % incidence was found for this deletion in virtually all subtypes of NHL it is likely that the loss of DNA material in this region may have an important pathogenetic role in CD5-positive/B-cell proliferations. Total/partial trisomy 12, and 17p13/p53 deletions were associated with an inferior prognosis. The prognostic significance of p53 overexpression, deletions and mutations in MCL was previously documented by immunohistochemistry, by cytogenetics and by molecular methods 9,22-24 . The possibility should also be considered that the involvement of other genes on a structurally abnormal 17p may have a correlation with the clinical phenotype 25,26 . Trisomy 3q and 9p21(p16-p15) submicroscopic deletion were associated with the blastoid variant of MCL. The presence of a complex karyotype predicted for a shorter survival and maintained its prognosic significance in multivariate analysis in a study 15 . Recently, a high incidence of 11q22-23 deletions were reported in MCL, pointing to a possible leukemogenic role for the ATM gene 27 . References 1. Offitt K, Wong G, Philippa DA, Tao Y, Chaganti RSK. Cytogenetic analysis of 434 consecutively ascertained specimens of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: clinical correlations. Blood 1991; 77: 1508. 2. Tilly H, Rossi A, Stamatoullas A, Lenormand B et al. Prognostic value of chromosomal abnormalities in follicular lymphoma. Blood 1994; 84: 1043. 3. Johansson B, Mertens F, Mitelman F. Primary vs. secondary neoplasia-associated chromosomal abnormalities– Balanced rearrangements vs. genomic imbalances Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 1996; 16: 155-163. 4. Tilly H, Rossi A, Stamatoullas A et al. Prognostic value of chromosomal abnormalities in follicular lymphoma. Blood 1994; 84: 1043. 5. Lopez-Guillermo A, Cabanillas F, McDonnel TI et al. Correlation of BCL2 rearrangement with clinical characteristics and outcome in indolent follicular lymphoma. Blood 1999; 93: 3081-3087. 6. Bernell P, Jacobsson B, Liliemark J, Hjalmar V, Arvidsson I, Hast R. gain of chromosom 7 marks the progression from indolent to aggressive follicle centre lymphoma and is a common finding in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a study by FISH. Br J Haematol 1998; 101: 487-491. 7. Bentz M, Werner CA, Dohner H et al. High incidence of chromosomal imbalances and gene amplifications in the classical follicular variant of follicle center lymphoma. Blood 1996; 88: 1437. 8. Clodi K, Younes A, Goodacre A et al. Analysis of p53 gene deletions in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma by dual-colour fluorescence in-situ hybridation. Br J Haematol 1997; 98: 913. 9. Louie DC, Offit K, Jaslow R et al. p53 overexpression as a marker of poor prognosis in mantle cell lymphoma with t(11;14)(q13;q32). Blood 1995; 86: 2892. 10. Elenitoba-Johnson KS, Gascoyne RD, Lim MS, Chhanabai M, Jaffe ES, Raffeld M. Homozygous deletions at chromosome 9p21 involving p16 and p15 are associated with histologic progression in follicle center lymphoma. Blood 1998; 12: 4677-4685. 11. Dave BJ,Hess MM, Pickering Dl et al. Rearrangements of chromosome band 1p36 in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Clin Cancer Res 1999; 6: 1401-1409. 12. Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Stein H et al. A revised European-American classification of lymphoid neoplasms: a proposal from the international lymphoma study group. Blood 1994; 84: 1361. 13. Vaandrager JW, Schuuring E, Zwikstra E et al. Direct visualization of dispersed 11q13 chromosomal traslocations in mantle cell lymphoma by multi-color DNA fiber FISH. Blood 1996; 88: 1177. 14. Bigoni R, Negrini M, Veronese ML et al. Characterization of t(11;14) translocation in mantle cell lymphoma by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Oncogene 1996; 13: 797. 15. Mitelman, F. Catalog of chromosome aberrations. 1994; 5th edn., Wiley-Liss. 16. Cuneo A, Bigoni R, Rigolin GM et al. Cytogenetic profile of lymphoma of follicle mantle lineage: correlation with clinicobiological features. Blood 1999; 93: 1372-1380. 17. Monni O, Oinonen R, Elonen E et al. Gain of 3q and deletion of 11q22 are frequent aberrations in mantle cell lymphoma. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 1998; 21: 298. 18. Bigoni R, Cuneo A, Roberti MG et al. Secondary chromosome changes in mantle cell lymphoma: cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization studies. Leuk Lymphoma (in press). 19. Stilgenbauer S, Nickolenko J, Wilhelm J et al. Expressed sequences as candidates for a novel tumor suppressor gene at abnd 13q14 in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and mantle cell lymphoma. Oncogene 1998; 16: 1891. 20. Cuneo A, Bigoni R, Negrini M et al. Cytogenetic and interphase cytogenetic characterization of atypical chronic lymphocytic leukemia carryng BCL1 translocation. Cancer Res 1997; 57: 1144. 21. Dohner H, Stilgenbauer S, Fisher K, Bentz M, Lichter P. Cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic analysis of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: specific chromosome aberrations identify prognostic subgroups of patients and point to loci of candidate genes. Leukemia 1997; 11: 19-24. 22. Cabanillas F, Pathak S, Grant G et al. Refractoriness to chemotherapy and poor survival related to abnormalities of chromosomes 17 and 7 in lymphoma. Am J Med 1989; 87: 167. 23. Levine EG, Arthur DC, Frizzera G, Peterson BA, Hurd DD, Bloomfield CD. Cytogenetic abnormalities predict clinical outcome in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Ann Intern Med 1988; 108: 14. 24. Greiner TC, Moynihan MJ, Chan Wc et al. p53 mutations in mantle cell lymphoma are associated with variant cytology and predict a poor prognosis. Blood 1996; 87: 4302. 25. Sankar M, Tanaka K, Kumaravel TS et al. Identification of a commonly deleted region at 17p13.3 in leukemia and lymphoma associated with 17p abnormality. Leukemia 1998; 12: 510-516. 26. Callet-Bauchu E, Salles G, Gazzo S et al. Translocation involving the short arm of chromosome 17 in chronic B-lymphoid disorders: frequent occurence of dicentric rearrangements and possible association with adverse outcome. Leukemia 1999; 13: 460-468.

252 <strong>Haematologica</strong> (ed. esp.), volumen 85, supl. 2, octubre 2000<br />

Table 1. Chromosome regions involved by balanced and<br />

unbalanced chromosome rearrangements in 131 patients<br />

with MCL*<br />

FREQUENCY (N.º of cases)<br />

Chromosome<br />

Total<br />

region breakpoints loss gain N.º of cases<br />

1p21-31 5 7 12<br />

1p36 2 1 3<br />

3/3q 11 11<br />

3q13-21 5 5<br />

3q27-29 3 3<br />

5 4 4<br />

6q15-23 4 11 15<br />

6q24-27 4 4<br />

7q22-32 3 3<br />

8p11-12 4 4<br />

8p23 4 4<br />

8q12 3 3<br />

9p13-23 3 2 5<br />

9q12-22 1 5 6<br />

10p14-15 6 6<br />

10q22-24 2 4 1 7<br />

11q21-23 3 3 1 7<br />

11 5 5<br />

12q24 3 3<br />

13q14 6 6<br />

13q34 3 3<br />

13 14 14<br />

15q26 4 4<br />

17p 7 2 9<br />

19q13 3 3<br />

20 7 7<br />

21 6 6<br />

22 6 6<br />

X 6 6<br />

Y 8 8<br />

*Data derived for 6 studies published in the literature<br />

(references 16, 28-32).<br />

Additional numerical changes, each present in<br />

15-20% of the cases include + 7; + 8, + X, + 12, + 18.<br />

Trisomy 7 was demonstrated to mark progression of<br />

FCCL from a low grade histology towards high grade<br />

histology 6 .<br />

6q21-23 deletions and 17p deletions were described<br />

in several studies to occur at a 15-30 % incidence<br />

in FCCL. Interstudy variablity as to the frequency<br />

of these anomaly may reflect heterogeneity of patient<br />

population as well as different technical approaches<br />

for detection, molecular cytogenetic methods<br />

being more accurate and sensitive than conventional<br />

cytogenetic analysis 7,8 . Shorter survival and shorter<br />

time to transformation were found to be associated<br />

with these deletions, which maintained their prognostic<br />

predictivity in multivariate analysis in a study 4 .<br />

A large body of literature definitely showed that in<br />

many cases with 17p–, monoallelic p53 gene deletion<br />

occurs along with inactivating mutations of the<br />

remaining allele, with consequent p53 loss of function<br />

and protein stabilization 9 .<br />

Though 9p21deletions were rarely detected by<br />

conventional karyotyping, submicroscopic lesions<br />

affecting the p16-p15 genes were described which<br />

were associated with histologic transformation in<br />

some cases 10 . More recently, attention was drawn to<br />

the occurrence of 1p36 aberrations in low grade follicle<br />

centre cell lymphoma, the frequency and significance<br />

of which are presently unknown. By conventional<br />

karyotyping and FISH some recurrent translocations<br />

were identified, i.e. der(1)t(1;1)(p36;q21);<br />

der(1)t(1;1)(p36;q25) and der(1)t(1;9)(p36;q13).<br />

In addition a number of deletions involving the<br />

1p36 band were detected. These rearrangements never<br />

occurred as the sole anomaly and they were also<br />

found in other histologic subsets of NHL, suggesting<br />

that this region may harbor one or more tumor suppressor<br />

genes the disruption of which may contribute<br />

to lymphomagenesis 11 .<br />

Mantle cell lymphoma<br />

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) accounts for 3-9 %<br />

of all non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL) in western<br />

countries and it represents a distinct clinicopathological<br />

entity, having a poor prognosis. This tumor<br />

display peculiar histologic characteristics and a<br />

CD5/CD19+ phenotype, with CD10– and CD23– 12 .<br />

Virtually all cases of MCL were shown to be associated<br />

with the 11;14 translocation, juxtaposing BCL1<br />

sequences and the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus<br />

on the derivative 14q + chromosome 13,14 .<br />

A list of recurrent chromosome anomalies in MCL<br />

is presented in table 1.<br />

Besides the 11;14 translocation, aberrations<br />

found in > 5 cases in a literature review include: deletions/translocations<br />

(del/t) 6q spanning a large region<br />

comprised between the bands q15-q23 [15 cases];<br />

–13 [14 cases]; del/t 1p21-31 [12 cases]; + 3q<br />

[11 cases]; del/t 17p [9 cases]; 8p translocations<br />

and del(Y) [8 cases each]; –20 [7 cases]; 13q14 deletion,<br />

del/t 11q22-23, del/t 9q, del(10)(q22q24),<br />

–20, –21, –22 and –X [6 cases]. Recurrent sites of chromosomal<br />

rearrangements present in more than<br />

5 % of the cases in MCL were the following: deletions<br />

at 1p21-31; gains of 3q; structural changes of 8p<br />

clustered at 8p11-12 and 8p23; deletions/translocation<br />

of 11q21-23, –20 and –Y. Though any of these<br />

anomalies cannot be regarded as specific for MCL it<br />

is noteworthy that some of them showed a preferential<br />

association with CD5 + B-cell lymphomas. Indeed,<br />

a review of the Mitelman’s catalogue 15 revealed<br />

that deletion involving the 1p21-31 bands were<br />

not found as recurrent chromosome anomalies in<br />

18 cases of follicle centre cell lymphoma, in 20 cases<br />

of large cell lymphoma and in 57 cases of Burkitt’s<br />

lymphoma, whereas they were found in 5/21<br />

small lymphocytic lymphomas (SLL) and in 3/9 MCL.<br />

Likewise, 11q– (17,41) and 8p anomalies were<br />

reported in several SLL and MCL and they have<br />

only been reported occasionally in other low-grade

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