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130 Haematologica (ed. esp.), volumen 85, supl. 2, octubre 2000 when using a single plucked hair as a source of genomic DNA, thus evidencing the high sensitivity of the procedure. Prenatal diagnosis of hemophilia, requested when the fetus is at risk, has been traditionally performed from chorionic villus samples because they can be obtained earlier in pregnancy than amniotic fluid. To offer an additional possibility, we have successfully adapted our procedure to the diagnosis of hemophilia from amniotic fluid obtained at very early stages of gestation by amniofiltration. This obstetric procedure is based on collection of the cellular fraction of the amniotic fluid in early stages of embryonic development by a closed system that returns almost all the volume to the amniotic sac after filtration. This procedure allows recovery of an adequate number of nucleated cells after the 11 th week of gestation, with minimal risk of altering fetal development. Since both the PCR-based inversion study and the direct fluorescent DNA sequence are powerful and sensitive methods, the small amount of genetic material obtained is enough to carry out an accurate prenatal diagnosis. To sum up, precise determination of the gene defect is the only way to explain the ultimate basis of hemophilia And the biochemical events involved in this pathology. Our direct-sequencing approach, which has proved to be rapid, sensitive and cost-effective, leads us to suggest that this procedure is the best option for high-quality molecular diagnosis of hemophilia. Moreover, direct sequencing allows precise genetic counseling and reliable prenatal diagnosis without the intrinsic limitations of linkage analysis. References 1. Antonarakis SE, Rossiter JP, Young M, Horst J, De Moerloose P, Sommer SS et al. Factor VIII gene inversions in severe hemophilia A: results of an international consortium study. Blood. 1995; 86: 2206-2212. 2. DiMichele D, Neufeld EJ. Hemophilia. A new approach to an old disease. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1998; 12: 1315-1344. 3. Freson K, Peerlinck K, Aguirre T, Arnout J, Vermylen J, Cassiman JJ et al. Fluorescent chemical cleavage of mismatches for efficient screening of the factor VIII gene. Hum Mutation 1998; 11: 470-479. 4. Goossens M, Ghanem N. Progress in the DNA diagnosis of hemophilias. Ann Hematol 1991; 62: 115-118. 5. Kemahli S, Goldman E, McCraw A, Jenkins V, Kernoff PB. Value of DNA analysis with multiple DNA probes for the detection of hemophilia A carriers. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1994; 11: 55-62. 6. Kochhan L, Lalloz MR, Oldenburg J, McVey JH, Olek K, Brackmann HH et al. Haemophilia A diagnosis by automated fluorescent DNA detection of ten factor VIII intron 13 dinucleotide repeat alleles. Blood Coagulation Fibrinolysis. 1994; 5: 497-501. 7. Lehesjoki AE, Rasi V, de la Chapelle A. Hemophilia B: diagnostic value of RFLP analysis in 19 of the 20 known Finnish families. Clin Genet 1990; 38: 187-197. 8. Liu Q, Nozari G, Sommer SS. Single-tube polymerase chain reaction for rapid diagnosis of the inversion hotspot of mutation in hemophilia A [letter]. Blood 1998; 92: 1458-1459. 9. Ljung RC. Prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia. Baillieres Clin Haematol 1996; 9: 243-257. 10. Ljung RC. Prenatal diagnosis of haemophilia. Haemophilia 1999; 5: 84-87. 11. Montandon AJ, Green PM, Giannelli F, Bentley DR. Direct detection of point mutations by mismatch analysis: application to haemophilia B. Nucleic Acids Research 1989; 17: 3347-3358. 12. Schwaab R, Brackmann HH, Meyer C, Seehafer J, Kirchgesser M, Haack A et al. Haemophilia A: mutation type determines risk of inhibitor formation. Thrombosis And Haemostasis 1995; 74: 1402-1406. 13. Tavassoli K, Eigel A, Wilke K, Pollmann H, Horst J. Molecular diagnostics of 15 hemophilia A patients: characterization of eight novel mutations in the factor VIII gene, two of which result in exon skipping. Human Mutation 1998; 12: 301-303. 14. Windsor S, Taylor SA, Lillicrap D. Direct detection of a common inversion mutation in the genetic diagnosis of severe hemophilia A [see comments]. Blood 1994; 84: 2202-2205. 15. Goodeve AC. Laboratory methods for the genetic diagnosis of bleeding disorders. Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 1998; 20: 3-19. ROLE OF GENE THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF HAEMOPHILIACS G. HORTELANO Canadian Blood Services and Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, Canada. Haemophilia is a bleeding disorder caused by a deficient factor VIII (FVIII) in haemophilia A, or factor IX (FIX) in haemophilia B. Current treatment, based on regular life-long infusions of plasma-derived or recombinant factors is suboptimal 1 . An alternative would be highly desirable. Gene therapy could be such alternative. There are a number of factors that make haemophilia a disease particularly suitable to be treated by gene therapy: 1. Factor concentration in plasma is not tightly regulated, making delivery feasible. Delivery of supraphysiological levels of coagulation factors (up to several-fold the physiological levels) cause no apparent adverse effects in haemophilic animals 2,3 . This is important, because it is reasonable to anticipate significant individual variation in response to gene therapy protocols. 2. Even partial restoration of the levels of coagulation factor can be of clinical benefit. Indeed, delivery of as low as 0.1 % of the normal FIX plasma levels had some clinical effect in haemophilic dogs 4 . This finding suggests that patients will benefit from even the smallest amount of coagulation factors delivered. 3. Even though the liver is the principal organ for FVIII and FIX synthesis in humans, synthesis and secretion from a different cell type could restore coagulation activity in haemophiliacs provided the delivered clotting factors are biologically active and have access to the circulation 5 . 4. Finally, there are excellent animal models of haemophilia. Murine and canine models deficient in either FVIII or FIX closely resemble the human conditions 5 , and are thus suitable models to study gene therapy applications. Since haemophilia A and B are life-long diseases, gene therapy protocols aimed at treating haemophilia should consider the long-term potential of each protocol, and/or the possibility for regular re-administration of the treatment. A number of gene therapy approaches have been proposed for haemophi-

XLII Reunión Nacional de la AEHH y XVI Congreso de la SETH. Simposios 131 lia. The expression of high levels of FVIII protein has been traditionally difficult 5 . As a result, efforts to deliver FVIII have historically been preceded by attempts to deliver FIX. There are two distinct approaches to gene therapy, depending on whether the patient is transplanted with recombinant cells secreting a therapeutic product (ex vivo), or injected directly with DNA, such as a viral vectors that target host cells (in vivo). In vivo gene therapy Viral vectors The potential of viral vectors to efficiently target and infect mammalian cells can be exploited to deliver a therapeutic gene. A number of viral vectors have been used to deliver FVIII and FIX. Retroviral vectors are attractive because they integrate within the genome of target cells. Therefore, transgene expression is likely to be sustained and will not be lost upon cell division. Retroviral vectors have been used to deliver FVIII and FIX in mice, dogs and rabbits 5 . More recently, physiological levels of hFVIII have been sustained in newborn hemophilic mice injected IV with a new generation of retroviral vectors 6 . However, not all treated mice were tolerized to the foreign human protein, and some mice developed inhibitors 6 . Chiron began in June 1999 a human trial based on the IV injection of retrovirus in severe haemophilia A patients. Initial results of this trial are not yet available. One potential concern of this approach is the possibility that integration of retrovirus can lead to genomic reorganization, such as oncogene activation. In addition, the spread of vector could potentially affect the gonads. In this event, the consequences for the patient and his progeny must be seriously considered. Adenovirus is a benign virus that can infect dividing as well as non-dividing cells. This is an important advance, since cells in potential target organs for gene therapy such as liver or brain are not noticeably proliferative. In addition, adenoviral vectors can achieve extremely high levels of transgene expression. In fact, adenoviral vectors have delivered supraphysiological levels of FVIII and FIX in animal models of haemophilia 5 . However, the highly antigenic nature of adenovirus elicits a strong cellular immune response against the infected cells. In addition, adenoviral vectors do not integrate into the host’ genome, but rather stays episomal. As a result, adenovirus genome is diluted upon cell division, and so too is the therapeutic gene. Therefore, transgene delivery from adenovirus is typically short-lived. Furthermore, repeat adenovirus treatments are consistently ineffective due to its highly antigenic nature. In order to reduce vector antigenicity, recent developments have been directed at eliminating most viral genes in adenoviral vectors. Scientists at Baxter have engineered a mini-adenoviral vector devoid of all viral genes. Following intravenous injection, this vector can sustain physiological levels of FVIII in some, but not all, hemophilic mice for at least 1 year 7 . In collaboration with Baxter, GenStar Therapeutics Corp. intend to initiate human trials shortly. However, the recent death of an 18 year-old patient suffering from OTC deficiency following an adenovirus treatment 8 has raised serious concerns about the immune responses to adenovirus, and the safety of this virus. In particular, it is worth to point out that vectors delivered intravenously mainly target the liver. This fact should be considered when designing a therapy for severe haemophiliacs, many of whom have liver damage following infections suffered from the use of tainted blood. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a small benign parvovirus that requires a helper virus, such as adenovirus, for infection. Just like adenovirus, AAV can also infect dividing and non-dividing cells. Following infection of human cells, wild type AAV integrates specifically in chromosome 19. This peculiarity of AAV could eliminate the safety concerns regarding oncogene activation associated to retrovirus. As opposed to adenovirus, AAV is not very antigenic. As a result, transgene expression can be sustained long-term. Indeed, injection of AAV into the liver via the portal vein lead to persistent delivery of curative levels of FIX (2 g/ml, or ∼i40 % of physiological levels in humans) in hemophilic mice for more than a year 9 . No antibodies to hFIX were detected in the treated mice. Interestingly, when the same vector was injected intramuscularly into hemophilic mice, FIX levels were lower (200-300 ng/ml). More importantly, these mice developed antibodies to FIX 10 . These findings highlight the fact that the mode of transgene delivery plays a critical role in the presentation of a foreign or novel antigen to the immune system. This has wide implications for all gene therapy approaches. Intramuscular and intraportal injection of AAV has also been successfully used to deliver sustained levels of FIX in hemophilic dogs 11,12 . The dose achieved was, however, lower than that detected in hemophilic mice (∼i1-3 % of physiological levels in humans). A mild antibody titer was observed in some dogs, although antigen delivery was not compromised. Based on these encouraging pre-clinical results, a human trial for haemophilia B began in 1999. In this trial, patients are treated once with AAV as multiple intramuscular injections. Initial results of the first three patients treated with a low AAV dose indicate that the procedure is safe and well tolerated by patients 13 . In addition, modest but nevertheless detectable levels of FIX were observed in at least one patient. More importantly, a reduction in the FIX infusion regimen of the treated patients was observed, clearly indicating a clinical benefit of the procedure. Indeed, AAV is arguably the most promising vector to date. The small size of AAV has prevented the use of AAV for the delivery of FVIII. The size of AAV is 4.7 kb, and the size of the complete FVIII cDNA is ∼i7 kb, and 4.5 kb without

XLII Reunión Nacional de la AEHH y XVI Congreso de la SETH. <strong>Simposios</strong><br />

131<br />

lia. The expression of high levels of FVIII protein has<br />

been traditionally difficult 5 . As a result, efforts to deliver<br />

FVIII have historically been preceded by attempts<br />

to deliver FIX.<br />

There are two distinct approaches to gene therapy,<br />

depending on whether the patient is transplanted<br />

with recombinant cells secreting a therapeutic product<br />

(ex vivo), or injected directly with DNA, such as<br />

a viral vectors that target host cells (in vivo).<br />

In vivo gene therapy<br />

Viral vectors<br />

The potential of viral vectors to efficiently target<br />

and infect mammalian cells can be exploited to deliver<br />

a therapeutic gene. A number of viral vectors<br />

have been used to deliver FVIII and FIX.<br />

Retroviral vectors are attractive because they integrate<br />

within the genome of target cells. Therefore,<br />

transgene expression is likely to be sustained and will<br />

not be lost upon cell division. Retroviral vectors have<br />

been used to deliver FVIII and FIX in mice, dogs and<br />

rabbits 5 . More recently, physiological levels of hFVIII<br />

have been sustained in newborn hemophilic mice injected<br />

IV with a new generation of retroviral vectors 6 .<br />

However, not all treated mice were tolerized to the<br />

foreign human protein, and some mice developed<br />

inhibitors 6 . Chiron began in June 1999 a human trial<br />

based on the IV injection of retrovirus in severe haemophilia<br />

A patients. Initial results of this trial are not<br />

yet available. One potential concern of this approach<br />

is the possibility that integration of retrovirus<br />

can lead to genomic reorganization, such as oncogene<br />

activation. In addition, the spread of vector<br />

could potentially affect the gonads. In this event, the<br />

consequences for the patient and his progeny must<br />

be seriously considered.<br />

Adenovirus is a benign virus that can infect dividing<br />

as well as non-dividing cells. This is an important<br />

advance, since cells in potential target organs for<br />

gene therapy such as liver or brain are not noticeably<br />

proliferative. In addition, adenoviral vectors can<br />

achieve extremely high levels of transgene expression.<br />

In fact, adenoviral vectors have delivered supraphysiological<br />

levels of FVIII and FIX in animal models of<br />

haemophilia 5 . However, the highly antigenic nature of<br />

adenovirus elicits a strong cellular immune response<br />

against the infected cells. In addition, adenoviral vectors<br />

do not integrate into the host’ genome, but rather<br />

stays episomal. As a result, adenovirus genome<br />

is diluted upon cell division, and so too is the therapeutic<br />

gene. Therefore, transgene delivery from<br />

adenovirus is typically short-lived. Furthermore, repeat<br />

adenovirus treatments are consistently ineffective<br />

due to its highly antigenic nature. In order to reduce<br />

vector antigenicity, recent developments have<br />

been directed at eliminating most viral genes in adenoviral<br />

vectors. Scientists at Baxter have engineered a<br />

mini-adenoviral vector devoid of all viral genes. Following<br />

intravenous injection, this vector can sustain<br />

physiological levels of FVIII in some, but not all, hemophilic<br />

mice for at least 1 year 7 . In collaboration<br />

with Baxter, GenStar Therapeutics Corp. intend to<br />

initiate human trials shortly. However, the recent death<br />

of an 18 year-old patient suffering from OTC deficiency<br />

following an adenovirus treatment 8 has raised<br />

serious concerns about the immune responses to<br />

adenovirus, and the safety of this virus. In particular,<br />

it is worth to point out that vectors delivered intravenously<br />

mainly target the liver. This fact should be considered<br />

when designing a therapy for severe haemophiliacs,<br />

many of whom have liver damage following<br />

infections suffered from the use of tainted blood.<br />

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a small benign parvovirus<br />

that requires a helper virus, such as adenovirus,<br />

for infection. Just like adenovirus, AAV can also<br />

infect dividing and non-dividing cells. Following infection<br />

of human cells, wild type AAV integrates specifically<br />

in chromosome 19. This peculiarity of AAV<br />

could eliminate the safety concerns regarding oncogene<br />

activation associated to retrovirus. As opposed<br />

to adenovirus, AAV is not very antigenic. As a result,<br />

transgene expression can be sustained long-term. Indeed,<br />

injection of AAV into the liver via the portal vein<br />

lead to persistent delivery of curative levels of FIX<br />

(2 g/ml, or ∼i40 % of physiological levels in humans)<br />

in hemophilic mice for more than a year 9 . No antibodies<br />

to hFIX were detected in the treated mice. Interestingly,<br />

when the same vector was injected intramuscularly<br />

into hemophilic mice, FIX levels were lower<br />

(200-300 ng/ml). More importantly, these mice<br />

developed antibodies to FIX 10 . These findings highlight<br />

the fact that the mode of transgene delivery<br />

plays a critical role in the presentation of a foreign or<br />

novel antigen to the immune system. This has wide<br />

implications for all gene therapy approaches. Intramuscular<br />

and intraportal injection of AAV has also<br />

been successfully used to deliver sustained levels of<br />

FIX in hemophilic dogs 11,12 . The dose achieved was,<br />

however, lower than that detected in hemophilic mice<br />

(∼i1-3 % of physiological levels in humans). A mild<br />

antibody titer was observed in some dogs, although<br />

antigen delivery was not compromised.<br />

Based on these encouraging pre-clinical results, a<br />

human trial for haemophilia B began in 1999. In this<br />

trial, patients are treated once with AAV as multiple intramuscular<br />

injections. Initial results of the first three<br />

patients treated with a low AAV dose indicate that the<br />

procedure is safe and well tolerated by patients 13 . In<br />

addition, modest but nevertheless detectable levels of<br />

FIX were observed in at least one patient. More importantly,<br />

a reduction in the FIX infusion regimen of<br />

the treated patients was observed, clearly indicating a<br />

clinical benefit of the procedure. Indeed, AAV is arguably<br />

the most promising vector to date. The small<br />

size of AAV has prevented the use of AAV for the delivery<br />

of FVIII. The size of AAV is 4.7 kb, and the size of<br />

the complete FVIII cDNA is ∼i7 kb, and 4.5 kb without

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