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Aggregate emissions in equivalents of CO 2 of the principal direct greenhouse effect<br />

gases (from gross emissions). Dominican Republic, 1990 and 1994.<br />

Gas<br />

Gas Emisión Emission<br />

(Gg CO -e) (Gg CO-e) Relative contribution (%)<br />

1990 2 1994 2 1990<br />

1) Emissions and absorptions resulting from land-use change and forestry were not considered. AE – aggregate emissions.<br />

Relative contribution (%)<br />

1994<br />

CO 2 8 716.66 15 003.05 69.2 73.4<br />

CH 4 3 039.54 4 659.9 24.1 22.8<br />

N 2 O 840.1 778.1 6.7 3.8<br />

EA 12 596.21 20 441.05 100 100<br />

reflect their contribution to possible future warming,<br />

the Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) are<br />

used; in other words, the emissions of methane<br />

(CH 4 ) and nitrous oxide (N2O) that have, respectively,<br />

a potential for atmospheric warming 21<br />

times and 310 times greater that those of CO 2 .<br />

As noted in the table, between 1990 and 1994,<br />

CO 2 increased its relative contribution to warming,<br />

while the contribution of methane was<br />

reduced slightly and that of N2O was reduced by<br />

almost half.<br />

1.3.5 Emissions Per Capita<br />

The following table shows the results obtained<br />

from calculating emissions per capita for 1990<br />

and 1994, or from gross and net emissions. As<br />

noted, the results obtained differ markedly for<br />

each analysis conducted.<br />

As noted, in 1990 each inhabitant of the country, on<br />

average, emitted 1.23 t CO 2 /year if emissions and<br />

absorptions from land-use change and forestry are<br />

not considered. If these are included, the emission<br />

per capita is reduced notably, something that is a<br />

result of the fact that in this module, in net form,<br />

removals, not emissions, of CO 2 are produced. A<br />

similar situation occurs in 1994. The increase in the<br />

values of the emission per capita of CO 2 between<br />

1990 and 1994 should be noted, although these<br />

values are among the typical values of the countries<br />

that do not make a significant contribution to the<br />

emissions of this greenhouse effect gas.<br />



CHANGE<br />

At the national level and in compliance with the<br />

program of the UN Framework Convention on<br />

Climate Change, and as a measure for addressing<br />

the worldwide increases in greenhouse effect<br />

gases and the adverse effects of climate change,<br />

the Dominican Republic conducted a study of<br />

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change<br />

in the areas of water resources, coastal zones,<br />

agriculture, forestry, and health.<br />

Emissions per capita of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), carbon (C) and carbon dioxide<br />

equivalents (CO 2 -e). Dominican Republic, 1990 and 1994.<br />

1990 1994<br />

t CO 2 /person t CO 2-e/person t CO 2/person t CO 2-e/person<br />

Excluding land- use change and forestry 2 1.23 1.77 1.95 2.66<br />

Including land-use change and forestry 3 0.819" -- 1.1 --<br />


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