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Hacia una visión estratégica de las asignaciones internacionales... Belderbos, R.A. y Heijltjes, M.G. (2005), «The determinants of expatriate staffing by Japanese multinationals in Asia: control, learning and vertical business groups», Journal of International Business Studies, 36, pp. 341-354. Bennet, R., Aston, A. y Colquhoun, T. (2000), «Cross-cultural training: a critical step in ensuring the success of international assignments», Human Resource Management, 39, pp. 239-250. Bhaskar-Shrinivas, P., Harrison, D.A., Shaffer, M.A. y Luk, D.M. (2005), «Input-based and time-based models of international adjustment: Meta-analytic evidence and theoretical extensions», Academy of Management Journal, 48, pp. 257-281. Björkman, I., Barner-Rasmussen, W. y Li, L. (2004). «Managing knowledge transfer in MNCs: The impact of headquarters control mechanisms», Journal of International Business Studies, 35, pp. 443-455. Black, J.S. y Gregersen, H.B. (1992), «Serving two masters: Managing the dual allegiance of expatriate employees», Sloan Management Review, 33, pp. 61-71. Bloom, M., Milkovich, G.T. y Mitra, A. (2003), «International compensation: learning from how managers respond to variations in local host contexts», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14, pp. 1350-1367. Bonache, J. y Pla, J. (2005), «When are international managers a cost effective solution? The rationale of Transaction cost economics applied to staffing decisions in MNCs», Journal of Business Research, 58, 1320-1329. Bonache, J., Sánchez, J. y Zárraga, C. (2009), «The interaction of expatriate pay differential and expatriate inputs on host country nationals’ pay unfairness», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, pp. 2135-2149. Bouquet, C., Hebert, L. y Delios, A. (2004), «Foreign expansion in service industry. Separability and human capital intensity», Journal of Business Research, 57, pp. 35-46. Breiden, O., Mohr, A.T. y Mirza, H.R. (2006), «An empirical test of a correspondence model of expatriate managers’ work adjustment», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, pp. 1907-1925. Caligiuri, P. (2000), «The Big Five personality characteristics as predictors of expatriate’s desire to terminate the assignments and supervisor-rated performance», Personnel Psychology, 53, pp. 67-88. Caligiuri, P. y Lazarova, M. (2002), «A model for the influence of social interaction and social support on female expatriates’ cross-cultural adjustment», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13, pp. 761-772. Carpenter, M.A., Sanders, Wm. G. y Gregersen, H.B. (2000), «International assignment experience at the top can make a bottom-line difference», Human Resource Management, 39, pp. 277-285. 89

INTERNAcionaLIZACIÓN Y CAPITAL HUMANO Carpenter, M.A. y Fredrickson, J.W. (2001), «Top management, global strategic posture, and the moderating role of uncertainty», Academy of Management Journal, 44, pp. 533-545. Carpenter, M.A., Sanders, Wm.G. y Gregersen, H.B. (2001), «Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay», Academy of Management Journal, 44, pp. 493-511. Cerdin, J.L. y Dubouloy, M. (2004), «Expatriation as a maturation opportunity: A psychoanalytical approach based on ‘copy and paste’», Human Relations, 57, pp. 957-981. Chen, C., Choi, J. y Chi, S.C. (2002), «Making justice sense of local-expatriate compensation disparity: Mitigation by local referents, ideological explanations, and interpersonal sensitivity in China-foreign joint ventures», Academy of Management Journal, 45, pp. 807-817. Clark, T., Grant, D. y Heijltjes, M. (2000), «Researching comparative and international human resource management», International Studies of Management and Organization, 29, pp. 6-17. Clegg, B. y Gray, S. (2002), «Australian expatriates in Thailand: some insight for expatriate management policies», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13, pp. 598-623. Daily, C.M., Certo, S.T. y Dalton, D.R. (2000), «International experience in the executive suite: The path to prosperity?», Strategic Management Journal, 21, pp. 515-523. De Cieri, H. y Dowling P. J. (1999), «Strategic human resource management in multinational enterprises: Theoretical and empirical developments», en Wright, P.M., Dyer, L.D., Boudreau, J.W. y Milkovich, G.T. (eds.), Research in personnel and human resource management: Strategic human resource management in the twenty-first century, Vol. 4, Stamford, CT: JAI Press. Dowling, P.J. y Schuler, R. S. (1992), International dimensions of human resource management. Boston: PWS Kent. Edström, A. y Galbraith, J. (1977), «Transfer of managers as a coordination and control strategy in multinational organizations», Administrative Science Quarterly, 22, pp. 248-263. Gaur, A.S., Delios, A. y Singh, K. (2007), «Institutional environments, staffing strategies, and subsidiary performance», Journal of Management, 33, pp. 611-636. Gong, Y. (2003), «Subsidiary staffing in multinational enterprises: Agency, resources and performance», Academy of Management Journal, 46, pp. 728-739. Harvey, M.G. (1989), «Repatriation of corporate executives: An empirical study», Journal of International Business Studies, 20, pp. 131-144. Harvey, M. y Novicevic, M.M. (2004), «The development of political skill and political capital by global leaders through global assignments», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15, pp. 1173-1188. 90

Hacia una visión estratégica de las asignaciones internacionales...<br />

Belderbos, R.A. y Heijltjes, M.G. (2005), «The determinants of expatriate<br />

staffing by Japanese multinationals in Asia: control, learning and vertical<br />

business groups», Journal of International Business Studies, 36, pp. 341-354.<br />

Bennet, R., Aston, A. y Colquhoun, T. (2000), «Cross-cultural training: a<br />

critical step in ensuring the success of international assignments», Human<br />

Resource Management, 39, pp. 239-250.<br />

Bhaskar-Shrinivas, P., Harrison, D.A., Shaffer, M.A. y Luk, D.M.<br />

(2005), «Input-based and time-based models of international adjustment:<br />

Meta-analytic evidence and theoretical extensions», Academy of Management<br />

Journal, 48, pp. 257-281.<br />

Björkman, I., Barner-Rasmussen, W. y Li, L. (2004). «Managing knowledge<br />

transfer in MNCs: The impact of headquarters control mechanisms»,<br />

Journal of International Business Studies, 35, pp. 443-455.<br />

Black, J.S. y Gregersen, H.B. (1992), «Serving two masters: Managing the<br />

dual allegiance of expatriate employees», Sloan Management Review, 33, pp.<br />

61-71.<br />

Bloom, M., Milkovich, G.T. y Mitra, A. (2003), «International compensation:<br />

learning from how managers respond to variations in local host<br />

contexts», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14, pp.<br />

1350-1367.<br />

Bonache, J. y Pla, J. (2005), «When are international managers a cost effective<br />

solution? The rationale of Transaction cost economics applied to staffing<br />

decisions in MNCs», Journal of Business Research, 58, 1320-1329.<br />

Bonache, J., Sánchez, J. y Zárraga, C. (2009), «The interaction of expatriate<br />

pay differential and expatriate inputs on host country nationals’ pay<br />

unfairness», International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, pp.<br />

2135-2149.<br />

Bouquet, C., Hebert, L. y Delios, A. (2004), «Foreign expansion in service<br />

industry. Separability and human capital intensity», Journal of Business Research,<br />

57, pp. 35-46.<br />

Breiden, O., Mohr, A.T. y Mirza, H.R. (2006), «An empirical test of a correspondence<br />

model of expatriate managers’ work adjustment», International<br />

Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, pp. 1907-1925.<br />

Caligiuri, P. (2000), «The Big Five personality characteristics as predictors of<br />

expatriate’s desire to terminate the assignments and supervisor-rated performance»,<br />

Personnel Psychology, 53, pp. 67-88.<br />

Caligiuri, P. y Lazarova, M. (2002), «A model for the influence of social<br />

interaction and social support on female expatriates’ cross-cultural adjustment»,<br />

International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13, pp.<br />

761-772.<br />

Carpenter, M.A., Sanders, Wm. G. y Gregersen, H.B. (2000), «International<br />

assignment experience at the top can make a bottom-line difference»,<br />

Human Resource Management, 39, pp. 277-285.<br />


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