2010 Vol. 4 Num. 1 - GCG: Revista de Globalización, Competitividad ...

2010 Vol. 4 Num. 1 - GCG: Revista de Globalización, Competitividad ...

2010 Vol. 4 Num. 1 - GCG: Revista de Globalización, Competitividad ...


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Degree of Internationalization and performance: Evi<strong>de</strong>nce from emerging Brazilian multinational firms<br />

46<br />

Table 3: Mo<strong>de</strong>l Summary<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>l R R Square<br />

Adjusted R<br />

Square<br />

Std. Error of<br />

the Estimate<br />

1 ,492 a ,242 ,226 ,04056<br />

a. Predictors: (Constant), FSTS<br />

Table 4. ANOVA b<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

1 Regression<br />

Residual<br />

Total<br />

Sum of<br />

Squares<br />

,024<br />

,076<br />

,100<br />

Df Mean Square F Sig.<br />

1<br />

,024 14,719 ,000 a<br />

46<br />

,002<br />

47<br />

a. Predictors: (Constant), FSTS<br />

Table 4. ANOVA b<br />

Mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

1 Regression<br />

Residual<br />

Total<br />

Sum of<br />

Squares<br />

,024<br />

,076<br />

,100<br />

Df Mean Square F Sig.<br />

1<br />

,024 14,719 ,000 a<br />

46<br />

,002<br />

47<br />

b. Depen<strong>de</strong>nt Variable: ROA<br />

The regression is statistically significant at 0,01 level. Adjusted R² is 0,226, what shows that<br />

the variables are positively correlated. Higher levels of foreign sales over total sales (FSTS)<br />

are associated to a better accounting performance, as measured by ROA, although the relationship<br />

is weak.<br />

<strong>GCG</strong> GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY - UNIVERSIA <strong>2010</strong> VOL. 4 NUM. 1 ISSN: 1988-7116

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