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Manual DE uSO • Manual DO uSuÁRIO • ManualE D'uSO • uSER ... Manual DE uSO • Manual DO uSuÁRIO • ManualE D'uSO • uSER ...


® | O U S E R O M A N U A L O | O 5 2 O | WARRANTY CERTIFICATE ELECTROMEDICAL WARRANTY CONDITIONS 1. THE DEVICE AND THE RELATIVE ACCESSORIES ARE COVERED BY WARRANTY FOR MANUFACTURING FLAWS, for a period of 24 months from the date reported in the document that provides proof that the machine has been purchased. The absence of this document will entail the loss of the warranty, and any repairs (or any other type of intervention) will be the full responsibility of the customer. 2. THE TERM WARRANTY IS UNDERSTOOD AS THE REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF ELECTRONIC PARTS OF THE DEVICE THAT PROVE DEFECTIVE DUE TO MANUFACTURING FLAWS. Unauthorized personnel is strictly forbidden to open the machine and, if so, entails the immediate termination of the Warranty. We moreover remind you that the warranty is revoked also in the case that the labels (with bar codes) of the Medical Device and/or its accessories are removed or destroyed. 3. THE WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER the “aesthetic” parts (cover, bottom, battery cover, etc) and all the parts considered of consumption/or prone to wear out, as well as the damages/breakdowns that were to be caused by negligence or carelessness during use of the device, improper installation or maintenance, interventions made by unauthorized personnel, displacement/transport performed without the due cautions, that is, pursuant to circumstances that, at any rate, cannot be directly ascribed to original flaws in the manufacture of the device by the manufacturer. 4. The Manufacturer rejects any responsibility for possible damages that may directly or indirectly stem to persons or things due to an improper use of the device, which must be used in observation of all the precautions indicated in the specific manual of the instructions for use, or in accordance with the indication/prescription of medical or health staff. 5. In the case of a fault, contact the company that has sold the machine. The device will be repaired at an authorized laboratory of the manufacturer or directly by the manufacturing company. The device must be sent along with all the accessories and in adequate packing, together with the Warranty Certificate provided, duly stamped and filled out in all its parts. The expenses and risks of transport will be responsibility of the purchaser. 6. In case an intervention at your premises is requested, which will only be performed if technically feasible, the right to call in force will have to be corresponded, as well as the reimbursement of any possible transfer expenses (in addition to any possible repair costs, if the device were not covered by warranty). The Warranty Certificate of the medical device NOCTURNO® (all of its parts must be filled out) adheres to the Conditions summarized on this page and must be annexed to the device when sent to Technical Assistance. PURCHASE DATE SERIAL NUMBER RETAILER STAMP

® | O M A N U E LO D ’ U T I L I S AT I O N O | O 5 3 O | INDEX Électromagnétothérapie (EMT) page 55 Indications thérapeutiques page 56 Mesures de précaution de sécurité - Maintenance page 56 Remplacement des batteries page 57 Contrindications et précautions page 57 Signification de l’étiquette et des symboles page 58 Caractéristiques techniques page 59 Utilisation de NOCTURNO® page 60 Batteries et recharge page 60 Comment utiliser au mieux NOCTURNO® page 61 Applications et index des pathologies page 62 Garantie et certificat de garantie page 64

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| O M A N U E LO D ’ U T I L I S AT I O N O | O 5 3 O |<br />

IN<strong>DE</strong>X<br />

Électromagnétothérapie (EMT) page 55<br />

Indications thérapeutiques page 56<br />

Mesures de précaution de sécurité - Maintenance page 56<br />

Remplacement des batteries page 57<br />

Contrindications et précautions page 57<br />

Signification de l’étiquette et des symboles page 58<br />

Caractéristiques techniques page 59<br />

Utilisation de NOCTURNO® page 60<br />

Batteries et recharge page 60<br />

Comment utiliser au mieux NOCTURNO® page 61<br />

Applications et index des pathologies page 62<br />

Garantie et certificat de garantie page 64

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