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Aca - Departamento de Física - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa ... Aca - Departamento de Física - Universidad Técnica Federico Santa ...


V Encuentro Sud Americano de Colisiones Inelásticas en la Materia Influence of light-ion irradiation on the ion track etching of polycarbonate R.S. Thomaz 1 , C. T de Souza 2 , and R. M. Papaléo 1 1 Faculty of Physics, Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil 2 Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil In this work, we report on the effect of light-ion irradiation on the pore size distribution of etched tracks produced by medium energy heavy ions in polycarbonate. Polycarbonate foils (Makrofol KG, Bayer, Germany), about 12 µm thick, were treated with 2 MeV H + ions of different fluences (1x10 13 to 5x10 14 ions/cm 2 ) either before or after irradiation with a 18 MeV Au 7+ beam (at a fluence around 5x10 8 ions/cm 2 ). The heavy ion irradiation was used to produce the latent tracks in the foils and the proton beam acted as a perturbation to the defect distribution. The sequence of irradiations was performed at a 3 MV HVEE Tandetron accelerator at room temperature and without breaking the vacuum. The irradiated foils were etched with 6 M NaOH solution at 60 ±1 ºC for 1 to 3 minutes and the etched surfaces analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Characterization of the chemical damage and molecular weight distribution of the foils was performed by FTIR spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and contact angle measurements. The microscopy results showed that the proton irradiation causes a decrease in the mean etched pore size as compared to samples bombarded only with the Au ions (Fig.1). The reduction effect is greater at H + fluences around 2 to 5 x10 13 cm -2 , while at higher H + fluences the pore size start to grow again, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 1. SEM images of etched ion tracks on PC foils bombarded with different 2 MeV H + fluences. The samples were first bombarded by the H + beam and subsequently irradiated with the 18 MeV Au beam to produce the etchable tracks. (a) control sample (Au beam only); (b) =5x10 12 cm -2 ; (c)= 2x10 13 cm -2 ;d=5x10 13 cm -2 ; (e) =2x10 14 cm -2 . 34 Valparaíso, Chile

Relative diameter (a.u.) V Encuentro Sud Americano de Colisiones Inelásticas en la Materia 1.2 1 batch 1 batch 2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 13 1 10 14 1.5 10 14 2 10 14 (cm -2 ) Figure 2. Relative diameter of the etched pores (D()/D(0)) as a function of H + fluence , for two batches of samples. The observation of a minimum in the diameter curve is compatible with the existence of two competitive effects: one that causes the decrease in radius and is dominant at low fluences (i.e. with a large crosssection) and another that tend to increase the radial etching rate and is dominant at high fluences (with a small cross-section). The physico-chemical mechanism behind the observed effect is unclear at present. The decrease in pore size due to the proton irradiation is consistent with a reduction in the radial or bulk etch rate v B or an increase in the etching induction time. A reduced v B could be caused by e.g., crosslinking of the PC matrix induced by the proton beam. However, the GPC curves indicate the predominance of chain scission in the irradiated samples. Also negligible changes in the contact angle of the proton irradiated foils were detected, indicating similar wetting properties. Thus the proton irradiation seems to affect the etching process in a more complex way by changing the surface properties of the PC foils. Key-words: ion track etching, polymers, polycarbonate. 35 Valparaíso, Chile

V Encuentro Sud Americano <strong>de</strong> Colisiones Inelásticas en la Materia<br />

Influence of light-ion irradiation on the ion track etching of polycarbonate<br />

R.S. Thomaz 1 , C. T <strong>de</strong> Souza 2 , and R. M. Papaléo 1<br />

1 Faculty of Physics, Catholic University of Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil<br />

2 Institute of Physics, Fe<strong>de</strong>ral University of Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil<br /><br />

In this work, we report on the effect of<br />

light-ion irradiation on the pore size distribution<br />

of etched tracks produced by medium<br />

energy heavy ions in polycarbonate. Polycarbonate<br />

foils (Makrofol KG, Bayer, Germany),<br />

about 12 µm thick, were treated with 2 MeV<br />

H + ions of different fluences (1x10 13 to<br />

5x10 14 ions/cm 2 ) either before or after irradiation<br />

with a 18 MeV Au 7+ beam (at a fluence<br />

around 5x10 8 ions/cm 2 ). The heavy ion<br />

irradiation was used to produce the latent<br />

tracks in the foils and the proton beam acted<br />

as a perturbation to the <strong>de</strong>fect distribution.<br />

The sequence of irradiations was performed<br />

at a 3 MV HVEE Tan<strong>de</strong>tron accelerator at<br />

room temperature and without breaking the<br />

vacuum. The irradiated foils were etched<br />

with 6 M NaOH solution at 60 ±1 ºC for 1 to<br />

3 minutes and the etched surfaces analyzed<br />

by scanning electron microscopy. Characterization<br />

of the chemical damage and molecular<br />

weight distribution of the foils was performed<br />

by FTIR spectroscopy, gel permeation<br />

chromatography (GPC) and contact angle<br />

measurements.<br />

The microscopy results showed that the<br />

proton irradiation causes a <strong>de</strong>crease in the<br />

mean etched pore size as compared to samples<br />

bombar<strong>de</strong>d only with the Au ions<br />

(Fig.1). The reduction effect is greater at H +<br />

fluences around 2 to 5 x10 13 cm -2 , while at<br />

higher H + fluences the pore size start to grow<br />

again, as shown in Figure 2.<br />

Figure 1. SEM images of<br />

etched ion tracks on PC<br />

foils bombar<strong>de</strong>d with different<br />

2 MeV H + fluences.<br />

The samples were first<br />

bombar<strong>de</strong>d by the H + beam<br />

and subsequently irradiated<br />

with the 18 MeV Au<br />

beam to produce the etchable<br />

tracks. (a) control<br />

sample (Au beam only); (b)<br />

=5x10 12 cm -2 ; (c)=<br />

2x10 13 cm -2 ;d=5x10 13<br />

cm -2 ; (e) =2x10 14 cm -2 .<br />

34 Valparaíso, Chile

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