Modelado prediccion enfermedades cultivos - edUTecNe ...

Modelado prediccion enfermedades cultivos - edUTecNe ... Modelado prediccion enfermedades cultivos - edUTecNe ...
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Modelado para la predicción de enfermedades en cultivos de alto valor comercial aerial robots. In: XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing. IEEE, Florianópolis. 226-231. SISTERNA, M.; WRIGHT, E.R.; DIVO DE SESAR, M.; MATÍAS, A.C. y PÉREZ, B.A. [2007]. Hongos aislados de cultivos de arándano y olivo. 30º Congreso Argentino de Horticultura y 1º Simposio Internacional sobre Cultivos Protegidos. Libro de Resúmenes. p. 220. La Plata. Buenos Aires. SOZZI, G.O. [2007]. Tecnología de poscosecha y su influencia sobre la calidad de los frutos. p.769-805. En: Sozzi, G.O. Árboles frutales. Ecofisiología, Cultivo y Aprovechamiento. Editorial Facultad de Agronomía. Buenos Aires. STRANGE, R.N. y SCOTT, P.R. [2005]. Plant disease: a threat to global food security. Annu. Rev. Phytopathology. 43:83-116. TAYLOR, M.C.; HARDWICK, N.V.; BRADSHAW, N.J. y HALL, A.M. [2003]. Relative performance of five forecasting schemes for potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) I. Accuracy of infection warnings and reduction of unnecessary, theoretical, fungicide applications. Crop Protection. 22:275-283. TENG, P.S. y ROUSE, D.I. [1984]. Understanding computers: applications in plant pathology. Plant Disease. 68(6):539-543. TENG, P.S. y ZADOKS, J.C. [1980]. Computer simulation of plant disease epidemics. In: MCGRAW-HILL yearbook of science and technology. McGraw- Hill, New York. 23-31. THOMAS, C.S.; SKINNER, P.W.; FOX, A.D. GREER, C.A. y GUBLER, W.D. [2002]. Utilization of GIS/GPS-based information technology in commercial crop decision making in California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Arizona. J. Nematol. 34:200-206. TODD, L.R. y KOMMEDAHL, T. [1994]. Image analysis and visual estimates for evaluating disease reactions of corn to Fusarium stalk rot. Plant Disease. 78:876-878. TOMERLIN, J.R. y HOWELL, T.A. [1988]. DISTRAIN: a computer program for training people to estimate disease severity on cereal leaves. Plant Disease. 72:455-459. TRADINTER [2010]. Análisis de la temporada 2009/10 del Hemisferio Sur. Asociación de Productores de Arándanos de la Mesopotamia Argentina (APAMA). Top Info Marketing S.A. TRILOFF, P. [1997]. Apple scab control with the simulation programme “RIMpro” at Lake Constance, Germany: results and experience in the past three years. Int. Org. Biol. Integr. Control Noxious Anim. Plants, West Palearctic Reg. Sect. 20:229-240. TROGLIA C.; ESCANDE, A.R.; MOSCHINI, R.C.; DAMIANO, F. y QUIROZ, F. [2004]. Modelos logísticos basados en variables térmicas e hídricas para simular la dinámica de la producción de inóculo de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum en suelos con rastrojo de girasol. Actas X Reunión Nacional de Agrometeorología. Mar del Plata. TURECHEK, W.W. y STEVENSON, K.L. [1998]. Effects of host resistance, temperature, leaf wetness duration and leaf age on infection and lesion development of pecan scab. Phytopathology. 88:1294-1301. 126

Modelado para la predicción de enfermedades en cultivos de alto valor comercial TURECHEK, W.W. y WILCOX, W.F. [2005]. Evaluating predictors of apple scab with receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Phytopathology. 95:679- 691. TWENGSTRÖM, E.; SIGVALD, R.; SVENSSON, C. y YUEN, J. [1998]. Forecasting Sclerotinia stem rot in spring sown oilseed rape. Crop Prot. 17:405-411. UDINK TEM CATE, A.J. y DUKHUIZEN, A.A. [1999]. Information and communications technology applications in agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 22:83-250. VAN DER ZWET, T.; BIGGS, A.R.; HEFLEBOWER, R. y LIGHTNER, G.W. [1994]. Evaluation of the MARYBLYT computer model for predicting blossom blight on apple in West Virginia and Maryland. Plant Disease. 78:225-230. VASQUEZ, P.; ASCIUTTO, K.; CRELIER, A.; WRIGHT, E.R.; RIVERA, M.C. y DIVO DE SESAR, M. [2006]. Tizón del arándano ocasionado por Cylindrocladium sp. XXIX Congreso Argentino de Horticultura. Acta de Resúmenes. p. 124-125. Catamarca. VASQUEZ, P.; BALDOMÁ, J.A.; WRIGHT, E.R.; PÉREZ, A.; DIVO DE SESAR, M. y PÉREZ, B.A. [2007]. First report of blueberry Botrytis blight in Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos and Córdoba (Argentina). Plant Disease 91:639. VERREET, J.A.; KLINK, H. y HOFFMANN, G.M. [2000]. Regional monitoring for disease prediction and optimization of plant protection measures: the IPM wheat model. Plant Disease. 84:816-826. WATSON, W.T.; KENERLEY, C.M. y APPEL, D.N. [2000]. Visual and infrared assessment of root colonization of apple trees by Phymatotrichopsis omnivore. Plant Disease. 84:539-543. WHARTON, P. y SCHILDER, A. [2003]. Blueberry fruit rot identification guide. Michigan Blueberry Facts. Extension Bulletin E-2847. 4p. WOLF, P.F.J. y VERREET, J.A. [2002]. An integrated pest management system in Germany for the control of fungal leaf diseases in sugar beet: the IPM sugar beet model. Plant Disease. 86:336-344. WOLF, P.F.J. y VERREET, J.A. [2005]. Factors affecting the onset of Cercospora leaf spot epidemics in sugar beet and establishment of disease-monitoring thresholds. Phytopathology. 95:269-274. WRIGHT, P.J.; CHYNOWETH, R.W.; BERESFORD, R.M. y HENSHALL, W.R. [2002]. Comparison of strategies for timing protective and curative fungicides for control of onion downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) in New Zealand. Presented at Crop Prot. Conf., Brighton, U.K. WRIGHT, E.R. y COTTA, A.G. [1996]. Atizonamiento del arándano (Vaccinium corymbossum) ocasionado por Fusarium sp. Actas del VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Horticultura. Montevideo. Uruguay. p. 124. WRIGHT, E.R.; FERNÁNDEZ, R.L.; BENVA, M.; PÉREZ, J.A.; RIVERA, M.C.; RONCORONI, S.; NICOLINI, F.; VASQUEZ, P.E.; CIURCA, P. y PÉREZ, B.A. [2010]. Deterioro poscosecha de arándano en Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires, Argentina. p. 63-68. En: Divo de Sesar, M.; Rocca, M.; Vilella, F. (eds.) Avances en cultivos frutales no tradicionales. Arándanos-Cerezas-Frutillas- Granadas. 127

<strong>Modelado</strong> para la predicción de <strong>enfermedades</strong> en <strong>cultivos</strong> de alto valor comercial<br />

aerial robots. In: XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image<br />

Processing. IEEE, Florianópolis. 226-231.<br />


B.A. [2007]. Hongos aislados de <strong>cultivos</strong> de arándano y olivo. 30º Congreso<br />

Argentino de Horticultura y 1º Simposio Internacional sobre Cultivos<br />

Protegidos. Libro de Resúmenes. p. 220. La Plata. Buenos Aires.<br />

SOZZI, G.O. [2007]. Tecnología de poscosecha y su influencia sobre la calidad de<br />

los frutos. p.769-805. En: Sozzi, G.O. Árboles frutales. Ecofisiología, Cultivo y<br />

Aprovechamiento. Editorial Facultad de Agronomía. Buenos Aires.<br />

STRANGE, R.N. y SCOTT, P.R. [2005]. Plant disease: a threat to global food<br />

security. Annu. Rev. Phytopathology. 43:83-116.<br />

TAYLOR, M.C.; HARDWICK, N.V.; BRADSHAW, N.J. y HALL, A.M. [2003].<br />

Relative performance of five forecasting schemes for potato late blight<br />

(Phytophthora infestans) I. Accuracy of infection warnings and reduction of<br />

unnecessary, theoretical, fungicide applications. Crop Protection. 22:275-283.<br />

TENG, P.S. y ROUSE, D.I. [1984]. Understanding computers: applications in plant<br />

pathology. Plant Disease. 68(6):539-543.<br />

TENG, P.S. y ZADOKS, J.C. [1980]. Computer simulation of plant disease<br />

epidemics. In: MCGRAW-HILL yearbook of science and technology. McGraw-<br />

Hill, New York. 23-31.<br />


[2002]. Utilization of GIS/GPS-based information technology in commercial crop<br />

decision making in California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Arizona. J.<br />

Nematol. 34:200-206.<br />

TODD, L.R. y KOMMEDAHL, T. [1994]. Image analysis and visual estimates for<br />

evaluating disease reactions of corn to Fusarium stalk rot. Plant Disease.<br />

78:876-878.<br />

TOMERLIN, J.R. y HOWELL, T.A. [1988]. DISTRAIN: a computer program for<br />

training people to estimate disease severity on cereal leaves. Plant Disease.<br />

72:455-459.<br />

TRADINTER [2010]. Análisis de la temporada 2009/10 del Hemisferio Sur.<br />

Asociación de Productores de Arándanos de la Mesopotamia Argentina<br />

(APAMA). Top Info Marketing S.A.<br />

TRILOFF, P. [1997]. Apple scab control with the simulation programme “RIMpro” at<br />

Lake Constance, Germany: results and experience in the past three years. Int.<br />

Org. Biol. Integr. Control Noxious Anim. Plants, West Palearctic Reg. Sect.<br />

20:229-240.<br />


[2004]. Modelos logísticos basados en variables térmicas e hídricas para<br />

simular la dinámica de la producción de inóculo de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum en<br />

suelos con rastrojo de girasol. Actas X Reunión Nacional de Agrometeorología.<br />

Mar del Plata.<br />

TURECHEK, W.W. y STEVENSON, K.L. [1998]. Effects of host resistance,<br />

temperature, leaf wetness duration and leaf age on infection and lesion<br />

development of pecan scab. Phytopathology. 88:1294-1301.<br />


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