Revista 3-2012 (PDF) - Sonepsyn

Revista 3-2012 (PDF) - Sonepsyn Revista 3-2012 (PDF) - Sonepsyn


Neuropatía hereditaria con susceptibilidad a la parálisis por presión. Importancia del protocolo electrodiagnóstico T, Silvestri M, Rizzuto N. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies: electrophysiological and genetic study of a family with carpal tunnel syndrome as only clinical manifestation. Neurol Sci 2003; 24: 57-60. 5. Mouton P, Tardieu S, Gouider R, Birouk N, Maisonobe T, Dubourg O, et al. Spectrum of clinical and electrophysiologic features in HNPP patients with the 17p11.2 deletion. Neurology 1999; 22; 52: 1440-6. 6. Martinelli P, Fabbri R, Moretto G, Gabellini AS, D’Alessandro R, Rizzuto N. Recurrent familial brachial plexus palsies as the only clinical expression of tomaculous neuropathy. Eur Neurol 1989; 29: 61-6. 7. Paprocka J, Kajor M, Jamroz E, Jezela-Stanek A, Seeman P, Marszal E. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy. Folia Neuropathol 2006, 44: 290-4. 8. Casasnovas C, Banchs I, De Jorge L, Antónia Albertí M, Martínez-Campo Y, Povedano M, Montero J, Volpini V. A novel small deletion in PMP22 causes a mild hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies phenotype. Muscle Nerve 2012; 45 (1): 135-8. 9. Luigetti M, Conte A, Madia F, Mereu ML, Zollino M, Marangi G, et al. A new single-nucleotide deletion of PMP22 in an HNPP family without recurrent palsies. Muscle Nerve 2008; 38: 1060-4. 10. Magot A, Latour P, Mussini JM, Mourtada R, Guiheneuc P, Pereon Y. A new MPZ mutation associated with a mild CMT1 phenotype presenting with recurrent nerve compression. Muscle Nerve 2008; 38: 1055-9. 11. Eirís-Puñal J, Vidal-Lijó M, Barros-Angueira F, López- Fernández MJ, Pintos-Martínez E, Beiras- Iglesias A, et al. Neuropatía hereditaria con parálisis sensible a la presión (neuropatía tomacular). Estudio clínico, electrofisiológico y molecular de dos familias afectadas. Rev Neurol 2000; 31: 506- 10. 12. Beydoun SR, Sykes SN, Ganguly G, Lee TS. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies: description of seven patients without known family history. Acta Neurol Scand 2008; 117: 266-72. 13. Farooq MU, Martin JH, Andary MT. Unusual presentation of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies. J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj 2008; 3: 2. 14. Meier C, Moll C. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies: report of two families and review of the literature. J Neurol 1982; 228: 73-94. 15. Andersson PB, Yuen E, Parko K, So YT. Electrodiagnostic features of hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies. Neurology 2000; 54: 40-4. 16. Stangler Herodez S, Zagradisnik B, Erjavec Skerget A, Zagorac A, Kokalj Vokac N. Molecular diagnosis of PMP22 gene duplications and deletions: comparison of different methods. J Int Med Res 2009; 37: 1626-31. 17. Stanton M, Pannoni V, Lewis RA, et al. Dispersion of compound muscle action potential in hereditary neuropathies and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Muscle Nerve 2006; 34: 417-22. 18. Hughes R, Bevilacqua J. Neuropatía hereditaria con susceptibilidad a la parálisis por compresión. Presentación de casos clínicos y electrofisiológicos. Rev Hosp Clín Univ Chile 2009; 20 189-93. Correspondencia: Dr. Antonio Díaz Negrillo. Hospital Universitario Infanta Elena. Unidad de Neurofisiología Clínica. Avda. Reyes Católicos nº 21 c.p. 28340. Valdemoro. Madrid. España. E-mail: 180 REV CHIL NEURO-PSIQUIAT 2012; 50 (3): 174-180

Artículo de Revisión Abuso y dependencia de internet: la epidemia y su controversia Internet abuse and dependence: the epidemic and its controversy Juan Enrique Berner G. 1 y Jaime Santander T. 2 Background: Since Internet made its first appearance for the general public, and its thereafter growth, different emerging health issues have been described. The discussion has taken place not only in the mass media, but also in the academy, initially with case reports of abuse and dependence, and now that it has been considered as a new diagnosis in the not yet finished DSM-V, either as another category within the substance abuse, or another one more related to the impulse control disorders. Methods: A systematic review of the published literature about the subject was done using related MESH terms: “Internet”, “Behavior, Addictive”, “Impulse Control Disorders” e “Impulsive Behavior” between 2006 and march 2012. Results: The prevalence of Internet abuse and dependence has been difficult to determine because of the lack of consensus in the diagnostic criteria. As other psychiatric entities, genetic and psychological risk factors could be involved, as well as it could be associated with other comorbidities such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, ADHD, alcohol abuse and eating disorders. Neuroimaging studies have shown evidence of neurobiological similarities with the structures involved in substance dependence. Conclusion: For answering many of these queries specific terminology is required, in order to validate new instruments for diagnosis and follow up as well, in order to in the future describe the risk factors, natural history and treatment alternatives for this emerging disease. Key words: Internet, abuse, dependence, impulsive behavior. Rev Chil Neuro-Psiquiat 2012; 50 (3): 181-190 La aparición de lo que conocemos hoy como tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX ha generado un cambio en la forma que entendemos nuestras actividades cotidianas 1 . Varios hitos marcaron el proceso, comparable en repercusión con la invención de la imprenta o la revolución industrial, pero la apertura al público y posterior masificación de internet con la implementación de la World Wide Web en 1991 pareciera haber sido el Recibido: 28/05/2012 Aprobado: 31/07/2012 Financiamiento: Este trabajo ha sido financiado exclusivamente con fondos provenientes del Departamento de Psiquiatría de la Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 1 Interno de Medicina. Departamento de Psiquiatría, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 2 Profesor Asistente de Psiquiatría. Departamento de Psiquiatría, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. REV CHIL NEURO-PSIQUIAT 2012; 50 (3): 181-190 181

Artículo de Revisión<br />

Abuso y dependencia de internet:<br />

la epidemia y su controversia<br />

Internet abuse and dependence:<br />

the epidemic and its controversy<br />

Juan Enrique Berner G. 1 y Jaime Santander T. 2<br />

Background: Since Internet made its first appearance for the general public, and its thereafter<br />

growth, different emerging health issues have been described. The discussion has taken place<br />

not only in the mass media, but also in the academy, initially with case reports of abuse and<br />

dependence, and now that it has been considered as a new diagnosis in the not yet finished<br />

DSM-V, either as another category within the substance abuse, or another one more related to<br />

the impulse control disorders. Methods: A systematic review of the published literature about the<br />

subject was done using related MESH terms: “Internet”, “Behavior, Addictive”, “Impulse Control<br />

Disorders” e “Impulsive Behavior” between 2006 and march <strong>2012</strong>. Results: The prevalence of<br />

Internet abuse and dependence has been difficult to determine because of the lack of consensus in<br />

the diagnostic criteria. As other psychiatric entities, genetic and psychological risk factors could<br />

be involved, as well as it could be associated with other comorbidities such as mood disorders,<br />

anxiety disorders, ADHD, alcohol abuse and eating disorders. Neuroimaging studies have shown<br />

evidence of neurobiological similarities with the structures involved in substance dependence.<br />

Conclusion: For answering many of these queries specific terminology is required, in order to<br />

validate new instruments for diagnosis and follow up as well, in order to in the future describe<br />

the risk factors, natural history and treatment alternatives for this emerging disease.<br />

Key words: Internet, abuse, dependence, impulsive behavior.<br />

Rev Chil Neuro-Psiquiat <strong>2012</strong>; 50 (3): 181-190<br />

La aparición de lo que conocemos hoy como<br />

tecnologías de la información y comunicación<br />

(TIC) durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX ha<br />

generado un cambio en la forma que entendemos<br />

nuestras actividades cotidianas 1 . Varios hitos<br />

marcaron el proceso, comparable en repercusión<br />

con la invención de la imprenta o la revolución<br />

industrial, pero la apertura al público y posterior<br />

masificación de internet con la implementación de<br />

la World Wide Web en 1991 pareciera haber sido el<br />

Recibido: 28/05/<strong>2012</strong><br />

Aprobado: 31/07/<strong>2012</strong><br />

Financiamiento: Este trabajo ha sido financiado exclusivamente con fondos provenientes del Departamento de Psiquiatría de<br />

la Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.<br />

1<br />

Interno de Medicina. Departamento de Psiquiatría, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.<br />

2<br />

Profesor Asistente de Psiquiatría. Departamento de Psiquiatría, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica<br />

de Chile.<br />

REV CHIL NEURO-PSIQUIAT <strong>2012</strong>; 50 (3): 181-190<br /><br />


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