Redalyc.La esclavitud liberal. Liberalismo y abolicionismo en el ...

Redalyc.La esclavitud liberal. Liberalismo y abolicionismo en el ...

Redalyc.La esclavitud liberal. Liberalismo y abolicionismo en el ...


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Liberal Slavery. Liberalism and Abolitionism<br />

in the Spanish Caribbean<br />

Rafa<strong>el</strong> Rojas<br />

Professor and researcher of the History Division at the C<strong>en</strong>tro de Investigación y Doc<strong>en</strong>cia<br />

Económicas (dDE), in Mexico City and Global Scholar at the University of Princeton. His last<br />

book is Los derechos d<strong>el</strong> alma Ensayos sobre la quer<strong>el</strong>la <strong>liberal</strong>-conservadora <strong>en</strong> Hispanoamérica, Taurus,<br />

Mexico City, 2013.<br />

Abstract<br />

This essay proposes a reconstruction of certain<br />

fundam<strong>en</strong>tal debates on the abolition of slavery<br />

in the Spanish Caribbean, during the first haif<br />

of the 1 9th c<strong>en</strong>tury. It begins with the Haitian<br />

Revolution and the polemic over slavery in the<br />

Cortes de Cádiz and <strong>en</strong>ds with the abolítionist<br />

campaign of the aut000mists and Republicans<br />

in Puerto Rico and Cuba in 1860. The essay<br />

posits that just as in the <strong>La</strong>tin American contin<strong>en</strong>tal<br />

world, die dispute over the natural rights<br />

of man in the mid-19th c<strong>en</strong>tury translared into<br />

the terms of the State-Church conflict, in the<br />

colonial Caribbean, this same dispute involved<br />

rhe problem of siave trafficking and slavery<br />

Key words:<br />

Trafficking, slavery, Hispanic <strong>liberal</strong>ism, Haitian Revolution, the Constitution<br />

of Cadiz, abolirionism, autonomy and Republicanism<br />

Final submission: Acceptance:<br />

June 2011 March 2012

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