Ali R., Muzquiz M. (1998) ANFs in tropical legume seeds for human nutrition. En Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds and Rapeseed. Jansman A.J.M., Hill G.D., Huisman J., van der Poel A.F.B. (Eds.), pp. 107-130. ISBN 90-74134-57-2. CLAVE: CL Brenes A., Burbano C., Muzquiz M., Centeno C., Cuadrado C., Pedrosa M.M. (1998) Phytate and phytase activity of different Spanish Phaseolus varieties. En European Conference on Grain Legumes. AEP (Ed.), pp. 176-178. ISBN 2-9509491-2-6. CLAVE: CL Cañeque V., Sancha J.L. (1998) Ensilado de forrajes y se empleo en la alimentación de rumiantes. Mundi-Prensa Libros S.A. ISBN 84-7114-730-0. CLAVE: L Cañeque V., Velasco S., Manzanares C., Souza O., Sancha J.L. (1998) Efecto de la humedad y de la temperatura sobre la digestibilidad y fraccionamiento nitrogenado de distintos materiales fibrosos tratados por urea. Investigación Agraria: Producción y Sanidad Animales 13, 145-164. CLAVE: A Cañeque V., Velasco S., Sancha J.L. (1998) Nutritional value and use of ligno-cellulosic feed treated with urea in the ruminant diet. En Exploitation of Mediterranean roughage and by-products. Options Méditerranéennes, Serie B: Etudes et recherches nº 17, 17-32. ISBN 2-85352-178-8. CLAVE: CL * Cañeque V., Velasco S., Sancha J.L., Manzanares C., Souza O. (1998) Effect of moisture and temperature on the degradability of fiber and on nitrogen fractions in barley straw treated with urea. Animal Feed Science and Technology 74, 241-258. CLAVE: A * Fernández-García E., Traylor S., McGregor J.U. (1998) The addition of oat fiber and natural alternative sweeteners in the elaboration of plain yogurt. Journal of Dairy Science 81, 655-663. CLAVE: A * Gaya P., Sanchez J., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1998) Incidence of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species in cows' raw milk produced in Central Spain. Food Microbiology 15, 551- 555. CLAVE: A * Gómez M.J., Gaya P., Nuñez M., Medina M. (1998) Streptococcus thermophilus as adjunct culture for a semi-hard cows' milk cheese. Lait 78, 501-511. CLAVE: A Greiner R., Pedrosa M.M., Muzquiz M., Ayet G., Cuadrado C., Burbano C. (1998) Effect of germination on phytate content and phytase activity in legumes. En European Conference on Grain Legumes. AEP (Ed.), pp. 82-84. ISBN 2-9509491-2-6. CLAVE: CL * Martínez M.I., Rodríguez E., Medina M., Hernández P. E., Rodríguez J.M. (1998) Detection of specific bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria by colony hybridization. Journal of Applied Microbiology 84, 1099-1103. CLAVE: A * Mohedano A., Fernández J., Garde S., Medina M., Gaya P., Nuñez M. (1998) The effect of the cysteine proteinase from Micrococcus sp. INIA 528 on the ripening process of Manchego cheese. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 22, 391-396. * Mohedano A.F., Fernández J., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1998) Effect of the cysteine proteinase from Micrococcus sp. INIA 528 on the ripening process of Hispanico cheese. Journal of Dairy Research 65, 621-630. CLAVE: A Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Pedrosa M.M. (1998) Estudio de compuestos no nutricionales en cultivos vegetales (lupinus, judías y habas) destinados a la alimentación. En Simposio Iberoamericano sobre proteínas para alimentos. Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Pedrosa M.M. (Eds.), pp. 251-267. ISBN 84-7498-466-1. CLAVE: CL

Muzquiz M., Pedrosa M.M., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Burbano C., Brenes A. (1998) Variation of alkaloids, alkaloids esters, phytic acid and phytase activity in germinated seeds of Lupinus albus and L. luteus. En Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds and Rapeseed. Jansman A.J.M., Hill G.D., Huisman J., van der Poel A.F.B. (Eds.), pp. 387-390. ISBN 90-74134-57-2. CLAVE: CL

Muzquiz M., Pedrosa M.M., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Burbano C., Brenes A. (1998) Variation of<br />

alkaloids, alkaloids esters, phytic acid and phytase activity in germinated seeds of Lupinus albus<br />

and L. luteus. En Antinutritional Factors in Legume Seeds and Rapeseed. Jansman A.J.M., Hill<br />

G.D., Huisman J., van der Poel A.F.B. (Eds.), pp. 387-390. ISBN 90-74134-57-2. CLAVE: CL

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