Gómez M.J., Gómez R., Kalantzopoulos G., Ledda A., Medina M., Rea M., Rodríguez E. (1997) Characterization of the lactic acid bacteria in artisanal dairy products. Journal of Dairy Research 64, 409-421. CLAVE: A Cuadrado C., Burbano C., Gelencsér E., Grant G., Pusztai A. (1997) Large scale purification of lectin from lentil seeds and determination of the lectin content in processed lentils. En Cost 98- Effects of antinutrients on the nutritional value of legume diets. Vol IV. Bardocz S., Pusztai A., Gelencser E. (Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 82-88. ISBN 92-827-9191-2. CLAVE: CL * Fernández-García E., McGregor J.U. (1997) Fortification of sweetened plain yogurt with insoluble dietary fiber. Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und-Forschung 204, 433-437. CLAVE: A * García E., De Paz M., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Inhibition of Listeria innocua in Manchego cheese by bacteriocin-producing Enterococcus faecalis INIA 4. Milchwissenschaft 52, 667-670. CLAVE: A * Garde S., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Acceleration of flavour formation in cheese by a bacteriocin-producing adjunct lactic culture. Biotechnology Letters 19, 1011-1014. CLAVE: A * Gómez M.J., Garde S., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Relationship between levels of hydrophobic peptides and bitterness in cheese made from pasteurized and raw milk. Journal of Dairy Research 64, 289-297. CLAVE: A * Joosten H.M.L.J., Rodríguez E., Nuñez M. (1997) PCR detection of sequences similar to the AS-48 structural gene in bacteriocin-producing enterococci. Letters in Applied Microbiology 24, 40-42. CLAVE: A Medina M. (1997) Spanish cheeses. 5 th Cheese Symposium. Cogan T.M., Fox P.F., Ross R.P. (Eds.). Teagasc, Dublin, Irlanda, pp. 104-113. CLAVE: A * Mohedano A.F., Fernández J., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Effect of pH, temperature and culture medium composition on the production of an extracellular cysteine proteinase by Micrococcus sp. INIA 528. Journal of Applied Microbiology 82, 81-86. CLAVE: A Muzquiz M. (1997) Spanish legumes and the Mediterranean diet. En Grain Legumes. AEP (Ed.). pp. 22-24. CLAVE: A Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Pedrosa M.M., Folkman W., Gulewicz K.(1997) Struktura Alkaloidów lubinowych a ich aktywnosc biologiczna. En Lubin we Wspólczesnym Rolnictwie. Vol 1. Koczowska I., Fordonski G., Gulewicz K., Gorecki R., Piotrowicz-Cieslak A. (Eds.). pp. 241-250. ISBN 83-86497-97-1. CLAVE: CL * Nuñez M., Rodríguez J.L., García E., Gaya P., Medina M. (1997) Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes by enterocin 4 during the manufacture and ripening of Manchego cheese. Journal of Applied Microbiology 83, 671-677. CLAVE: A Pedrosa M.M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Muzquiz M. (1997) Levels of non-nutrient compounds in dietary legumes. En Cost 98-Effects of antinutrients on the nutritional value of legume diets. Vol IV. Bardocz S., Pusztai A., Gelencser E. (Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 75-81. ISBN 92-827-9191-2. CLAVE: CL

* Picón A., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Proteinases encapsulated in stimulated release liposomes for cheese ripening. Biotechnology Letters 19, 345-348. CLAVE: A Picón A., Medina M., Gaya P. (1997) Maduración acelerada del queso. Aplicación en quesos españoles. Revista Española de Lechería nº 82, 36-44. CLAVE: A * Rodríguez E., Tomillo J., Nuñez M., Medina M. (1997) Combined effect of bacteriocinproducing lactic acid bacteria and lactoperoxidase system activation on Listeria monocytogenes in refrigerated raw milk. Journal of Applied Microbiology 83, 389-395. CLAVE: A * Rodríguez J.L., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Bactericidal effect of enterocin 4 on Listeria monocytogenes in a model dairy system. Journal of Food Protection 60, 28-32. CLAVE: A Ruiz De Huidobro F., Cantero M.A., López D., Sancha J.L., Cañeque V., Lauzurica S., Pérez C., Velasco S., Gayán J. (1997) La clasificación de las canales de lechal y su relación con los parámetros objetivos de engrasamiento. ITEA, Volumen Extra nº 18, tomo II, 721-723. CLAVE: A

Gómez M.J., Gómez R., Kalantzopoulos G., Ledda A., Medina M., Rea M., Rodríguez E.<br />

(1997) Characterization of the lactic acid bacteria in artisanal dairy products. Journal of Dairy<br />

Research 64, 409-421. CLAVE: A<br />

Cuadrado C., Burbano C., Gelencsér E., Grant G., Pusztai A. (1997) Large scale purification of<br />

lectin from lentil seeds and determination of the lectin content in processed lentils. En Cost 98-<br />

Effects of antinutrients on the nutritional value of legume diets. Vol IV. Bardocz S., Pusztai A.,<br />

Gelencser E. (Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg,<br />

pp. 82-88. ISBN 92-827-9191-2. CLAVE: CL<br />

* Fernández-García E., McGregor J.U. (1997) Fortification of sweetened plain yogurt with<br />

insoluble dietary fiber. Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und-Forschung 204, 433-437.<br />

CLAVE: A<br />

* García E., De Paz M., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Inhibition of Listeria innocua in<br />

Manchego cheese by bacteriocin-producing Enterococcus faecalis INIA 4. Milchwissenschaft<br />

52, 667-670. CLAVE: A<br />

* Garde S., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Acceleration of flavour formation in cheese<br />

by a bacteriocin-producing adjunct lactic culture. Biotechnology Letters 19, 1011-1014.<br />

CLAVE: A<br />

* Gómez M.J., Garde S., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Relationship between levels of<br />

hydrophobic peptides and bitterness in cheese made from pasteurized and raw milk. Journal of<br />

Dairy Research 64, 289-297. CLAVE: A<br />

* Joosten H.M.L.J., Rodríguez E., Nuñez M. (1997) PCR detection of sequences similar to the<br />

AS-48 structural gene in bacteriocin-producing enterococci. Letters in Applied Microbiology<br />

24, 40-42. CLAVE: A<br />

Medina M. (1997) Spanish cheeses. 5 th Cheese Symposium. Cogan T.M., Fox P.F., Ross R.P.<br />

(Eds.). Teagasc, Dublin, Irlanda, pp. 104-113. CLAVE: A<br />

* Mohedano A.F., Fernández J., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1997) Effect of pH,<br />

temperature and culture medium composition on the production of an extracellular cysteine<br />

proteinase by Micrococcus sp. INIA 528. Journal of Applied Microbiology 82, 81-86. CLAVE:<br />

A<br />

Muzquiz M. (1997) Spanish legumes and the Mediterranean diet. En Grain Legumes. AEP<br />

(Ed.). pp. 22-24. CLAVE: A<br />

Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Pedrosa M.M., Folkman W., Gulewicz K.(1997) Struktura<br />

Alkaloidów lubinowych a ich aktywnosc biologiczna. En Lubin we Wspólczesnym Rolnictwie.<br />

Vol 1. Koczowska I., Fordonski G., Gulewicz K., Gorecki R., Piotrowicz-Cieslak A. (Eds.). pp.<br />

241-250. ISBN 83-86497-97-1. CLAVE: CL<br />

* Nuñez M., Rodríguez J.L., García E., Gaya P., Medina M. (1997) Inhibition of Listeria<br />

monocytogenes by enterocin 4 during the manufacture and ripening of Manchego cheese.<br />

Journal of Applied Microbiology 83, 671-677. CLAVE: A<br />

Pedrosa M.M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Muzquiz M. (1997) Levels of non-nutrient<br />

compounds in dietary legumes. En Cost 98-Effects of antinutrients on the nutritional value of<br />

legume diets. Vol IV. Bardocz S., Pusztai A., Gelencser E. (Eds.). Office for Official Publications<br />

of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 75-81. ISBN 92-827-9191-2. CLAVE: CL

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