* Joosten H.M.L.J., Nuñez M., Devreese B., van Beeumen J., Marugg J.D. (1996) Purification and characterization of enterocin 4, a bacteriocin produced by Enterococcus faecalis INIA 4. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62, 4220-4223. CLAVE: A Medina M. (1996) Cabrales cheese. En Artisanal European Cheeses. Cogan T.M., Rea M.C. (Eds.). Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 12-16. ISBN 92- 827-7211-X. CLAVE: CL

Medina M. (1996) La Serena cheese. En Artisanal European Cheeses. Cogan T.M., Rea M.C. (Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 17-21. ISBN 92-827-7211-X. CLAVE: CL Medina M. (1996) Manchego cheese. En Artisanal European Cheeses. Cogan T.M., Rea M.C. (Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 5-11. ISBN 92-827-7211-X. CLAVE: CL Medina M. (1996) Spanish artisanal cheeses. En Artisanal European Cheeses. Cogan T.M., Rea M.C. (Eds.) Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp 1-32. ISBN 92-827-7211-X. CLAVE: CL * Mohedano A.F., Fernández J., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Hydrolysis of milk proteins and formation of peptides by micrococci isolated from raw milk and cheese. Milchwissenschaft 51, 70-73. CLAVE: A Muzquiz M., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Robredo L.M., Pedrosa M.M., Burbano C. (1996) Changes in non-nutrient compounds during germination. En Cost 98-Effects of antinutrients on the nutritional value of legume diets. Vol I. Bardocz S., Pusztai A., Gelencser E. (Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 124-129. ISBN 92-827-6598-9. CLAVE: CL * Muzquiz M., Robredo L.M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Méndez P. (1996) Variation in the alkaloid content of different subspecies of Chamaecytisus proliferus from the Canary Islands. Journal of Chromatography 719, 237-243. CLAVE: A * Nuñez M., Tomillo J., Gaya P., Medina M. (1996) Bacteriocin quantification by the critical dilution method: a comparison of arbitrary units with diameter and area of zone of growth inhibition. Milchwissenschaft 51, 7-10. CLAVE: A Osagie A., Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Castaño A., (1996) Antinutritional constituents of ten staple foods grown in Nigeria. Tropical Science 36, 109-115. CLAVE: A * Picón A., Serrano C., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) The effect of liposomeencapsulated cyprosins on Manchego cheese ripening. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 1699-1705. CLAVE: A * Rúas-Madiedo P., Bada-Gancedo J.C., Fernández-García E., González de Llano D., González de los Reyes Gavilán C. (1996) Preservation of the microbiological and biochemical quality of raw milk by carbon dioxide addition. A pilot scale study. Journal of Food Protection 59, 502-508. CLAVE: A Ruiz De Huidobro F., Cañeque V. (1996) Bases técnicas para la alimentación del cordero. Ciencias Veterinarias XV, 189-213. CLAVE: A * Ayet G., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., De la Cuadra C., Robredo L.M., Castaño A., Muzquiz M., Osagie A. (1997) Effect of germination, under different environmental conditions, on saponins, phytic acid and tannins in lentils (Lens culinaris). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 74, 273-279. CLAVE: A Cañeque V., Sancha J.L., Cantero M.A., Velasco S., Ruiz De Huidobro F., López D., Lauzurica S. (1997) Efecto del peso de sacrificio sobre el engrasamiento de la canal en corderos lechales de raza Talaverana. ITEA, Volumen Extra nº 18, tomo II, 709-711. CLAVE: A * Cogan T.M., Barbosa M., Beuvier E., Bianchi-Salvadori B., Cocconcelli P.S., Fernandes I.,

Medina M. (1996) La Serena cheese. En Artisanal European Cheeses. Cogan T.M., Rea M.C.<br />

(Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 17-21.<br />

ISBN 92-827-7211-X. CLAVE: CL<br />

Medina M. (1996) Manchego cheese. En Artisanal European Cheeses. Cogan T.M., Rea M.C.<br />

(Eds.). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 5-11.<br />

ISBN 92-827-7211-X. CLAVE: CL<br />

Medina M. (1996) Spanish artisanal cheeses. En Artisanal European Cheeses. Cogan T.M., Rea<br />

M.C. (Eds.) Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp 1-32.<br />

ISBN 92-827-7211-X. CLAVE: CL<br />

* Mohedano A.F., Fernández J., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Hydrolysis of milk<br />

proteins and formation of peptides by micrococci isolated from raw milk and cheese.<br />

Milchwissenschaft 51, 70-73. CLAVE: A<br />

Muzquiz M., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Robredo L.M., Pedrosa M.M., Burbano C. (1996) Changes in<br />

non-nutrient compounds during germination. En Cost 98-Effects of antinutrients on the nutritional<br />

value of legume diets. Vol I. Bardocz S., Pusztai A., Gelencser E. (Eds.). Office for Official<br />

Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 124-129. ISBN 92-827-6598-9.<br />

CLAVE: CL<br />

* Muzquiz M., Robredo L.M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Méndez P. (1996) Variation<br />

in the alkaloid content of different subspecies of Chamaecytisus proliferus from the Canary<br />

Islands. Journal of Chromatography 719, 237-243. CLAVE: A<br />

* Nuñez M., Tomillo J., Gaya P., Medina M. (1996) Bacteriocin quantification by the critical<br />

dilution method: a comparison of arbitrary units with diameter and area of zone of growth<br />

inhibition. Milchwissenschaft 51, 7-10. CLAVE: A<br />

Osagie A., Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Castaño A., (1996) Antinutritional<br />

constituents of ten staple foods grown in Nigeria. Tropical Science 36, 109-115. CLAVE: A<br />

* Picón A., Serrano C., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) The effect of liposomeencapsulated<br />

cyprosins on Manchego cheese ripening. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 1699-1705.<br />

CLAVE: A<br />

* Rúas-Madiedo P., Bada-Gancedo J.C., Fernández-García E., González de Llano D., González<br />

de los Reyes Gavilán C. (1996) Preservation of the microbiological and biochemical quality of<br />

raw milk by carbon dioxide addition. A pilot scale study. Journal of Food Protection 59, 502-508.<br />

CLAVE: A<br />

Ruiz De Huidobro F., Cañeque V. (1996) Bases técnicas para la alimentación del cordero. Ciencias<br />

Veterinarias XV, 189-213. CLAVE: A<br />

* Ayet G., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., De la Cuadra C., Robredo L.M., Castaño A., Muzquiz M.,<br />

Osagie A. (1997) Effect of germination, under different environmental conditions, on saponins,<br />

phytic acid and tannins in lentils (Lens culinaris). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture<br />

74, 273-279. CLAVE: A<br />

Cañeque V., Sancha J.L., Cantero M.A., Velasco S., Ruiz De Huidobro F., López D., Lauzurica S.<br />

(1997) Efecto del peso de sacrificio sobre el engrasamiento de la canal en corderos lechales de raza<br />

Talaverana. ITEA, Volumen Extra nº 18, tomo II, 709-711. CLAVE: A<br />

* Cogan T.M., Barbosa M., Beuvier E., Bianchi-Salvadori B., Cocconcelli P.S., Fernandes I.,

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