sensorial ha mostrado que no existe uniformidad entre queserías y entre épocas de elaboración. Mediante SFE para extraer los compuestos volátiles se han observado alcoholes, aldehídos, cetonas, hidrocarburos aromáticos, ésteres, lactonas, ácidos grasos libres, alcanos, compuestos sulfurados y nitrogenados. A las muestras con mejor y peor puntuación sensorial se les ha aplicado un análisis de Olfatometría (GCO) para determinar los olores “clave” en este queso. El aroma de este queso proviene de la combinación de percepciones olfativas que pertenecen a los grupos aromáticos: torrefacto, afrutado, vegetal, floral, animal y lácteo, siendo los cuatro últimos los más importantes en el aroma del queso Roncal.

PUBLICACIONES Revistas y/o libros * Ayet G., Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Price K.R. (1996) Determinación de saponinas en las principales leguminosas cultivadas en España. Food Science and Technology International 2, 95-100. CLAVE: A Carrera E., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Formation of hydrophobic peptides during the manufacture of cheese from ewe, goat and cow milk. En Production and utilization of ewe and goat milk. International Dairy Federation, Brussels, pp 191-193. ISBN 92-9098-0247. CLAVE: CL * Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Robredo L.M., Tabera J., Villa R., Burbano C., Muzquiz M. (1996) Effect of natural fermentation on saponins and phytates content of lentils. Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung 203, 268-271. CLAVE: A Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Robredo L.M., Tabera J., Villa R., Burbano C., Muzquiz M. (1996) Effect of natural fermentation on phytic acid and saponins of lentils. En Agri-Food quality. An interdisciplinary approach. Fenwick G.R., Hedley C., Richard R.L., Khokhar S. (Eds.). The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, pp. 298-301. ISBN 0-85404-7111-5. CLAVE: CL * Cuesta P., Fernández-García E., González de Llano D., Montilla A., Rodríguez A. (1996) Evolution of the microbiological and biochemical characteristics of Afuega’l Pitu cheese during ripening. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 1693-1698. CLAVE: A De la Vega R., Gutiérrez M.P., Sanz C., Calvo R., Robredo L.M., De la Cuadra C., Muzquiz M. (1996) Bactericide-like effect of Lupinus alkaloids. Industrial Crops and Products 2, 141-148. CLAVE: A * Fernández J., Mohedano A.F., Polanco M.J., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Purification and characterization of an extracellular cysteine proteinase produced by Micrococcus sp. INIA 528. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 81, 27-34. CLAVE: A * Fernández-García E. (1996) Use of headspace sampling in the quantitative analysis of artisanal spanish cheese aroma. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 44, 1833-1839. CLAVE: A * García E., De Paz M., Rodríguez J.L., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Exogenous sources of Listeria contamination in ewes' raw milk. Journal of Food Protection 59, 950-954. CLAVE: A * Gaya P., Saralegui C., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species in goats' raw milk. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 1936-1941. CLAVE: A * Gómez M.J., Gaya P., Nuñez M., Medina M. (1996) Debittering activity of peptidases from selected lactobacilli in model cheeses. Milchwissenschaft 51, 315-319. CLAVE: A * Gómez M.J., Gaya P., Nuñez M., Medina M. (1996) Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum as adjunct starter on the flavour and texture of a semi-hard cheese made from pasteurized cows' milk. Lait 76, 461-472. CLAVE: A * Joosten H.M.L.J., Nuñez M. (1996) Prevention of histamine formation in cheese by bacteriocin-producing lactic starter cultures. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62, 1178-1181. CLAVE: A


Revistas y/o libros<br />

* Ayet G., Muzquiz M., Burbano C., Cuadrado C., Price K.R. (1996) Determinación de<br />

saponinas en las principales leguminosas cultivadas en España. Food Science and Technology<br />

International 2, 95-100. CLAVE: A<br />

Carrera E., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Formation of hydrophobic peptides during the<br />

manufacture of cheese from ewe, goat and cow milk. En Production and utilization of ewe and goat<br />

milk. International Dairy Federation, Brussels, pp 191-193. ISBN 92-9098-0247. CLAVE: CL<br />

* Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Robredo L.M., Tabera J., Villa R., Burbano C., Muzquiz M. (1996)<br />

Effect of natural fermentation on saponins and phytates content of lentils. Zeitschrift für<br />

Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und Forschung 203, 268-271. CLAVE: A<br />

Cuadrado C., Ayet G., Robredo L.M., Tabera J., Villa R., Burbano C., Muzquiz M. (1996) Effect<br />

of natural fermentation on phytic acid and saponins of lentils. En Agri-Food quality. An<br />

interdisciplinary approach. Fenwick G.R., Hedley C., Richard R.L., Khokhar S. (Eds.). The Royal<br />

Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, pp. 298-301. ISBN 0-85404-7111-5. CLAVE: CL<br />

* Cuesta P., Fernández-García E., González de Llano D., Montilla A., Rodríguez A. (1996)<br />

Evolution of the microbiological and biochemical characteristics of Afuega’l Pitu cheese during<br />

ripening. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 1693-1698. CLAVE: A<br />

De la Vega R., Gutiérrez M.P., Sanz C., Calvo R., Robredo L.M., De la Cuadra C., Muzquiz M.<br />

(1996) Bactericide-like effect of Lupinus alkaloids. Industrial Crops and Products 2, 141-148.<br />

CLAVE: A<br />

* Fernández J., Mohedano A.F., Polanco M.J., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Purification and<br />

characterization of an extracellular cysteine proteinase produced by Micrococcus sp. INIA 528.<br />

Journal of Applied Bacteriology 81, 27-34. CLAVE: A<br />

* Fernández-García E. (1996) Use of headspace sampling in the quantitative analysis of artisanal<br />

spanish cheese aroma. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 44, 1833-1839. CLAVE: A<br />

* García E., De Paz M., Rodríguez J.L., Gaya P., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Exogenous<br />

sources of Listeria contamination in ewes' raw milk. Journal of Food Protection 59, 950-954.<br />

CLAVE: A<br />

* Gaya P., Saralegui C., Medina M., Nuñez M. (1996) Occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes<br />

and other Listeria species in goats' raw milk. Journal of Dairy Science 79, 1936-1941. CLAVE:<br />

A<br />

* Gómez M.J., Gaya P., Nuñez M., Medina M. (1996) Debittering activity of peptidases from<br />

selected lactobacilli in model cheeses. Milchwissenschaft 51, 315-319. CLAVE: A<br />

* Gómez M.J., Gaya P., Nuñez M., Medina M. (1996) Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum as<br />

adjunct starter on the flavour and texture of a semi-hard cheese made from pasteurized cows'<br />

milk. Lait 76, 461-472. CLAVE: A<br />

* Joosten H.M.L.J., Nuñez M. (1996) Prevention of histamine formation in cheese by<br />

bacteriocin-producing lactic starter cultures. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62,<br />

1178-1181. CLAVE: A

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