Sinterizazio-atmosferaren eragina M graduko (ASP 30 ... - Euskara

Sinterizazio-atmosferaren eragina M graduko (ASP 30 ... - Euskara Sinterizazio-atmosferaren eragina M graduko (ASP 30 ... - Euskara
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The reason for the need of higher tempering temperatures to reach peak hardness in these steels is the high amount of nitrogen picked-up during their sintering in the N2-H2-CH4 atmosphere used . As pointed out before, this has as consequence the transformation of MC carbides into MX carbonitrides, leaving free some amount of carbon and producing an appreciable increase in the amount of retained austenite . The elimination of a much higher amount of -retained austenite, also more stable, requires higher tempering temperatures for conditioning it to be transformed into martensite in the cooling following tempering . It seems reasonable to assume that the higher the excess of carbon equivalent -the larger the amount of retained austenite, as shown in Fig .14- and the higher the tempering temperature required to transform it . Table V shows the excess in carbon equivalent, defined previously in Ec .2, the excess in stoichiometric carbon equivalent (SCE)(20), SCE = %C+12/14%N -[0 .033(%W)+0 .063(%Mo)+0 .176(%V)+0 .060(%Cr)] Ec .3 and the ratio between carbide formers and carbon (20), R = E atomic % carbide formers/atomic % (C+N) Ec .4 for the steels investigated in the present work and the standard grades . It is clearly apparent that by sintering in the gas atmosphere important carbon equivalent excesses and low R values are obtained in comparison with standard grades . The experimental results found in the present work indicate that for excesses in carbon equivalent around 0 .7 for Ec. and around 0 .5 for Ec. an increase in the peak hardness can be obtained by appropriated tempering, but when these excesses are very_ high,_ ie__for_ T15 steel (ACeq=0 .92 and ASCE = 0 .85) the supersaturation in carbon is so high that for tempering at high temperatures a coarse (Fe,Cr)7C3 is precipitated as shown in Fig . 16 and no additional increase in peak hardness is produced . Fracture Toughness . In Fig . 13 has been shown that a clear decrease of toughness occurs with increasing hardness . The fact that the results for the three steel could be reasonably fitted to a single straight line, indicates that fracture toughness is only related to hardness being independent of the steel composition and of the amount of

primary carbides present in the microstructure . This correlation has been also found by other authors (15) and have been interpreted in terms of fracture toughness mainly related to the matrix properties and not to the amount, size and morphology of the primary carbides . It is clearly apparent that the lower hardness values and therefore the higher fracture toughness values are obtained for atmosphere sintered specimens . This is a consequence of the increasing in the amount of retained austenite produced by atmosphere sintered specimens, due to the release of carbon by transforming the MC carbides to MX carbonitrides . The actual values of fracture toughness are higher than those found for conventional wrought high speed steel and similar to other values reported for vacuum sintered steels (15) CONCLUSIONS 1 . Sintering high speed steel powders in a gas atmosphere allows to obtain full density at lower temperatures than in vacuum sintering . The decrease in the optimum sintering temperature, being higher the higher the amount of vanadium in the steel . 2 . The "sintering gate" or the amount of oversintering without the formation or a continuous deletorius layer of eutectic carbide is also elarged by gas atmosphere sintering . 3 . By sintering in the nitrogen rich atmosphere massive MC carbides are replaced by fine MX carbonitrides, very resistant to coarsening . 4 . The presence of these fine and very stable MX carbonitrides inhibits the fast grain coarsening observed in vacuum sintering for oversintering temperatures and the austenite grain size is fine even for important oversintering when sintering in the gas atmosphere . 5 . The as-quenched microstructures in gas sintered high speed steels contain higher amounts of retained austenite than the same steels vacuum sintered . This allows the obtention, by simple tempering, of a broad variety of mechanical properties by the an adequate combination of hardness and toughness . 6. The tempering peak hardness occurs in atmosphere sintered steels at higher temperatures than in vacuum sintered steels . When the excess of carbon equivalent

The reason for the need of higher tempering temperatures to reach<br />

peak hardness in these steels is the high amount of nitrogen picked-up during their<br />

sintering in the N2-H2-CH4 atmosphere used . As pointed out before, this has as<br />

consequence the transformation of MC carbides into MX carbonitrides, leaving free<br />

some amount of carbon and producing an appreciable increase in the amount of<br />

retained austenite . The elimination of a much higher amount of -retained austenite,<br />

also more stable, requires higher tempering temperatures for conditioning it to be<br />

transformed into martensite in the cooling following tempering . It seems reasonable<br />

to assume that the higher the excess of carbon equivalent -the larger the amount of<br />

retained austenite, as shown in Fig .14- and the higher the tempering temperature<br />

required to transform it . Table V shows the excess in carbon equivalent, defined<br />

previously in Ec .2, the excess in stoichiometric carbon equivalent (SCE)(20),<br />

SCE = %C+12/14%N -[0 .033(%W)+0 .063(%Mo)+0 .176(%V)+0 .060(%Cr)] Ec .3<br />

and the ratio between carbide formers and carbon (20),<br />

R = E atomic % carbide formers/atomic % (C+N) Ec .4<br />

for the steels investigated in the present work and the standard grades . It is clearly<br />

apparent that by sintering in the gas atmosphere important carbon equivalent<br />

excesses and low R values are obtained in comparison with standard grades . The<br />

experimental results found in the present work indicate that for excesses in carbon<br />

equivalent around 0 .7 for Ec. and around 0 .5 for Ec. an increase in the peak<br />

hardness can be obtained by appropriated tempering, but when these excesses are<br />

very_ high,_ ie__for_ T15 steel (ACeq=0 .92 and ASCE = 0 .85) the supersaturation in<br />

carbon is so high that for tempering at high temperatures a coarse (Fe,Cr)7C3 is<br />

precipitated as shown in Fig . 16 and no additional increase in peak hardness is<br />

produced .<br />

Fracture Toughness .<br />

In Fig . 13 has been shown that a clear decrease of toughness occurs<br />

with increasing hardness . The fact that the results for the three steel could be<br />

reasonably fitted to a single straight line, indicates that fracture toughness is only<br />

related to hardness being independent of the steel composition and of the amount of

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