informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications

informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications

informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications


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Gammage, S.<br />

2007 “El Salvador: Despite End to Civil War,<br />

Emigration Continues”, Migration Information<br />

Source, julio, Migration Policy Institute<br />

(MPI), Washington, D.C., http://www.<br />

migrationinformation.org/Profiles/display.<br />

cfm?ID=636.<br />

Ghosh, B.<br />

2005 “Managing Migration: Whither the Missing<br />

Regime?”, Draft Article of the UNESCO Migration<br />

without Borders Series, Doc. SHS/2005/MWB/4,<br />

15 de febrero, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/<br />

images/0013/001391/139149e.pdf.<br />

Ghose, A.K.<br />

2002 “Trade and international labour mobility”,<br />

Employm<strong>en</strong>t Paper 2002/33, OIT, Ginebra,<br />

http://www.ilo.org/public/<strong>en</strong>glish/<br />

employm<strong>en</strong>t/strat/download/ep33.pdf.<br />

Jans<strong>en</strong>, M. y E. Lee<br />

2007 Trade and Employm<strong>en</strong>t: Chall<strong>en</strong>ges for Policy<br />

Research, Estudio Conjunto de la Oficina<br />

Internacional d<strong>el</strong> Trabajo y la Secretaría de la<br />

Organización Mundial d<strong>el</strong> Comercio, OIT/OMC,<br />

Ginebra, http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/<br />

public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---webdev/<br />

docum<strong>en</strong>ts/publication/wcms_081742.pdf.<br />

Martin, P.L. y J.E. Taylor<br />

1996 “The anatomy of a migration hump” <strong>en</strong> J.E.<br />

Taylor, (Ed.), Dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t Strategy, Employm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

and Migration: Insights from Mod<strong>el</strong>s,<br />

Organización para la Cooperación y <strong>el</strong> Desarrollo<br />

Económicos (OCDE), París.<br />

McKinsey Global Institute<br />

2003 “Offshoring: Is it a win win game?”, Perspectiva,<br />

agosto, McKinsey Global Institute, http://www.<br />

mckinsey.com/mgi/publications/win_win_<br />

game.asp.<br />

2005 The Emerging Global Labor Market, junio,<br />

McKinsey Global Institute, http://<br />

www.mckinsey.com/mgi/publications/<br />

emerginggloballabormarket/.<br />

Mehmet, O., E. M<strong>en</strong>des y R. Sinding<br />

1999 Towards a Fair Global Labour Market: Avoiding<br />

a new slave trade, Routledge: Londres y Nueva<br />

York.<br />


Migration News<br />

1996 “Mexican Maquiladoras”, Migration News,<br />

3(2), febrero, Universidad de California, Davis,<br />

http://migration.ucdavis.edu/mn/more.<br />

php?id=872_0_2_0.<br />

Nonn<strong>en</strong>macher, S.<br />

2007 “Recognition of the Qualifications of<br />

Migrant Workers: Reconciling the Interests<br />

of Individuals, Countries of Origin and<br />

Countries of Destination”, IJMS: International<br />

Journal on Multicultural Societies (UNESCO),<br />

9(1): 91-112, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/<br />

images/0015/001538/153803E.pdf#page=93<br />

Organización Internacional d<strong>el</strong> Trabajo (OIT)<br />

2004a En busca de un compromiso equitativo para<br />

los trabajadores migrantes <strong>en</strong> la economía<br />

globalizada, Informe VI, Confer<strong>en</strong>cia<br />

Internacional d<strong>el</strong> Trabajo, 92 ª reunión, junio,<br />

Ginebra, http://www.ilo.org/public/<strong>en</strong>glish/<br />

standards/r<strong>el</strong>m/ilc/ilc92/pdf/rep-vi.pdf.<br />

2004b Trade, Foreign Investm<strong>en</strong>t and Productive<br />

Employm<strong>en</strong>t in Dev<strong>el</strong>oping Countries, Consejo de<br />

Administración, 291 st reunión, noviembre, OIT,<br />

Ginebra.<br />

2004c “Facts on Migrant Labour”, junio, Oficina<br />

Internacional d<strong>el</strong> Trabajo, Ginebra, http://www.<br />

ilo.org/public/<strong>en</strong>glish/region/asro/bangkok/<br />

child/trafficking/downloads/migrantsfactsheet.<br />

pdf.<br />

2006a “Global Employm<strong>en</strong>t Tr<strong>en</strong>ds“, docum<strong>en</strong>to de<br />

información, <strong>en</strong>ero, Oficina Internacional d<strong>el</strong><br />

Trabajo, Ginebra, http://www.ilo.org/public/<br />

<strong>en</strong>glish/employm<strong>en</strong>t/strat/download/getb06<strong>en</strong>.<br />

pdf.<br />

2006b Changing Patterns in the World of Work, Informe<br />

d<strong>el</strong> Director G<strong>en</strong>eral, Informe I (C), Confer<strong>en</strong>cia<br />

Internacional d<strong>el</strong> Trabajo, 95 ª reunión, junio,<br />

Ginebra, http://www.ilo.org/public/<strong>en</strong>glish/<br />

standards/r<strong>el</strong>m/ilc/ilc95/pdf/rep-i-c.pdf.<br />

2006c “Facts on Labour Migration”, junio, Oficina<br />

Internacional d<strong>el</strong> Trabajo, Ginebra, http://www.<br />

ilo.org/public/<strong>en</strong>glish/bureau/inf/download/<br />

ecosoc/migration.pdf.<br />

2007 Labour Market Tr<strong>en</strong>ds and Globalization’s Impact<br />

on Them, Bureau for Workers’ Activities, OIT,<br />

Ginebra, http://www.itcilo.it/<strong>en</strong>glish/actrav/<br />

t<strong>el</strong>earn/global/ilo/seura/mains.htm.<br />


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