informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications

informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications

informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications


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Barham, B. y S. Boucher<br />

1998 “Migration, Remittances and Inequality:<br />

Estimating the Net Effect of Migration on<br />

Income Distribution”, Journal of Dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Economics, 55(2): 307-331.<br />

BBC News<br />

2007 “Life on the Burma-Thai border”, BBC News, 26<br />

de febrero, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asiapacific/6397243.stm.<br />

Beyrer, C.<br />

2004 “Global Child Trafficking”, The Lancet, 364<br />

(suplem<strong>en</strong>to 1): 16–17.<br />

Black, R., S. Ammassari, S. Mouillesseaux y R. Rajkotia<br />

2004 “Migration and Pro-Poor Policy in West Africa”,<br />

Working Paper C8, noviembre, Dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

Research C<strong>en</strong>tre on Migration, Globalisation<br />

and Poverty, Universidad de Sussex, Brighton,<br />

Reino Unido, http://www.migrationdrc.org/<br />

publications/working_papers/WP-C8.pdf.<br />

Blessing, M.<br />

2005 “R<strong>el</strong>ationship betwe<strong>en</strong> Migration Status and<br />

Household Living Conditions in Ethiopia?”,<br />

African Population and Health Research C<strong>en</strong>tre<br />

(APHRC), Nairobi.<br />

Breman, J.<br />

1985 Of Peasants, Migrants, and Paupers: Rural<br />

Labour Circulation and Capitalist Production<br />

in West India, Oxford University Press, Nueva<br />

D<strong>el</strong>hi/Nueva York.<br />

1996 Footloose Labour: Working in the Indian<br />

Informal Economy, Cambridge University Press,<br />

Cambridge.<br />

Bryceson, D.F.<br />

1999 “Sub-Saharan Africa Betwixt and Betwe<strong>en</strong>: Rural<br />

Liv<strong>el</strong>ihood Practices and Policies”, ASC Working<br />

Paper 43/1999, De-Agrarianisation and Rural<br />

Employm<strong>en</strong>t Network, Afrika-Studiec<strong>en</strong>trum,<br />

Universidad de Leid<strong>en</strong>, Países Bajos.<br />

Bryceson, D.F. y T.C. Mbara<br />

2003 “Petrol Pumps and Economic Slumps: Rural-<br />

Urban Linkages in Zimbabwe’s Globalisation<br />

Process”, Tijdschrift voor Economische <strong>en</strong> Sociale<br />

Geografie, 94(3): 335–349.<br />

[224]<br />

Bryceson, D.F., D.A.C. Maunder y T.C. Mbara<br />

2003 Sustainable liv<strong>el</strong>ihoods, mobility and access<br />

needs, TRL Report, TRL544. DFID, Londres,<br />

http://www.transport-links.org/transport_<br />

links/filearea/publications/1_788_TRL544.pdf.<br />

Busso, G.<br />

2006 “Migración Interna y Proceso de Desarrollo <strong>en</strong> <strong>el</strong><br />

Cono Sur. Análisis Comparativo e Implicaciones<br />

de Política <strong>en</strong> <strong>el</strong> Proceso 1985-2005 <strong>en</strong> <strong>el</strong> Caso<br />

de la Arg<strong>en</strong>tina, <strong>el</strong> Brasil y Chile”, pon<strong>en</strong>cia<br />

pres<strong>en</strong>tada <strong>en</strong> <strong>el</strong> II Congreso de la Asociación<br />

Latinoamericana de Población, Guadalajara,<br />

México, septiembre<br />

Cai Fang (Ed.)<br />

2001 “Zhongguo r<strong>en</strong>kou: liudong fangshi yu tujing<br />

[Población China: Medios y Maneras de Migrar]”,<br />

Beijing Sheke W<strong>en</strong>xuan Chubanshe [Beijing<br />

Social Sci<strong>en</strong>ces Docum<strong>en</strong>t Publishing House].<br />

Casacchia, O., M. Crisci y C. Reynaud<br />

2001 “Internal Migration in Ethiopia”, <strong>en</strong> Migration<br />

and Urbanization in Ethiopia, with Special<br />

Refer<strong>en</strong>ce to Addis Ababa, C<strong>en</strong>tral Statistical<br />

Authority (CSA)/Institute for Population<br />

Research – National Research Council (Irp-Cnr),<br />

octubre, Addis Abeba/Roma, 53-92, http://<br />

www.irpps.cnr.it/etiopia/pdf/MigrationChap3.<br />

PDF.<br />

Cashin, P. y R. Sahay<br />

1996 “Crecimi<strong>en</strong>to Económico Regional y<br />

Converg<strong>en</strong>cia de Ingresos <strong>en</strong> la India”, Finance<br />

and Dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t, 33(1) (marzo): 49-52, http://<br />

www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/1996/03/<br />

pdf/cashin.pdf.<br />

Cerrutti, M. y R. Bertonc<strong>el</strong>lo<br />

2003 “Urbanization and Internal Migration Patterns<br />

in Latin America”, Confer<strong>en</strong>ce on African<br />

Migration in Comparative Perspective, 4 a 7 de<br />

junio, Johannesburgo.<br />

Choi, S.Y.P.<br />

2003 Report of the INDEPTH Migration and<br />

Urbanisation Workshop, 21 a 24 de <strong>en</strong>ero de<br />

2003, Gaut<strong>en</strong>g, Sudáfrica, C<strong>en</strong>tre for Health<br />

Policy, Witswaterand.

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