informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications

informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications

informe sobre las migraciones en el mundo 2008 - IOM Publications


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Khoo, S.-E., P. McDonald y G. Hugo<br />

2005 Temporary Skilled Migrants in Australia:<br />

Employm<strong>en</strong>t Circumstances and Migration<br />

Outcomes, DIAC, Canberra, www.immi.gov.au/<br />

media/publications/pdf/457s_survey_report.<br />

pdf.<br />

Laczko, F.<br />

2003 “Europe Attracts More Migrants from China”,<br />

Migration Information Source, julio, Migration<br />

Policy Institute (MPI), Washington, D.C. www.<br />

migrationinformation.org/Feature/display.<br />

cfm?id=144.<br />

Lemaître, G., T. Liebig y C. Thoreau<br />

2006 “Harmonised statistics on immigrant inflows<br />

– pr<strong>el</strong>iminary results, sources and methods”,<br />

Organización para la Cooperación y <strong>el</strong> Desarrollo<br />

Económicos (OCDE), París.<br />

L<strong>en</strong>g, C.H.<br />

2007 “Medical Tourism in Malaysia: International<br />

Movem<strong>en</strong>t of Healthcare Consumers and the<br />

Commodification of Healthcare”, Asia Research<br />

Institute, serie de docum<strong>en</strong>tos de trabajo, No.<br />

83, Universidad Nacional de Singapur.<br />

Mahroum, S., C. Eldridge y A.S. Daar<br />

2007 “Transnational Diaspora Options: How<br />

Dev<strong>el</strong>oping Countries Could B<strong>en</strong>efit from<br />

their Emigrant Populations”, International<br />

Journal on Multicultural Societies, 8(1):<br />

25-42, http://unesdoc.unesco.org/<br />

images/0014/001490/149086E.pdf#page=27.<br />

Maurer, A., J. Magd<strong>el</strong>eine y B. d’Andrea<br />

2006 “International Trade in Services – GATS,<br />

statistical concepts and future chall<strong>en</strong>ges”,<br />

docum<strong>en</strong>to pres<strong>en</strong>tado <strong>en</strong> la International<br />

Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)<br />

Confer<strong>en</strong>ce on People on the Move: Measuring<br />

Environm<strong>en</strong>tal, Social and Economic Impacts<br />

Within and Betwe<strong>en</strong> Nations, 6 a 8 de<br />

septiembre, Ottawa, http://www.iaos2006conf.<br />

ca/pdf/Andreas%20Mauer.pdf.<br />

Muqbil, I.<br />

2005 “B. Facilitation of Trav<strong>el</strong>”, Comisión Económica<br />

y Social para Asia y <strong>el</strong> Pacífico (CESPAP),<br />

http://www.unescap.org/ttdw/publications/<br />

tpts_pubs/pub_1748/pub_1748_tp-b.pdf.<br />

[170]<br />

Nueva Z<strong>el</strong>andia, Ministerio de Trabajo<br />

2005 Migration Tr<strong>en</strong>ds 2004/2005, Ministerio<br />

de Trabajo, diciembre, W<strong>el</strong>lington, http://<br />

www.immigration.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/<br />

E05EABDB-9F88-4B68-9104-20D6D86C07EC/0/<br />

MigrationTr<strong>en</strong>ds200405.pdf.<br />

Organización Mundial d<strong>el</strong> Turismo (OMT)<br />

2006 Tourism Highlights 2006 Edition, UNWTO.<br />

Pe-Pua, R., C. Mitch<strong>el</strong>l, R. Iredale y S. Castles<br />

1996 Astronaut Families and Parachute Childr<strong>en</strong>:<br />

The Cycle of Migration betwe<strong>en</strong> Hong Kong and<br />

Australia, Australian Governm<strong>en</strong>t Publishing<br />

Service (AGPS), Canberra.<br />

Reino Unido, Departam<strong>en</strong>to de Salud<br />

2007 “Access to healthcare abroad”, Servicio Nacional<br />

de Salud, www.nhs.un/healthcareabroad/pages/<br />

healthcareabroad.aspx..<br />

Rogerson, C.M.<br />

2004 “The Rise of African Tourism to South Africa”,<br />

Migration Policy Brief No. 13, Proyecto para <strong>las</strong><br />

Migraciones <strong>en</strong> <strong>el</strong> África Meridional (SAMP),<br />

http://www.que<strong>en</strong>su.ca/samp/sampresources/<br />

samppublications.<br />

Salt, J.<br />

2005 Report of the United Kingdom SOPEMI<br />

Correspond<strong>en</strong>t to the OECD, 2005, Migration<br />

Research Unit (MRU), University College<br />

London.<br />

2006 Curr<strong>en</strong>t Tr<strong>en</strong>ds in International Migration in<br />

Europe, Informe de consultores para <strong>el</strong> Consejo<br />

de Europa, Comité Europeo <strong>sobre</strong> la Migración,<br />

15 de marzo, docum<strong>en</strong>to CDMG (2006) 22e,<br />

Estrasburgo, http://www.coe.int/t/dg3/<br />

migration/Docum<strong>en</strong>tation/Migration%20<br />

managem<strong>en</strong>t/2005_Salt_report_<strong>en</strong>.pdf.<br />

Sax<strong>en</strong>ian, A.<br />

2001 “Silicon Valley’s New Immigrant Entrepr<strong>en</strong>eurs”<br />

<strong>en</strong> W.A. Corn<strong>el</strong>ius, T.J. Esp<strong>en</strong>shade y I.<br />

Salehyan, (Eds.), The International Migration<br />

of the Highly Skilled, C<strong>en</strong>ter for Comparative<br />

Immigration Studies, Universidad de California,<br />

San Diego, 197-234.<br />

South African Tourism<br />

2002 Tourism Growth Strategy, South African Tourism,<br />


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