antibioticos macrolidos - Farmacologia Virtual

antibioticos macrolidos - Farmacologia Virtual

antibioticos macrolidos - Farmacologia Virtual


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Antibioticos. Clasificación x Mecanismo de acción<br />

1) i síntesis de pared celular<br />

--lactámicos<br />

Cicloserina -<br />

Vancomicina -<br />

Bacitracina –<br />

Fosfomicina<br />

Azoles<br />

5) Antimetabolitos<br />

Sulfas y<br />

Trimetoprim<br />

PABA<br />

THFA<br />

DHFA<br />

Acido Folico<br />

Purinas<br />

4) Síntesis y replicación del DNA<br />

DNA<br />

Quinolonas<br />

Ribosomas<br />

50s 30s<br />

2) Membrana celular<br />

Polimixina B<br />

Colistina,<br />

Nistatina y<br />

Anfoteric B<br />

RNAm<br />

4) i RNA polimerasa<br />

Rifampicina<br />

3) Síntesis proteica<br />

(Ribos: i 30s)<br />

Aminoglucósidos<br />

Tetraciclínas<br />

3) Inh Síntesis proteica (Ribos:50s)<br />



Cloranfenicol y Tianfenicol


• Bacteriostaticos --- bactericidas.<br />

• Eritromicina 1952.<br />

• Alternativa en pctes alergicos a penicilina.<br />

• Usos: infecciones respiratorias, de piel y tejidos<br />

blandos. ITS (Chlamydia y chancroide), pero…no<br />

activ N. gonorrhoeae, H. influenza. Px en Ruptura<br />

prematura de membranas (250 mg c/6h x7d o<br />

hasta parto).<br />

• Pero…Absorcion G-I erratica, vida ½ corta,<br />

niveles sanguineos bajos e inestabilidad en medio<br />


2<br />

G<br />

E<br />

N<br />

E<br />

R<br />

A<br />

C<br />

I<br />

O<br />

N<br />

E<br />

S<br />

1º G.<br />

2º G.<br />

Eritromicina S. erytreus<br />

Oleandomicina S. antibioticus<br />

Carbamicina<br />

Espiramicina S. ambofaciens<br />

Josamicina<br />

Miocamicina<br />

Azitromicina<br />

Diritromicina<br />

Claritromicina<br />

Rokytamicina<br />

Roxitromicina<br />

Naturales<br />


↑ dosis + bacterias en<br />

crecimiento<br />


Semisinteticos<br />


Efecto postantibióico prolongado



Telitromicina (Ketex) y Cetromicina<br />

Derivados semisinteticos de eritromicina<br />

• Gran actividad contra Neumococo-R a penic<br />

y resto <strong>macrolidos</strong>.<br />

• EPA: 10 h contra Neumococo.<br />

• Usos: Neumococo de comunidad,<br />

amigdalitis, bronquitis y otitis media. 400<br />

mg, bid.


Espectro Actividad Anti-microbiana<br />

1ra Generacion =bacteriostaticos<br />

pero dosis …bactericidas. Activos xa Gram+.<br />

Sust naturalesActinomycetos.<br />

Pseudomonas y Enterobacterias son resistentes a Macrólidos de 1ra<br />

2da generacion =bactericidas.<br />

Activos Gram+ y algunos Gram- (Azitro y<br />

Claritro). Semisinteticas.<br />

Pseudomonas aun son resistentes a Macrólidos de 2da

Espectro de actividad<br />

Neumococo<br />

Estreptococo Cl. tetani. Cl. perfringes.<br />

Mycoplasma Listeria Estafilococo ?

H. influenzae<br />

2da generación (Elección)<br />

Coryn. difteriae<br />

Legionella<br />

Morax. catarralis<br />

Chlamydia Neisseria g. ?<br />

Mycoplasma<br />

pneumoniae<br />

Campylobacter<br />

diarrea<br />

En ñ con diarrea del viajero la Azitromicina es de eleccion


Tienen EPA (Claritro 3v > Eritro)

MEC ACCION: Unen reversible a sitio P de subunidad 50s ribosomal (33<br />

proteinas diferentes y 2 moleculas de ARN).<br />

• bloquea transpeptidacion y translocacion y detiene la elongacion de cadena<br />

peptidica.<br />

Antagonismo competitivo!!!



1. Mutacion cromosomica en R ribosomal,<br />

x plasmidos, cruzada. Gram+, Gram-,<br />

Legionella y otros.<br />

2. Impermeabilidad pared bacteriana<br />

(Enterobacteriaceas y S.<br />

epidermidis).<br />

3. Enzimas (esterasas y fosforilasas) q’<br />

hidrolisan a <strong>macrolidos</strong>.<br />

Enterobacteriaceas. Cruzada.<br />

(Ags: 3 enzimas q`acetilan, adenilan y<br />

fosforilan) (cloranfenicol: acetiltransferasa).



• Eritromicina-base se destruye en medio acido<br />

(Tab cubierta enterica, sales de Eritro: estolato, etilsuccinato, estearato).<br />

• 2da G.: +resistentes a medio acido. biodisp.<br />

• Absorcion retardada por alimentos.<br />

• Adm i.v. lactobionato (10 mcg/ml)

PLASMA<br />

Alfa-glicoproteina (40-90%)<br />

Lactobionato IV +++<br />

Macrólidos de 2º G ++<br />

Eritromicina +<br />

Distribuye en tejidos y fluidos Concentra Tejido pleural y<br />

sinovial<br />

Eritro desmetilada en higado<br />

(inactiva) orina 5% v.o. y<br />

15% de parenteral.<br />

Claritro (metab activo y vida<br />

½ 6h). Azitro 40h<br />

residuos<br />

plasma—union proteinas, (alfa-glicoproteina, 40-90%) tejidos y fluidos<br />

corporales +prostata, liquido sinovial y pleural, humores. Placenta<br />

10% y leche materna. SNC incipiente (No Ags, No Tetra, Si Clor).

Eritro—filtracion<br />

glomerular y reabsorbe<br />

parcialmente en zona<br />

tubular,<br />

Eliminación<br />

bilis 30% y enterohepatica.<br />

Claritromicina es=eritro<br />

Azitro 10% orina y resto x heces.



• Seguros y eficaces y > 2da generacion.<br />

• +++G-intestinal: n-v, ardor epigastrico, diarrea,<br />

regurgitaciones acidas.<br />

• I.M. dolorosa. I.v. tromboflebitis.

Racciones alergicas (raras) exantema,<br />

fiebre, eosinofilia, urticaria.<br />

Superinfecciones por Cándida o Cl. difficile<br />

Cándida<br />

Cl. difficile



• Eritro: colestasis intraH, inicia en 2-3 sem:<br />

dolores colicos, n-v, fiebre e ictericia, x<br />

hipersensibilidad.<br />

• En ñ no Htoxicidad pero, estenosis<br />

hipertrofica de piloro.<br />

• Eritro dosis i.v. = ototoxicidad (reversible)

Elección en:<br />

– Legionella pneumofilica<br />

– Campylobacter jejuni<br />

– Bordetella pertussis<br />

Usos Clínicos<br />

– Corynebacterium diphtheriae<br />

– Micoplasma pneumoniae<br />

– Chlamydia trachomatis<br />

Alternativas en alergia a<br />

penicilina: infecciones Estrepto y<br />

Estafilo.<br />

-Px fiebre reumatica<br />

-Tx de trepanomatosis.

Traveler's diarrhea: updates for pediatricians<br />

Pediatr Ann. 2008 Dec;37(12):814-20.<br />

Ang JY, Mathur A.<br />

Children who travel are at risk of developing the same illnesses that affect<br />

adult travelers. Treatment, etiology and actual risk of TD in children<br />

are not well defined. Prevention and self-treatment of TD should be<br />

discussed in great detail during pre-travel counseling. This includes<br />

information and instructions on various preventive measures as well as<br />

when to use medications and the potential adverse effects associated<br />

with these medications.<br />

A TD that is mild can be managed effectively by appropriate use of oral<br />

rehydration solutions. Families should be advised to carry ORS<br />

packets and start treatment in children as soon as the diarrhea begins.<br />

Self treatment with antibiotics such as azithromycin may be considered<br />

in children if diarrhea is moderate to severe.<br />

Caregivers should contact local health authorities if there is no<br />

improvement especially after self treatment with antibiotics.

Claritromicina en



• No infecciones graves (Sepsis, osteomielitis).<br />

• Contraindicado estolato de Eritro en Enf H.<br />

• No asociar alcaloides cornezuelo de centeno<br />

ergotismo con necrosis de extremidades.


Azithromycin and the Risk of Cardiovascular Death<br />

Wayne A. Ray, Ph.D., Katherine T. Murray, M.D., Kathi Hall, B.S., Patrick G. Arbogast,<br />

Ph.D., and C. Michael Stein, M.B., Ch.B.<br />

N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1881-1890May 17, 2012<br />


• We found that a 5-day course of azithromycin was associated with a<br />

small absolute increase in the risk of cardiovascular death, which was<br />

most pronounced for patients in the highest decile of the baseline risk<br />

of cardiovascular disease. There was no increased risk of death from<br />

noncardiovascular causes among patients who took azithromycin, but<br />

there was an increase in the risk of death from any cause. The risk of<br />

cardiovascular death was significantly greater with azithromycin than<br />

with either amoxicillin or ciprofloxacin but did not differ significantly<br />

from the risk with levofloxacin.


Quimicamente diferentes a los <strong>macrolidos</strong> pero semejantes x: mec<br />

accion, espectro antibacteriano y farmacocinetica.



• Sensibles, =Eritro: Gram+.<br />

• No sensibles, Gram- aerobios (C. difficile,<br />

Neisseria, Enterobacter y H. influenza).<br />

• Resistentes Enterococos.<br />

+++Anaerobios:<br />

Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Actinomyces, C.<br />

perfringis, Peptoestreptococos y<br />



Bacteriostaticas. Unen sitio A de 50s ribosomal=i sintesis<br />

proteica. = cloranf y <strong>macrolidos</strong>.<br />

Antagonismo competitivo!!!

Mecanismos de resistencia<br />

-x plasmidos = <strong>macrolidos</strong>, R cruzada.<br />

-5% Estafilococos y 0-10% de B. fragilis son R a clindamicina.



CLINDA.<br />

• Oral 75% pasa a sangre y es independiente<br />

de alimentos. Palmitato (v.o, 1h 2.8mcg/ml)<br />

y fosfato (i.v. 5mcg/ml).<br />

LINCO, 75% en ayunas y 25% con alimentos.<br />

• Atraviesan la placenta<br />

• No llegan LCR



• Clinda y Linco, 10% diarrea y >colitis<br />

pseudomembranosa (diarrea mucosanguinolenta,<br />

dolor abdominal, n-v) C.<br />

difficile (toxina).<br />

• i.m.=dolor e i.v.=tromboflebitis.<br />

Rapida=colapso cardio-vascular (K).<br />

• Clinda, no Htoxica, pero transaminasas.

Farmacopatología<br />

Colitis pseudomembranosa Agrava miastenia gravis<br />

bloqueo neuromuscular de<br />

Aminoglucosidos e i placa<br />

neuromotriz (no juntas)



Reacciones alergicas (raras)<br />

erupciones cutaneas, fiebre, urticaria. Eritema<br />

multiforme, anafilaxia, Sd Stevens Johnson.


• Tx germenes<br />


• +Ags en abscesos, e<br />

infecciones abdominales<br />

severas, peritonitis, EPI.<br />

• Alternativa (penicilina) en<br />

osteomielitis x Estaf aureus.<br />

• Gardnerella vaginalis<br />

(vaginosis bact)



• Px quirurgica abdominal<br />

• Px infecciones estreptococicas<br />

• clinda+pirimetamina=encefalitis<br />

x T.gondii (SIDA)<br />

• clinda+quinina = Malaria-R /


Derivados<br />

sintéticos<br />

Neumococo resistente a<br />

Penicilina y Macrólidos

Usos Clínicos de Telitromicina y Cetromicina<br />

Amigdalitis<br />

Bronquitis<br />


• Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 9, 260 (April 2010) |<br />

• Trial watch: Phase III success for novel Clostridium difficile<br />

antibiotic<br />

• Abstract<br />

• The results of the second of two Phase III trials evaluating the<br />

macrocyclic antibiotic fidaxomicin (OPT-80, PAR-101), developed by<br />

Optimer Pharmaceuticals, confirm that it is as efficacious as<br />

vancomycin for treating patients with Clostridium difficile infection<br />

(CDI). It is also associated with a lower incidence of recurrence of<br />


C difficile organism (National Institutes<br />

of Health)<br />

February 4, 2011 — Compared with vancomycin, fidaxomicin (Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc)<br />

produces noninferior rates of clinical cure in adults with Clostridium difficile infection. In addition, for<br />

some strains, fidaxomicin is associated with a significantly lower rate of recurrence, according to the<br />

findings of a randomized trial.<br />

Thomas J. Louie, MD, with the University of Calgary, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, reported the study<br />

findings of the randomized phase 3 trial in the February 3 issue of theNew England Journal of<br />

Medicine.<br />

According to the researchers, fidaxomicin is a macrocyclic antibiotic that is more active in vitro<br />

than vancomycin in clinical isolates of C difficile, including the NAP1/BI/027 strain.<br />

"This activity, in combination with minimal systemic absorption, high fecal concentrations, and limited<br />

activity in vitro and in vivo against components of the normal gut flora, makes fidaxomicin a<br />

promising candidate that may provide highly active but more selective therapy for C.<br />

difficile infection," the study authors write.<br />

The current study included 629 adults with acute symptoms of C difficile infection, with a positive<br />

result on a stool toxin test. Patients were randomly assigned to receive fidaxomicin at a dose of 200<br />

mg twice daily or vancomycin at a dose of 125 mg 4 times daily. Both medicines were taken orally<br />

for 10 days.<br />

Of the patients, 548 (87.1%) could be evaluated for the per-protocol analysis. The rates of clinical<br />

cure with fidaxomicin were noninferior to those observed with vancomycin in both the modified<br />

intent-to-treat analysis (88.2% vs 85.8% with fidaxomicin vs vancomycin, respectively) and the perprotocol<br />

analysis (92.1% and 89.8%, respectively).

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