FBL x parma impianti rivista

FBL x parma impianti rivista FBL x parma impianti rivista

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starting and running is extremely short even for high final concentrations. Also the response times to changes made to the values of final concentration are very quick. Rotor moves inside the cylinder spreading the product into a thin film corresponding to the interspace between paddles and wall (1÷5 mm). Peripheral speed is higher than 10 m/sec, thus securing selfcleaning of the exchange surface and extended operation periods with no need for frequent washings. A continuous film of product can be maintained by the high value of centrifugal force set by the rotor (30 G). The evaporator body can be either mounted horizontally or vertically. The horizontal position delivers a more efficient maintenance of the machine and an easier extraction of the rotor. The vertical position is more suitable for use in multi-effect systems, where the other plants are built with vertical axle, in order to reduce overall dimensions on the floor. However it is important to note the considerable height needed for rotor extraction if it is installed inside the factory. A main advantage of the vertical model: the axial simmetry conditions are maintained even when there is an anomalous flooding in the jacket (faulty condensate exhau- 62 st) and any loss of axiality is avoided, as opposed to what occurring with the horizontal model (possible contact between rotor and stator). The reduced extent of the exchange surface (20 2 max) sets limits to the turbulent thin film evaporator. This explains why, for high capacities, it can be advantageously integrated into multi-effect systems for use only in the final step of the process, the hardest one. Also the cost of the machine, rather high, recommends its coupling with more economical evaporation stages. 4 – Applications The application fields for this evaporator system are many and different, not only limited to the food sector but also boasting a wide range of references in the chemical industry. To remain in the food products sector, the turbulent thin film evaporator is used fo the concentration of: -Mediterranean fruit (apricots, peaches, pears, apples, plums) purees -coloured fruit (strawberries, raspberries) purees -tropical fruit (mango, banana, passion fruit) purees -infusions (liquorice) -meat broths and extracts -fish boiling broths -vegetable purees -tomato juice (usually used as fini- sher in multi-effect/stage systems) -baby foods Several specimens of versatile plants, multi-effect and/or multi-stage, exist. For instance, some double and triple effect evaporators incorporate one or two forced circulation effects with only the first finisher effect working as turbulent thin film evaporator. So the possibility is given for a single effect operation using just the turbulent thin film evaporator. The last method is applied to process tropical purees of fruit (mango, passion fruit, etc.) or coloured fruit, whereas the 2/3 effect operation is intended for tomato juice evaporation only. Various limits are set for maximum concentration, depending both on the kind of product and the impact of suspended solids occurring in the product: 40÷50% of solids for fruit and vegetables 40÷60% for extracts and broths 60÷70% for mildly pulpy juices (citrus fruits, pineapples) 70÷80% for clear juices (apple, grapes, dates). When particularly flavoured products are evaporated, the system is equipped with a recovery unit to collect the flavor components through a vacuum operating filling distillation column.

EVAPORATEURS A COUCHE MINCE TURBULENTE 1 – Généralités Ce type d’évaporateur présente des qualités supérieures à tout autre système d’évaporation et il se révèle irremplaçable dans deux cas particuliers: a – lorsque la viscosité finale demandée est si poussée qu’elle dépasse le seuil atteint par les autres évaporateurs. La présence de solides suspendus en pourcentage important (produits non-newtoniens ou thixotropiques) ne pose pas des limites à son emploi. Des produits en forme de pâte, pourvu qu’ils soient pompables moyennant des pompes volumétriques appropriées, peuvent être extraits. L’évaporateur à couche mince turbulente peut aussi bien être utilisé comme finisseur dans un système effet multiple ou étage multiple. Il assure la phase la plus pénible du procédé là où la viscosité (ou la consistance) atteint son niveau maximum. b – lorsque l’opération d’évaporation doit se passer pendant des temps très courts pour ne pas abîmer les qualités organoleptiques du produit (produits alimentaires) ou pour s’en tenir aux temps fixés pour le processus technologique. La possibilité de travailler sous vide à des températures de l’ordre de 38- 40°C, ou plus basses pour des applications spéciales, contribue davantage à minimiser le dommage organoleptique du produit. Les temps de séjour sont en général compris entre 20 et 70 secondes. 2 – Caractéristiques Les principaux éléments constitutifs de l’évaporateur sont les suivants: - Cylindre avec chemise parcourue par la vapeur (stator). Sa partie interne représente la surface d’échange thermique. - Rotor à 3, 4 ou plusieurs aubes. Le bout des aubes va créer avec le cylindre interne du stator un interstice qui peut aller de 1 à 5 mm selon la taille de la machine. La partie externe des aubes peut être composée de palettes démon- par Carlo Sassi tables en matière synthétique, capables de protéger la paroi cylindrique d’échange en cas de contact dû à un fonctionnement incorrect. - Culasses de fermeture du cylindre munies de paliers pour le support de l’arbre du rotor. Les paliers sont équipés de roulements à billes. Un joint mécanique rotatif est monté sur chaque côté pour assurer le maintien de la condition de vide à l’intérieur de l’évaporateur. - Groupe motorisation du rotor. Groupe alimentation vapeur et évacuation eau de condensation. Il pourvoit au maintien d’une chemise saturée de vapeur à la pression fixée et à l’évacuation automatique de l’eau de condensation. - Système alimentation et décharge du produit réalisé à l’aide de pompes volumétriques surveillées en mode automatique. - L’automation est conçue en fonction de la géométie du système (simple ou multiple effet, type de condenseur, etc.). 63

starting and running is extremely<br />

short even for high final concentrations.<br />

Also the response times to<br />

changes made to the values of final<br />

concentration are very quick.<br />

Rotor moves inside the cylinder<br />

spreading the product into a thin<br />

film corresponding to the interspace<br />

between paddles and wall (1÷5<br />

mm). Peripheral speed is higher<br />

than 10 m/sec, thus securing selfcleaning<br />

of the exchange surface<br />

and extended operation periods<br />

with no need for frequent washings.<br />

A continuous film of product can be<br />

maintained by the high value of centrifugal<br />

force set by the rotor (30 G).<br />

The evaporator body can be either<br />

mounted horizontally or vertically.<br />

The horizontal position delivers a<br />

more efficient maintenance of the<br />

machine and an easier extraction of<br />

the rotor.<br />

The vertical position is more suitable<br />

for use in multi-effect systems,<br />

where the other plants are built with<br />

vertical axle, in order to reduce overall<br />

dimensions on the floor.<br />

However it is important to note the<br />

considerable height needed for rotor<br />

extraction if it is installed inside the<br />

factory.<br />

A main advantage of the vertical<br />

model: the axial simmetry conditions<br />

are maintained even when<br />

there is an anomalous flooding in<br />

the jacket (faulty condensate exhau-<br />

62<br />

st) and any loss of axiality is avoided,<br />

as opposed to what occurring<br />

with the horizontal model (possible<br />

contact between rotor and stator).<br />

The reduced extent of the exchange<br />

surface (20 2 max) sets limits to the<br />

turbulent thin film evaporator. This<br />

explains why, for high capacities, it<br />

can be advantageously integrated<br />

into multi-effect systems for use only<br />

in the final step of the process, the<br />

hardest one.<br />

Also the cost of the machine, rather<br />

high, recommends its coupling with<br />

more economical evaporation stages.<br />

4 – Applications<br />

The application fields for this evaporator<br />

system are many and different,<br />

not only limited to the food sector<br />

but also boasting a wide range of references<br />

in the chemical industry.<br />

To remain in the food products sector,<br />

the turbulent thin film evaporator<br />

is used fo the concentration of:<br />

-Mediterranean fruit (apricots, peaches,<br />

pears, apples, plums) purees<br />

-coloured fruit (strawberries, raspberries)<br />

purees<br />

-tropical fruit (mango, banana, passion<br />

fruit) purees<br />

-infusions (liquorice)<br />

-meat broths and extracts<br />

-fish boiling broths<br />

-vegetable purees<br />

-tomato juice (usually used as fini-<br />

sher in multi-effect/stage systems)<br />

-baby foods<br />

Several specimens of versatile<br />

plants, multi-effect and/or multi-stage,<br />

exist. For instance, some double<br />

and triple effect evaporators incorporate<br />

one or two forced circulation<br />

effects with only the first finisher effect<br />

working as turbulent thin film<br />

evaporator. So the possibility is given<br />

for a single effect operation<br />

using just the turbulent thin film evaporator.<br />

The last method is applied<br />

to process tropical purees of fruit<br />

(mango, passion fruit, etc.) or coloured<br />

fruit, whereas the 2/3 effect operation<br />

is intended for tomato juice<br />

evaporation only.<br />

Various limits are set for maximum<br />

concentration, depending both on<br />

the kind of product and the impact of<br />

suspended solids occurring in the<br />

product:<br />

40÷50% of solids for fruit and vegetables<br />

40÷60% for extracts and broths<br />

60÷70% for mildly pulpy juices (citrus<br />

fruits, pineapples)<br />

70÷80% for clear juices (apple, grapes,<br />

dates).<br />

When particularly flavoured products<br />

are evaporated, the system is<br />

equipped with a recovery unit to collect<br />

the flavor components through a<br />

vacuum operating filling distillation<br />


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