UNAM 1998 - Instituto de Ecología - UNAM

UNAM 1998 - Instituto de Ecología - UNAM

UNAM 1998 - Instituto de Ecología - UNAM


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<strong>Instituto</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Ecología</strong>, <strong>UNAM</strong>.<br />

Domínguez, C.A., Eguiarte, L.E., Núñez-Farfán, J. y Dirzo, R. <strong>1998</strong>. “Flower<br />

morphometry of Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae): Geographical variation in<br />

Mexican populations”, American Journal of Botany, 85: 637.643.<br />

Durán, R., Trejo-Torres, J.C. e Ibarra-Manríquez, G. <strong>1998</strong>. “En<strong>de</strong>mic phytotaxa of<br />

the Peninsula of Yucatan”, Harvard Papers in Botany, 3: 263-314.<br />

Drummond, H. y Canales, C. <strong>1998</strong>. “Dominance between booby nestlings involves<br />

winner and loser effects”, Animal Behaviour, 55: 1669-1676.<br />

Fenton, M.B., Rautenbach, I.L., Ry<strong>de</strong>ll, J., Arita, H.T. y Ortega, J. <strong>1998</strong>.<br />

“Emergence, echolocation, diet and foraging behavior of Molossus ate (Chiroptera:<br />

Melossidae)”, Biotropica, 30: 314-320.<br />

Flores-Martínez, A., Ezcurra, E. y Sánchez-Colón, S. <strong>1998</strong>. “Water availability and<br />

the competitive effect of a columnar cactus on its nurse plant”, Acta Oecologica,<br />

19: 1-8.<br />

Franco, M. y Kelly, C.K. <strong>1998</strong>. “The interspecific mass-<strong>de</strong>nsity relationship and<br />

plant geometry”, Proceedings of the National Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences, USA, 95:<br />

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García-Franco, J.G., Souza, V., Eguiarte, L.E. y Rico-Gray, V. <strong>1998</strong> “Genetic<br />

variation, genetic structure and effective population size in the tropical<br />

holoparasitic endophyte Bdallophyton bambusarum (Rafflesiaceae)”, Plant<br />

Systematics and Evolution, 210: 271-288.<br />

Godinez-Alvarez, H. y Valiente-Banuet, A. <strong>1998</strong>. “Germination and early seedling<br />

growth of Tehuacan Valley cacti species: the role of soils and seed ingestion by<br />

dispersers on seedling growth”, Journal of Arid Environment, 39: 21-31.<br />

González Rebeles, C., Burke, V., Jennings, M., Ceballos, G. y Parker, N. <strong>1998</strong>.<br />

“Transnational GAP analysis of the Rio Bravo/Rio Gran<strong>de</strong> region”,<br />

Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Journal, 64: 1115-1118.<br />

Guevara, R. y Dirzo, R. <strong>1998</strong>. “A rapid method for the assessment of the<br />

macromycota. The fungal community of an evergreen cloud forest as an example”,<br />

Canadian Journal of Botany, 76: 596-601.

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