1er. semestre - Año XXV - aespat

1er. semestre - Año XXV - aespat 1er. semestre - Año XXV - aespat


144 Francisco Massó Cantarero Francisco Massó Cantarero, Madrid, Spain. Dear Friends: In my acceptance speech for the Steiner Award presented to me by ACAT (Asociación Catalana de Análisis Transaccional) this summer in Barcelona, I had the audacity to propose the celebration of a congress in honor of Eric Berne, in anticipation of the centenary of his birth, just four years from now. It’s always preferable to celebrate a birth rather than a death, especially if there’s need for another renaissance, as I believe there is now. My proposal can only be understood in light of the fondness and respect I have for the figure of Eric Berne, who through his work managed to transcend himself, perhaps despite himself, or without really aspiring to do so. In presenting this proposal I’d like to make clear that I have no need for notoriety or the promotion of my practice. As 2010 is the year before my retirement (well-deserved, I can’t help feeling at this point) there would be little opportunity for gain at any rate. The attached draft arose from a combination of my own musings and five obligatory visits to Euroforum Infantes in El Escorial, a beautiful and historic town just outside Madrid, where I went to listen to the wing-beat of the soul’s butterflies, as the Nobel laurea- PUBLICIDAD DE CURSOS Y CONGRESOS / Courses and Congress advertising PROPOSAL FOR AN INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS Revista de Análisis Transaccional y Psicología Humanista, Nº 56, Año 2007 FRANCISCO MASSÓ CANTARERO te, physician and neuroscientist Ramón y Cajal called the pyramidal neurons. I say draft because the entire document is highly provisional, especially if no entity with legal sovereignty takes up the proposal and officially launches it. My wish is that the local TA associations (AESPAT, ATA and ACAT) adopt it, and bring on board the international ones (ITAA, EATA, and ALAT) with the aim of creating a synergy to foment the greatest degree of collaboration possible. The next step would be to constitute Organizational and Scientific committees, according to the attached plan, or any other among the few alternatives; it’s not like we had a lot of resources. Following that, each person would work according to their creative impulses, personal criteria and sense of responsibility. I didn’t propose myself for any post, but I’m at the disposition of the Organizing Committee to assume any task they might assign me and for which I consider myself competent. Though by no means the first to personally approve the plan, Dr. Junchaya, current president of ALAT, with whom I’m in regular contact, is certainly a significant adherent. He assured me of his intention to solicit the support of ALAT during the proceedings of the association’s congress, in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, in September.

Proposal for an International Congress of Transactional Analysis 145 It’s planting time, and numerous other ideas and proposals can be advanced, if we want to create a congress that’s effective, distinct, and revitalizing. I’m sending this letter and proposal to everyone who appears in it, and whose address I have. I think candor is one of the necessary conditions for synergy. Let’s hope that the seed takes root, and that we manage to get the project off the ground, consolidating Eric Berne’s vision, to which I think we all owe a debt, a happy and fortunate one, but a debt nonetheless. My sincerest thanks to all my friends. I hope you’re all well! Francisco Massó Cantarero Proposal for International Congress of Transactional Analysis Eric Berne, 1910 – 2010 Theme: “For integration, to autonomy” Aims: 1. To pay tribute to Eric Berne in the centenary of his birth 2. To harmonize the transactional paradigm: object of study, methodology and defining concepts. 3. Augment the synergy among private, national and international associations, and public institutions 4. Expand interest in research on TA. DEFINITION OF THE CONGRESS: The congress is a project that should help shape the identity of Transactional Analysis, with all its singular characteristics, as an intellectual construct distinct from other psychological theories and schools, one that has a specific notion of human beings, that’s distinguished by its own methods of analysis and intervention, and whose objectives and goals strive to be aligned with its conceptual structure. The meeting, to be celebrated in May of 2010, should be preceded by ample previous work, aimed at updating and consolidating Eric Berne’s work and that of the San Francisco Psychiatric and Social Psychology Seminar. The traditional format of “practical workshops” common to ITAA and other associations’ conventions could be supplemented with others of a distinct nature, dealing with the theoretical corpus, its epistemological justification and its place in the domain of knowledge. To that end, the congress could be structured along three simultaneous levels or vertices: • Scientific: dealing with theoretical aspects, including: a. Symposiums, featuring three master lectures, personal addresses of 10 or 15 minutes and a round table. b. Presentations of graphics and/or other visual supports illustrating the results of current research. • Experimental or practical: dealing with methods, and featuring direct experiences, through the realization of workshops. The announcement of the congress, made four years before its celebration, is intended to inspire serious research and study, within the broad plurality which has resulted in TA’s efflorescence. WORK AREAS FOR THE SIMPOSIA: 1. Epistomology of TA (R. Erskine, J. Gregoire, F. English, J. Dusay, JL. Camino) Revista de Análisis Transaccional y Psicología Humanista, Nº 56, Año 2007

144 Francisco Massó Cantarero<br />

Francisco Massó Cantarero, Madrid, Spain.<br />

Dear Friends:<br />

In my acceptance speech for the Steiner<br />

Award presented to me by ACAT (Asociación<br />

Catalana de Análisis Transaccional)<br />

this summer in Barcelona, I had the audacity<br />

to propose the celebration of a congress<br />

in honor of Eric Berne, in anticipation<br />

of the centenary of his birth, just four years<br />

from now.<br />

It’s always preferable to celebrate a birth<br />

rather than a death, especially if there’s<br />

need for another renaissance, as I believe<br />

there is now.<br />

My proposal can only be understood in<br />

light of the fondness and respect I have for<br />

the figure of Eric Berne, who through his<br />

work managed to transcend himself, perhaps<br />

despite himself, or without really aspiring<br />

to do so. In presenting this proposal I’d<br />

like to make clear that I have no need for<br />

notoriety or the promotion of my practice.<br />

As 2010 is the year before my retirement<br />

(well-deserved, I can’t help feeling at this<br />

point) there would be little opportunity for<br />

gain at any rate.<br />

The attached draft arose from a combination<br />

of my own musings and five obligatory<br />

visits to Euroforum Infantes in El Escorial, a<br />

beautiful and historic town just outside Madrid,<br />

where I went to listen to the wing-beat<br />

of the soul’s butterflies, as the Nobel laurea-<br />


Courses and Congress advertising<br />



Revista de Análisis Transaccional y Psicología Humanista, Nº 56, <strong>Año</strong> 2007<br />


te, physician and neuroscientist Ramón y<br />

Cajal called the pyramidal neurons.<br />

I say draft because the entire document<br />

is highly provisional, especially if no entity<br />

with legal sovereignty takes up the proposal<br />

and officially launches it.<br />

My wish is that the local TA associations<br />

(AESPAT, ATA and ACAT) adopt it, and<br />

bring on board the international ones (ITAA,<br />

EATA, and ALAT) with the aim of creating a<br />

synergy to foment the greatest degree of<br />

collaboration possible.<br />

The next step would be to constitute Organizational<br />

and Scientific committees, according<br />

to the attached plan, or any other<br />

among the few alternatives; it’s not like we<br />

had a lot of resources. Following that, each<br />

person would work according to their creative<br />

impulses, personal criteria and sense of<br />

responsibility.<br />

I didn’t propose myself for any post, but<br />

I’m at the disposition of the Organizing<br />

Committee to assume any task they might<br />

assign me and for which I consider myself<br />

competent.<br />

Though by no means the first to personally<br />

approve the plan, Dr. Junchaya, current<br />

president of ALAT, with whom I’m in<br />

regular contact, is certainly a significant adherent.<br />

He assured me of his intention to<br />

solicit the support of ALAT during the proceedings<br />

of the association’s congress, in<br />

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, in September.

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