1er. semestre - Año XXV - aespat

1er. semestre - Año XXV - aespat 1er. semestre - Año XXV - aespat


116 William F. Cornell rison of five methods. Transactional Analysis Journal, 19, 35-41. Schiff, J. L., Schiff, A., Mellor, K., Schiff, E., Schiff, S., Richman, D., Fishman, J., Schiff, J. L. (1977). One hundred children generate a lot of TA. History, development and activities of Schiff family. In G. Barnes, (Editor) Transactional Analysis after Eric Berne. Teachings and practices of three TA schools, pp. 53-76. Nueva York: Harper’s College Press. Searles, H. F. (1960). The nonhuman environment: In normal development and in schizophrenia. Nueva York: International Universities Press. Searles, B. E. (1965). Collected papers on schizophrenia and related subjects. New York: International Universities Press. Revista de Análisis Transaccional y Psicología Humanista, Nº 56, Año 2007 Smith, S. (1990). Regressive work as therapeutic treatment. Transactional Analysis Journal, 20, 253-262. Weiss, J. B. & Weiss, L. (1998). Perspectives on the current state of contractual regressive therapy. Transactional Analysis Journal, 28, 45-47. Weiss, L. (1994). The ethics of parenting and reparenting in psychotherapy. Transactional Analysis Journal, 24, 57-59. Wolz, L., Fishman, C., & Momb, D. (1975). Cathexis Reader. Transactional Analysis treatment of psychosis. New York: Harper & Row. Wooks, K. (1998). The dangers of sadomasochism in the reparentig of psychotics. Transactional Analysis Journal, 28, 48-54.

La ficha de análisis de caricias 117 La figura 1 representa el análisis de un participante imaginario, John Ladeprime. He aquí las instrucciones que daríamos a John: Las Caricias en el Análisis Transaccional LA FICHA DE ANÁLISIS DE CARICIAS LYMAN K. PETERSON* RESUMEN Del mismo modo que el perfil de caricias (McKenna, 1974, 20-24), la ficha de análisis de caricias permite estimar la reserva de caricias y evaluar el exceso o el déficit de ellas. Su originalidad reside en comparar la cantidad real recibida y dada con la cantidad deseada. Permite analizar simultáneamente la situación con referencia a un número bastante grande de figuras o de grupos importantes para la persona. Rellenándola en diversos momentos, es posible una comparación cronológica. A su vez, el perfil de caricias intenta tener en cuenta la demanda o el rechazo. Además, tiene la ventaja de ser imborrable. Palabras-clave: Perfil de caricias, cantidad dada, cantidad recibida, cantidad deseada, figuras y grupos importantes. ABSTRACT As the Stroke Profile, the Stroke Analysis Form makes possible to estimate the strokes reserve and to evaluate the excess or deficit of them. Its originality consists of comparing the real amount received and given and the desired one. Permits analyzing simultaneously the situation in relation with a number of significant figures or groups for the person. By filling it up in different moments, it is possible a chronological comparison. At the same time, the stroke profile aims at taking into account the request and the rejection. Moreover, it gets the advantage of being indelible. Key words: Stroke Profile, amount given, amount received, amount desired, significant figures and groups. 1. Sobre la línea “Personas importantes” escribe los nombres de las personas y de los grupos que quieres introducir en el análisis. Ponlas por orden de * Peterson, L. K. (1977). “A Stroke Analysis Form”. Transactional Analysis Journal, VII, 3, 249-250. I.T.A.A. Traducción: Casto-Martín. Revisión: Equipo de www.bernecomunicacion.net Revista de Análisis Transaccional y Psicología Humanista, Nº 56, Año 2007

116 William F. Cornell<br />

rison of five methods. Transactional<br />

Analysis Journal, 19, 35-41.<br />

Schiff, J. L., Schiff, A., Mellor, K., Schiff, E.,<br />

Schiff, S., Richman, D., Fishman, J.,<br />

Schiff, J. L. (1977). One hundred children<br />

generate a lot of TA. History, development<br />

and activities of Schiff family. In G.<br />

Barnes, (Editor) Transactional Analysis<br />

after Eric Berne. Teachings and practices<br />

of three TA schools, pp. 53-76. Nueva<br />

York: Harper’s College Press.<br />

Searles, H. F. (1960). The nonhuman environment:<br />

In normal development and in<br />

schizophrenia. Nueva York: International<br />

Universities Press.<br />

Searles, B. E. (1965). Collected papers on<br />

schizophrenia and related subjects. New<br />

York: International Universities Press.<br />

Revista de Análisis Transaccional y Psicología Humanista, Nº 56, <strong>Año</strong> 2007<br />

Smith, S. (1990). Regressive work as therapeutic<br />

treatment. Transactional Analysis<br />

Journal, 20, 253-262.<br />

Weiss, J. B. & Weiss, L. (1998). Perspectives<br />

on the current state of contractual regressive<br />

therapy. Transactional Analysis<br />

Journal, 28, 45-47.<br />

Weiss, L. (1994). The ethics of parenting<br />

and reparenting in psychotherapy. Transactional<br />

Analysis Journal, 24, 57-59.<br />

Wolz, L., Fishman, C., & Momb, D. (1975).<br />

Cathexis Reader. Transactional Analysis<br />

treatment of psychosis. New York: Harper<br />

& Row.<br />

Wooks, K. (1998). The dangers of sadomasochism<br />

in the reparentig of psychotics.<br />

Transactional Analysis Journal, 28,<br />


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