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Bibliografía OPGENORTH, A.; NATION, N.; GRAHAM, K.; MCFADDEN, G. (1993) -Transforming growth factor alpha, Shope fibroma growth factor, and vaccinia growth factor can replace myxoma growth factor in the induction of myxomatosis in rabbits. Virology, 192:701-709. OSACAR, J.J. (1996) -Ecología de las pulgas (Siphonaptera) del conejo silvestre en el Valle Medio del Ebro. Facultad de Veterinaria de Zaragoza. Tesis Doctoral. PAGES, A. (1989) -Aspectos epidemiológicos y laboratoriales de la enfermedad hemorrágica del conejo (R.H.D.) en España. Medicina Veterinaria, 6(3):153-158. PAGES, A. (1989) -Consideraciones técnicas de la sueroterapia y de la profilaxis vacunal en la enfermedad hemorrágica vírica del conejo (R.H.D.V.). Medicina Veterinaria, 6(5):285-291. PAGES, A.; ARTIGAS, C. (1992) -Advisable vaccinal programme against mixomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease viruses on wild rabbits. V World rabbit congress, July 1992. Corvallis (USA). PAGES, A.; ARTIGAS, C.; ESPUÑA, E. (1991) -Serological profile (by ELISA) of the active and passive immunity on rearing does vaccinated with an oil inactivated vaccine against RHD. International Symposium on RHD. Beijing, 1991, PRC. PAGES, A.; COSTA, L.I. (1990) -Control de la enfermedad hemorrágica vírica del conejo (R.H.D.V.) mediante vacunación. Medicina Veterinaria, 7(2):93-97. PAGES, A.; ESPUÑA, E. (1988) -Estudios sobre la aplicación de vacunas homólogas de mixomatosis en conejos silvestres. Medicina Veterinaria, 5(7-8):365-374. PARER, I. (1977) -The population ecology of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), in a Mediterranean-type climate in New South Wales.Australian Wildlife Research, 4:171-205. PARER, I. (1982) -Dispersal of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, at Urana in New South Wales , Australian Wildlife Research, 9:427-441. PARER, I.; CONOLLY, D.; SOBEY, W.R. (1981) -Myxomatosis: the introduction of a highly virulent strain of myxomatosis into a wild rabbit population at Urana in New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research, 8:613-626. PARER, I.; CONOLLY, D.; SOBEY, W.R. (1985) -Myxomatosis; the effects of annual introductions of an immunizing strain and a highly virulent strain of mixoma virus into rabbit populations at Urana, N.S.W. Australian Wildlife Research, 12:407-423. PARER, I.; FULLAGAR, P.J. (1986) -Biology of rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, in Subtropical Queensland. Australian Wildlife Research, 13(4):545-558. PARER, I.; FULLAGAR, P.J.; MALAFANT, K.W. (1987) -The history and structure of a large warren of the rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, at Camberra, A.C.T. Australian Wildlife Research, 14:505-513. 316

Bibliografía PARER, I.; KORN, T.J. (1989) -Seasonal incidence of myxomatosis in New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research, 16:563-568. PARER, I.; LIBKE, J.A. (1991) -Biology of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), in the southern tablelands of New South Wales, Australian Wildlife Research, 18:327- 341. PARER, I.; LIBKE, J.A. (1985) -Distribution of rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, warrens in relation to soil type. Australian Wildlife Research, 12:387-405. PARER, I.; SOBEY, W.R.; CONOLLY, D.; MORTON, R. (1994) -Virulence of strains of myxoma virus and the resistance of wild rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), from different locations in Australasia. Australian Journal of Zoology, 42:347-362. PARER, I.; SOBEY, W.R.; CONOLLY, D.; MORTON, R. (1995) -Sire transmission of Acquired resistance to Myxomatosis. Australian Journal of Zoology, 43:459-465. PARER, I.; WOOD, D.H. (1986) -Further observations of the use of warren entrances as an index of the number of rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus. Australian Wildlife Research, 13:331-332. PARK, J.H.; OCHIAI, K.; ITAKURA, C. (1992) -Detection of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus particles in the rabbit liver tissues. Journal of Comparative PathologyG, 107:329-340. PARRA, F.; PRIETO, M. (1990) -Purification and characterization of a Calicivirus as the causative agent of a lethal hemorrhagic disease in rabbits. Journal of Virology, 64:4013-4015. PATON, G.; GETTINBY, G. (1985) -Comparing control strategies for parasitic gastroenteritis in lambs grazed on previously contaminated pasture: a network modelling approach. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 3:301-310. PATON, G.; GETTINBY, G. (1983) -The control of a parasitic nematode population in sheep represented by discrete time network with sotchastic inputs. Proceedings of Royal Irish Academy, 83 B:267-280. PECH, R.P.; SINCLAIR, A.R.E.; NEWSOME, A.E.; CATLING, P.C. (1992) -Limits to predator regulation of rabbits in Australia: evidence from predator-removal experiments. Oecologia, 89:102-112. PECH, R.P.; SINCLAIR, R.E.; NEWSOME, A.E. (1995) -Predation models for primary and secondary prey species. Wildlife Research, 22:55-64. PEETERS, E. (1968) -Coccidiosis in wild rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.), at four sites in different climatic regions in Eastern Australia. II.- The relationship of oocyst output to climate and to some aspects of the rabbit´s physiology. Australian Journal of Zoology, 16:619-628. 317

Bibliografía<br />

OPGENORTH, A.; NATION, N.; GRAHAM, K.; MCFAD<strong>DE</strong>N, G. (1993) -Transforming<br />

growth factor alpha, Shope fibroma growth factor, and vaccinia growth factor can<br />

replace myxoma growth factor in the induction of myxomatosis in rabbits. Virology,<br />

192:701-709.<br />

OSACAR, J.J. (1996) -Ecología de las pulgas (Siphonaptera) del conejo silvestre en el<br />

Valle Medio del Ebro. Facultad de Veterinaria de Zaragoza. Tesis Doctoral.<br />

PAGES, A. (1989) -Aspectos epidemiológicos y laboratoriales de la enfermedad<br />

hemorrágica del conejo (R.H.D.) en España. Medicina Veterinaria, 6(3):153-158.<br />

PAGES, A. (1989) -Consideraciones técnicas de la sueroterapia y de la profilaxis vacunal<br />

en la enfermedad hemorrágica vírica del conejo (R.H.D.V.). Medicina Veterinaria,<br />

6(5):285-291.<br />

PAGES, A.; ARTIGAS, C. (1992) -Advisable vaccinal programme against mixomatosis<br />

and rabbit haemorrhagic disease viruses on wild rabbits. V World rabbit congress,<br />

July 1992. Corvallis (USA).<br />

PAGES, A.; ARTIGAS, C.; ESPUÑA, E. (1991) -Serological profile (by ELISA) of the<br />

active and passive immunity on rearing does vaccinated with an oil inactivated<br />

vaccine against RHD. International Symposium on RHD. Beijing, 1991, PRC.<br />

PAGES, A.; COSTA, L.I. (1990) -Control de la enfermedad hemorrágica vírica del conejo<br />

(R.H.D.V.) mediante vacunación. Medicina Veterinaria, 7(2):93-97.<br />

PAGES, A.; ESPUÑA, E. (1988) -Estudios sobre la aplicación de vacunas homólogas de<br />

mixomatosis en conejos silvestres. Medicina Veterinaria, 5(7-8):365-374.<br />

PARER, I. (1977) -The population ecology of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.),<br />

in a Mediterranean-type climate in New South Wales.Australian Wildlife Research,<br />

4:171-205.<br />

PARER, I. (1982) -Dispersal of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, at Urana in New<br />

South Wales , Australian Wildlife Research, 9:427-441.<br />

PARER, I.; CONOLLY, D.; SOBEY, W.R. (1981) -Myxomatosis: the introduction of a<br />

highly virulent strain of myxomatosis into a wild rabbit population at Urana in New<br />

South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research, 8:613-626.<br />

PARER, I.; CONOLLY, D.; SOBEY, W.R. (1985) -Myxomatosis; the effects of annual<br />

introductions of an immunizing strain and a highly virulent strain of mixoma virus<br />

into rabbit populations at Urana, N.S.W. Australian Wildlife Research, 12:407-423.<br />

PARER, I.; FULLAGAR, P.J. (1986) -Biology of rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, in<br />

Subtropical Queensland. Australian Wildlife Research, 13(4):545-558.<br />

PARER, I.; FULLAGAR, P.J.; MALAFANT, K.W. (1987) -The history and structure of a<br />

large warren of the rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, at Camberra, A.C.T. Australian<br />

Wildlife Research, 14:505-513.<br />


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