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74 Editorial UnQ SERIE DIGITAL 10 / CIEnCIA y TECnoLoGíA Kikhno, i., s. Gutiérrez, l. Croizier, G. Croizier y m. l. Ferber (2002), “Characterization of pif, a gene required for the per os infectivity of spodoptera littoralis nucleopolyhedrovirus”, J. Gen. Virol., vol. 83, pp. 3013-3022. Kost, t. a. y J. P. Condreay (2002), “recombinant baculoviruses as mammalian cell gene-delivery vectors”, Trends Biotechnol., vol. 20, pp. 173-180. lacey, J. y m. s. Goettel (1995), “Current development in microbial control of insect pests and prospects for the early 21 st century”, Entomophaga , vol. 40, pp. 3-27. lanier, l. m. y l. e. volkman (1998), “actin binding and nucleation by autographa california m nucleopolyhedrovirus”,Virology, vol. 243, pp. 167-177. li, Q., l. li, K. moore, C. donly, d. a. Theilmann y m. erlandson (2003), “Characterization of mamestra configurata nucleopolyhedrovirus enhancin and its functional analysis via expression in an autographa californica m nucleopolyhedrovirus recombinant”, J. Gen. Virol., vol. 84, pp. 123-132. lipa, J. (1998), “eastern europe and the former soviet union”, en Hunter-Fujita, F. r., P. F. entwinstle, H. F. evans y N. e. Crock (ed.), op. cit., pp. 216-231. liu, y., N. de Carolis y N. van beek (2007), “Protein Production With recombinant baculoviruses in lepidopteran larvae”, en david W. murhammer (ed.), Baculovirus and insect Cell Expression Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 388, pp. 267-279. ma, l., N. tamarina, y. Wang, a. Kuznetsov, N. Patel, C. Kending, b.J. Hering y l. H. Philipson (2000), “baculovirus-mediated gene transfer into pancreatic islet cells”, Diabetes, vol. 49, pp. 1986-1991. martignoni, m. e. (1999), “History of tm biocontrol-1: the first registered virusbased product for control of a forest insect”, Am. Entomol., vol. 45, pp. 30-37. mcKinley, d. J., G. moaward, d. Jones, d. Grzywacs, C. turner (1989), “The development of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for the control of spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) in cotton”, en Green, m. b. y d. J. de b. lyon (ed.), Pest Managment in cotton, Chichester, society of Chemical industry, ellis Horwood Pubs., pp. 93-100. matilainen, H., J. rinne, l. Gilbert, v. marjomäki, H. reunanen y C. oker-blom, (2005), “baculovirus entry into human hepatoma cells”, J. Virol., vol. 79, pp. 15452-15459. miele, s. a. b., m. J. Garavaglia, m. N. belaich y P. d. Ghiringhelli (2001), “baculovirus: molecular insights on their diversity and conservation”, international Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 2011, pp. 1-15. moscardi, F. (1999), “assesment of the aplication of baculoviruses for control of lepidoptera”, Annu. Rev. Entomol., vol. 44, pp. 257-289. moscardi, F. (1989), “use of viruses for pest control in brazil: the case of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus of the soybean caterpillar, anticarsia gemmatalis”, Mem. inst. Oswaldo Cruz, vol. 84, pp. 51-56. moscardi, F. (1999), “assesment of the application of baculoviruses for control of lepidoptera”, Ann. Rev. Entomol., vol. 44, pp. 257-258. moscardi, F. (1998), “resistance of anticarsia gemmatalis to its nucleopolyhedrovirus (agNPv) and evaluation of substances that enhance viral activity”, en Simposio

75 Editorial UnQ SERIE DIGITAL 10 / CIEnCIA y TECnoLoGíA de control biológico, 6, Conferencias y mesas redondas, Río de Janeiro, Fundación oswaldo Cruz, pp. 421-425. Nomura, t. y N. Katunuma (2005), “involvement of cathepsins in the invasion, metastasis and proliferation of cancer cells”, J. Med. invest., vol. 52, pp. 1-9. ohkawa, t., K. majima y s. maeda (1994), “a cysteine protease encoded by the baculovirus bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus”, J. Virol., vol. 68, pp. 6619-6625. oliveira, J. v., J. l. Wolff, a. Garcia-maruniak, b. m. ribeiro, m. e. de Castro, m. l. de souza, F. moscardi, J. e. maruniak y P. m. Zanotto (2006), “Genome of the most widely used viral biopesticide: anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus”, J. Gen. Virol., vol. 87, pp. 3233-3250. Peng, J., J. Zhong y r. Granados (1999), “a baculovirus enhancin alters the permeability of a mucosal midgut peritrophic matrix from lepidopteran larvae”, J. insect Physiol., vol. 45, pp. 159-166. Pijlman, G. P., a. J. Pruijssers y J. m. vlak (2003), “identification of pif-2, a third conserved baculovirus gene required for per os infection of insects”, Gen. Virol., vol. 84, pp. 2041-2049. rohrmann, G. F. (2008), “baculovirus diversity”, Baculovirus Molecular Biology, bethesda, National Center for biotechnology information. sarkis, C., C. serguera, s. Petres, d. buchet, J. l. ridet, l. edelman y J. mallet (2000), “efficient transduction of neural cells in vitro and in vivo by a baculovirus-derived vector”, Proc. natl. Acad. Sci. USA., vol. 97, pp. 14638- 14643. sciocco-Cap, a., a. d. Parola, a. v. Goldberg, P. d. Ghiringhelli y v. romanowski (2001), “Characterization of a granulovirus isolated from epinotia aporema Wals (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larvae”, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., vol. 67, pp. 3702- 3706. shackelton, l. a. y e. C. Holmes (2004), “The evolution of large dna viruses: combining genomic information of viruses and their hosts”, Trends Microbiol. Review, vol. 12, pp. 458-465. shoji, i., H. aizaki, H. tani, K. ishii, t. Chiba, i. saito, t. miyamura y y. matsuura (1997), “efficient gene transfer into various mammalian cells, including nonhepatic cells, by baculovirus vectors”, J. Gen. Virol., vol. 78, pp. 2657-2664. slack, J. m., J. Kuzio y P. Faulkner (1995), “Characterization of v-cath, a cathepsin l-like proteinase expressed by the baculovirus Autographa californica multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus”, J. Gen. Virol., vol. 76, pp. 1091-1098. slavicek, J. m. y H. J. Popham (2005), “The lymantria dispar nucleopolyhedrovirus enhancins are components of occlusion-derived virus”, J. Virol., vol. 79, pp. 10578-10588. smits, P. H. y J. m. vlak (1994), “registration of the first viral insecticide in the Netherlands: the development of spod-x, based on spodoptera exigua nuclear polyhedrosis virus”, Med. Fac. Landbouw. Univ. Gent., vol. 59, pp. 383-392.

74<br />

Editorial UnQ<br />


Kikhno, i., s. Gutiérrez, l. Croizier, G. Croizier y m. l. Ferber (2002),<br />

“Characterization of pif, a gene required for the per os infectivity of spodoptera<br />

littoralis nucleopolyhedrovirus”, J. Gen. Virol., vol. 83, pp. 3013-3022.<br />

Kost, t. a. y J. P. Condreay (2002), “recombinant baculoviruses as mammalian cell<br />

gene-<strong>de</strong>livery vectors”, Trends Biotechnol., vol. 20, pp. 173-180.<br />

lacey, J. y m. s. Goettel (1995), “Current <strong>de</strong>velopment in microbial control of insect<br />

pests and prospects for the early 21 st century”, Entomophaga , vol. 40, pp. 3-27.<br />

lanier, l. m. y l. e. volkman (1998), “actin binding and nucleation by autographa<br />

california m nucleopolyhedrovirus”,Virology, vol. 243, pp. 167-177.<br />

li, Q., l. li, K. moore, C. donly, d. a. Theilmann y m. erlandson (2003),<br />

“Characterization of mamestra configurata nucleopolyhedrovirus enhancin<br />

and its functional analysis via expression in an autographa californica m<br />

nucleopolyhedrovirus recombinant”, J. Gen. Virol., vol. 84, pp. 123-132.<br />

lipa, J. (1998), “eastern europe and the former soviet union”, en Hunter-Fujita, F.<br />

r., P. F. entwinstle, H. F. evans y N. e. Crock (ed.), op. cit., pp. 216-231.<br />

liu, y., N. <strong>de</strong> Carolis y N. van beek (2007), “Protein Production With recombinant<br />

baculoviruses in lepidopteran larvae”, en david W. murhammer (ed.),<br />

Baculovirus and insect Cell Expression Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol.<br />

388, pp. 267-279.<br />

ma, l., N. tamarina, y. Wang, a. Kuznetsov, N. Patel, C. Kending, b.J. Hering y l.<br />

H. Philipson (2000), “baculovirus-mediated gene transfer into pancreatic islet<br />

cells”, Diabetes, vol. 49, pp. 1986-1991.<br />

martignoni, m. e. (1999), “History of tm biocontrol-1: the first registered virusbased<br />

product for control of a forest insect”, Am. Entomol., vol. 45, pp. 30-37.<br />

mcKinley, d. J., G. moaward, d. Jones, d. Grzywacs, C. turner (1989), “The<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for the control of spodoptera littoralis<br />

(boisd.) in cotton”, en Green, m. b. y d. J. <strong>de</strong> b. lyon (ed.), Pest Managment in<br />

cotton, Chichester, society of Chemical industry, ellis Horwood Pubs., pp. 93-100.<br />

matilainen, H., J. rinne, l. Gilbert, v. marjomäki, H. reunanen y C. oker-blom,<br />

(2005), “baculovirus entry into human hepatoma cells”, J. Virol., vol. 79, pp.<br />

15452-15459.<br />

miele, s. a. b., m. J. Garavaglia, m. N. belaich y P. d. Ghiringhelli (2001),<br />

“baculovirus: molecular insights on their diversity and conservation”,<br />

international Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 2011, pp. 1-15.<br />

moscardi, F. (1999), “assesment of the aplication of baculoviruses for control of<br />

lepidoptera”, Annu. Rev. Entomol., vol. 44, pp. 257-289.<br />

moscardi, F. (1989), “use of viruses for pest control in brazil: the case of the nuclear<br />

polyhedrosis virus of the soybean caterpillar, anticarsia gemmatalis”, Mem. inst.<br />

Oswaldo Cruz, vol. 84, pp. 51-56.<br />

moscardi, F. (1999), “assesment of the application of baculoviruses for control of<br />

lepidoptera”, Ann. Rev. Entomol., vol. 44, pp. 257-258.<br />

moscardi, F. (1998), “resistance of anticarsia gemmatalis to its nucleopolyhedrovirus<br />

(agNPv) and evaluation of substances that enhance viral activity”, en Simposio

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