Cetáceos del área galaico-cantábrica Zonas de ... - Oceana

Cetáceos del área galaico-cantábrica Zonas de ... - Oceana

Cetáceos del área galaico-cantábrica Zonas de ... - Oceana


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66. Shane S.H., Wells R.S. & B. Würsig (1986). Ecology, behavior and social organisation of the bottlenose dolphin: a review. Marine Mammal Science, 2,<br />

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67. Santos M. B. & G. J. Pierce (2003). The diet of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Northeast Atlantic. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an<br />

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6 . Santos M.B., Fernán<strong>de</strong>z R., López A., Martínez J.A. & G.J. Pierce (2007). Variability in the diet of bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in Galician<br />

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69. Blanco C., Salomón O. & J.A. Raga (2001). Diet of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine<br />

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70. Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Bonizzoni S., Costa M. & Azzellino A. (2008) Dolphins in a bottle: abundance, resi<strong>de</strong>ncy patterns and conservation of common<br />

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71. Santos M.B., Pierce G.J., Reid R.J., Patterson I.A.P., Ross H.M. & E. Mente (2001). Stomach contents of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in<br />

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72. Santos M. B. (1998). Feeding ecology of harbour porpoises, common and bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales in the northeast Atlantic. PhD thesis,<br />

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73. Santos M. B. & G. J. Pierce (2003). The diet of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Northeast Atlantic. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an<br />

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7 . Santos M. B. & G. J. Pierce (2003). The diet of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Northeast Atlantic. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an<br />

Annual Review 2003, 41, 355–390.<br />

76. MacLeod C.D., Pierce G.J. & M.B. Santos (2007). Linking san<strong>de</strong>el consumption and the likelihood of starvation in harbour porpoises in the Scottish<br />

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7 . ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. Chapter 7.3, pp. 17-28.<br />

79. ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4.6 Anchovy – Subarea VIII (Bay of Biscay), pp. 72-79 ; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4.3 Anglerfish<br />

(Lophius piscatorius and L. bu<strong>de</strong>gassa) in Divisions VIIIc and IXa. Pp 42-45; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4 Stocks in the Iberian Region<br />

(Division VIIIc and Subareas IX and X). pp 29-38; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4.2 Megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii and Lepidorhombus<br />

whiffiagonis) in Divisions VIIIc and IXa. Pp. 39-41; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4.5 Sardine in Divisions VIIIc and IXa. Pp. 64-70.; ICES<br />

(2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4.11 Sole in Divisions VIIIa,b,d (Bay of Biscay). PP. 85-94; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4.4 Southern<br />

horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) (Division IXa). Pp. 46-54; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 7. 7.4.10 Nephrops in Division IXa. Pp. 71-82;<br />

7.4.9 Nephrops in Division VIIIc: FU 25 (North Galicia) and FU 31 (Cantabrian Sea) (Nephrops Area O). pp. 62-70; 7.4.8 Nephrops in Divisions VIIIa,b:<br />

Functional Units 23 and 24 (Bay of Biscay North and Bay of Biscay South). Pp. 56-61; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 9. 9.4.2 Northeast Atlantic<br />

mackerel (combined Southern, Western, and North Sea spawning components). Pp. 74-91; ICES (2008). ICES Advice 2008, Book 9. 9.4.4 Blue whiting<br />

combined stock (Subareas I–IX, XII, and XIV). Pp. 98-113.

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