Análisis cuantitativo de los suministros militares - Historia Antigua

Análisis cuantitativo de los suministros militares - Historia Antigua Análisis cuantitativo de los suministros militares - Historia Antigua
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ROUGÉ, J., Navi e navigazione nell’Antichità, Florencia, 1977,<br />

ROUGÉ, J., Prêt et société maritimes dans le mon<strong>de</strong> romain, en “Memoirs of the American<br />

Aca<strong>de</strong>my in Rome” The seaborn commerce of Ancient Rome: studies in archaeology and history,<br />

vol XXXVI, 1980, 291-303.<br />

ROWLAND, R., Sardinia provincia frumentaria, en “Le ravitaillement en blé <strong>de</strong> Rome et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

centres urbains <strong>de</strong>s débuts <strong>de</strong> la République jusqu’au Haut Empire”, Actes du colloque<br />

international organisé par le Centre Jean Bérard et l’URA 994 du CNRS, Nápoles-Roma, 1994,<br />

255-260.<br />

SABIN, P., The face of Roman battle en “JRS”, vol. XC., 2000, 1-17.<br />

SABIN, P., Battle. Land Battle en “The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare”, vol. I,<br />

Cambridge, 2007, 399-460.<br />

SALMON, E.T., Roman colonization un<strong>de</strong>r the Republic, Londres, 1969.<br />

SCARANO USSANI, V., Gli “scherzi” di Lucio Verazio, en “ZPE”, 90, Bonn, 1992, 127-135.<br />

SCHIAVONE, A., Nascita Della Giurispru<strong>de</strong>nza. Cultura aristocratica e pensiero giuridico nella<br />

Roma tardo-repubblicana, Roma-Bari, 1976.<br />

SCHULER, C., Griechische Epigraphik in Lykien, Verlag Österreichischen Aka<strong>de</strong>mie <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Wissenschaften, Viena, 2005.<br />

SCULLARD, H.H., The elephant in the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge, 1974.<br />

SEKUNDA, N., Military forces en “The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare”, vol. I.,<br />

325-367, Cambridge, 2007.<br />

SERRAO, F., “Impresa e responsabilità a Roma nell’età commerciale forme giuridiche di un’<br />

economia-mondo”, Pisa, 1989.<br />

SERRATI, J., Warfare and the State en “The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare”,<br />

vol. I., 461-497, Cambridge, 2007.<br />

SHERWIN-WHITE, A. N., The Roman Citizenship, Oxford, 1939.<br />

SHERWIN-WHITE, A. N., Roman Foreing Policy in the East. 168 B.C. to A.D. 1, Londres, 1984.<br />

SIM, D., The manufacture of disposable weapons for the Roman army en “JRMES”, 3, 1992,<br />

105-119.<br />

SPAGNUOLO VIGORITA, T., Lex portus Asiae un nuovo documento sull’appalto <strong>de</strong>ll’ imposte, en<br />

“I rapporti contrattuali con la pubblica amministrazione nell’esperienza storico-giuridica” ,<br />

Actas <strong>de</strong>l Congreso, AAVV, Turín, 1997, 114-190.<br />

SUTHERLAND, C.H.V., “Monnaies romaines”, Oxford, 1974.<br />


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