Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU or, in his absence, the Vice-President of the Council. Provided always, that the said officers, severally, shall be capable of being re-appointed, at the end of the terms severally before limited; and that any of the said officers shall be liable to be dismissed, when adjudged guilty of misbehaviour, by the Council, on an impeachment of the Assembly. XIII. That the inhabitants of each county, qualified to vote as aforesaid, shall at the time and place of electing their Representatives, annually elect one Sheriff, and one or more Coroners; and that they may re-elect the same person to such offices, until he shall have served three years, but no longer; after which, three years must elapse before the same person is capable of being elected again. When the election is certified to the Governor, or Vice-President, under the hands of six freeholders of the county for which they were elected, they shall be immediately commissioned to serve in their respective offices. XIV. That the townships, at their annual town meetings for electing other officers, shall choose constables for the districts respectively; and also three or more judicious freeholders of good character, to hear and finally determine all appeals, relative to unjust assessments, in cases of public taxation; which commissioners of appeal shall, for that purpose, sit at some suitable time or times, to be by them appointed, and made known to the people by advertisements. XV. That the laws of the Colony shall begin in the following style, viz. “Be it enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this Colony, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same:” that all commissions, granted by the Governor or Vice-President, shall run thus –“The Colony of New-Jersey to A. B. &c. greeting:” and that all writs shall likewise run in the name of the Colony: and that all indictments shall conclude in the following manner, viz. “Against the peace of this Colony, the government and dignity of the same.” XVI. That all criminals shall be admitted to the same privileges of witnesses and counsel, as their prosecutors are or shall be entitled to. XVII. That the estates of such persons as shall destroy their own lives, shall not, for that offence, be forfeited; but shall descend in the same manner, as they would have done, had such persons died in the natural way; nor shall any article, which may occasion accidentally the death of any one, be henceforth deemed a deodand, 7 or in anywise forfeited, on account of such misfortune. XVIII. That no person shall ever, within this Colony, be deprived of the inestimable privilege of worshipping Almighty God in a manner agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience; nor, under any presence whatever, be compelled to attend any place of worship, contrary to his own faith and judgment; nor shall 7. ‘Delito’ (imaginario) cometido por un animal o por una cosa y que por ello debía entregarse a la corona. 98

CONSTITUCIÓN DE NUEVA JERSEY 1776 o, en su ausencia, por el vicepresidente del Consejo. Estipulándose en todo caso que dichos oficiales podrán ser reelegidos individualmente al final de los periodos anteriormente indicados para cada uno de ellos, y que cualquiera de dichos cargos podrá ser depuesto cuando el Consejo le declare culpable de mal comportamiento o la Asamblea le procese por impeachment. XIII. Que los habitantes de cada condado habilitados para votar como se ha dicho, en el mismo lugar y al mismo tiempo que elijan a sus Representantes, deberán elegir por un año a un sheriff y a uno o más coroners; y que podrán reelegir para dichos cargos a la misma persona hasta que ésta haya servido tres años, pero no más; y después deberán pasar tres años para que la misma persona pueda ser elegida de nuevo. Si seis propietarios del condado en el que fueron elegidos presentaran en mano al gobernador o al vicepresidente la certificación de la elección, serán inmediatamente asignados a su cargo. XIV. Que los municipios, en su reunión municipal anual para elegir otros cargos, elegirán constables para sus respectivos distritos; y asimismo [elegirán] tres o más propietarios juiciosos [y] de buen carácter, para oír y finalmente resolver todos los recursos respecto a valoraciones injustas en los casos de tasaciones públicas; para ello estos comisarios de recursos se reunirán el día o días que ellos fijen, haciéndoselo saber a la gente mediante anuncios. XV. Que las leyes de la colonia deberán comenzar con la siguiente formula, a saber: “Se ha promulgado por el Consejo y la Asamblea General de esta colonia, y por la presente se promulga por la autoridad de los mismos.” Que todos los nombramientos otorgados por el gobernador o el vicepresidente deberán redactase como “La Colonia de Nueva Jersey saluda a [nombres]”; y que todos los autos deberán redactarse de igual forma en el nombre de la colonia; y que todas las acusaciones finalizarán de la siguiente manera, a saber: “Contra la paz de esta Colonia, el gobierno y dignidad de la misma”. XVI. Que todos los criminales tendrán los mismos derechos a testigos y abogado que tengan o a que puedan tener derecho los acusadores. XVII. Que las propiedades de las personas que se suiciden no serán, por razón de ese delito, expropiadas [o decomisadas] sino que se transmitirán de la misma forma como se hubiera hecho si tales personas hubieran fallecido por causa natural; ni ningún objeto que haya ocasionado accidentalmente la muerte de una [persona] será por ello considerada un deodand ni será decomisada en forma alguna por razón de tal desgracia. XVIII. Que en esta Colonia no se privará nunca a nadie del privilegio inestimable de venerar a Dios Todopoderoso en la forma que sea [más] conforme a los dictados de su conciencia; ni bajo ninguna circunstancia nadie será obligado a asistir a ningún lugar de culto que sea contrario a su propia fe y criterio; ni nadie 99


or, in his absence, the Vice-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Council. Provi<strong>de</strong>d always, that the<br />

said officers, severally, shall be capable of being re-appointed, at the end of the<br />

terms severally before limited; and that any of the said officers shall be liable to<br />

be dismissed, when adjudged guilty of misbehaviour, by the Council, on an impeachment<br />

of the Assembly.<br />

XIII. That the inhabitants of each county, qualified to vote as aforesaid, shall<br />

at the time and p<strong>la</strong>ce of electing their Representatives, annually elect one Sheriff,<br />

and one or more Coroners; and that they may re-elect the same person to such<br />

offices, until he shall have served three years, but no longer; after which, three<br />

years must e<strong>la</strong>pse before the same person is capable of being elected again. When<br />

the election is certified to the Governor, or Vice-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, un<strong>de</strong>r the hands of six<br />

freehol<strong>de</strong>rs of the county for which they were elected, they shall be immediately<br />

commissioned to serve in their respective offices.<br />

XIV. That the townships, at their annual town meetings for electing other officers,<br />

shall choose constables for the districts respectively; and also three or more<br />

judicious freehol<strong>de</strong>rs of good character, to hear and finally <strong>de</strong>termine all appeals,<br />

re<strong>la</strong>tive to unjust assessments, in cases of public taxation; which commissioners<br />

of appeal shall, for that purpose, sit at some suitable time or times, to be by them<br />

appointed, and ma<strong>de</strong> known to the people by advertisements.<br />

XV. That the <strong>la</strong>ws of the Colony shall begin in the following style, viz. “Be<br />

it enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this Colony, and it is hereby<br />

enacted by authority of the same:” that all commissions, granted by the Governor<br />

or Vice-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, shall run thus –“The Colony of New-Jersey to A. B. &c. greeting:”<br />

and that all writs shall likewise run in the name of the Colony: and that all<br />

indictments shall conclu<strong>de</strong> in the following manner, viz. “Against the peace of<br />

this Colony, the government and dignity of the same.”<br />

XVI. That all criminals shall be admitted to the same privileges of witnesses<br />

and counsel, as their prosecutors are or shall be entitled to.<br />

XVII. That the estates of such persons as shall <strong>de</strong>stroy their own lives, shall<br />

not, for that offence, be forfeited; but shall <strong>de</strong>scend in the same manner, as they<br />

would have done, had such persons died in the natural way; nor shall any article,<br />

which may occasion acci<strong>de</strong>ntally the <strong>de</strong>ath of any one, be henceforth <strong>de</strong>emed a<br />

<strong>de</strong>odand, 7 or in anywise forfeited, on account of such misfortune.<br />

XVIII. That no person shall ever, within this Colony, be <strong>de</strong>prived of the inestimable<br />

privilege of worshipping Almighty God in a manner agreeable to the<br />

dictates of his own conscience; nor, un<strong>de</strong>r any presence whatever, be compelled<br />

to attend any p<strong>la</strong>ce of worship, contrary to his own faith and judgment; nor shall<br />

7. ‘Delito’ (imaginario) cometido por un animal o por una cosa y que por ello <strong>de</strong>bía entregarse<br />

a <strong>la</strong> corona.<br />


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