Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU shall be elected, the governor shall appoint a time and place for them to meet together, and when met they shall nominate ten persons resident in the district, and each possessed of a freehold in five hundred acres of land, and return their name to the congress; 16 five of whom congress shall appoint and commission to serve as aforesaid; and whenever a vacancy shall happen in the council, by death or removal from office, the house of representatives shall nominate two persons, qualified as aforesaid, for each vacancy, and return their names to congress, one of whom congress shall appoint, and commission for the residue of the term; and every five years, four months at least before the expiration of the time of service of the members of the council, the said house shall nominate ten persons qualified as aforesaid, and return their names to congress, five of whom congress shall appoint and commission to serve as members of council 17 five years, unless sooner removed. And the governor, legislative council, and house of representatives shall have authority to make laws in all cases for the good government of the district, not repugnant to the principles and articles in this ordinance established and declared; and all bills, having passed by a majority in the house, and by a majority in the council, shall be referred to the governor for his assent; but no bill or legislative act shall 18 be of any force without his assent; the governor shall have power to convene, prorogue, and dissolve the general assembly when in his opinion it shall be expedient. The governor, judges, legislative council, secretary, and such other officers as the 19 congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office, the governor before the president of congress, and all other officers before the governor, 20 as soon as a legislature shall be formed in the district, the council and house, assembled in one room, shall have authority by joint ballot to elect a delegate to congress, who shall have a seat in congress, with a right of debating, but not of voting during this temporary government. And for the 21 extending the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty which form the basis whereon these republics, their laws and constitutions are erected; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions, and governments, which for ever hereafter shall be formed in the said territory. To provide also for the establishment of states and permanent government 16. En Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe “names to Congress”. 17. En Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe “the council”. 18. En Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe “whatever, shall”. 19. Falta “the” en Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe. 20. Por el contexto debiera ser un “punto y seguido”, como en Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe, y así se traduce. 21. Falta “the” en Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe. 600

GOBIERNO DE LOS TERRITORIOS DEL NOROESTE 1787 el gobernador designará una fecha y un lugar en el que se reúnan; y cuando se hayan reunido propondrán a diez personas, residentes del distrito y que cada uno tenga 500 acres de tierra, y enviarán sus nombres al Congreso, de entre los que el Congreso designará y nombrará a cinco para que sirvan como se ha dicho. Y siempre que se produzca una vacante en el Consejo, por fallecimiento o destitución del cargo, la cámara de representantes propondrá por cada vacante a dos personas que cumplan los requisitos antedichos, y enviará sus nombres al Congreso, de los que [éste] designará y nombrará a uno para el resto del mandato. Y cada cinco años, al menos cuatro meses antes de que expire el periodo de servicio de los miembros del Consejo, dicha cámara propondrá a diez personas con los requisitos antedichos, y enviará sus nombres al Congreso, de los que [éste] designará y nombrará a cinco para que sirvan como miembros del Consejo durante cinco años a menos que sean destituidos antes. Y el gobernador, el Consejo legislativo y la Cámara de Representantes estarán autorizados para hacer las leyes en todos los casos que el buen gobierno del distrito [lo requiera] y no sean contrarias a los principios y artículos establecidos y declarados en este Decreto-ley. Y todos los proyectos de ley que hayan superado la Cámara y el Consejo por mayoría, serán enviadas al gobernador para su aprobación, y ningún proyecto o ley del legislativo tendrá vigor sin su aprobación. El gobernador tendrá potestad para reunir, prorrogar o disolver la Asamblea General cuando, en su opinión, sea oportuno. El gobernador, los jueces, el Consejo legislativo, el secretario y todos los otros oficiales que el Congreso designe en el distrito, harán un juramento o promesa de fidelidad y de cargo; el gobernador [lo hará] ante el presidente del Congreso, y todos los otros oficiales ante el gobernador. Y tan pronto como se cree un legislativo en el distrito, el Consejo y la Cámara reunidos en una sala, estarán autorizados para elegir por votación a un delegado en el Congreso, que tendrá un escaño en el Congreso con derecho de voz pero no voto durante este gobierno provisional. Y para extender los principios fundamentales de la libertad civil y religiosa que forman la base sobre la que se han erigido estas repúblicas, sus leyes y constituciones; para fijar y establecer esos principios como la base de todas las leyes, constituciones y gobiernos que más adelante para siempre se formen en dicho territorio; [y] también para facilitar, tan pronto como sea consecuente con el interés general, el establecimiento de estados y de sus gobiernos permanentes, 601


shall be elected, the governor shall appoint a time and p<strong>la</strong>ce for them to meet<br />

together, and when met they shall nominate ten persons resi<strong>de</strong>nt in the district,<br />

and each possessed of a freehold in five hundred acres of <strong>la</strong>nd, and return their<br />

name to the congress; 16 five of whom congress shall appoint and commission to<br />

serve as aforesaid; and whenever a vacancy shall happen in the council, by <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

or removal from office, the house of representatives shall nominate two persons,<br />

qualified as aforesaid, for each vacancy, and return their names to congress, one<br />

of whom congress shall appoint, and commission for the residue of the term;<br />

and every five years, four months at least before the expiration of the time of<br />

service of the members of the council, the said house shall nominate ten persons<br />

qualified as aforesaid, and return their names to congress, five of whom congress<br />

shall appoint and commission to serve as members of council 17 five years, unless<br />

sooner removed. And the governor, legis<strong>la</strong>tive council, and house of representatives<br />

shall have authority to make <strong>la</strong>ws in all cases for the good government of the<br />

district, not repugnant to the principles and articles in this ordinance established<br />

and <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>red; and all bills, having passed by a majority in the house, and by a<br />

majority in the council, shall be referred to the governor for his assent; but no<br />

bill or legis<strong>la</strong>tive act shall 18 be of any force without his assent; the governor shall<br />

have power to convene, prorogue, and dissolve the general assembly when in his<br />

opinion it shall be expedient.<br />

The governor, judges, legis<strong>la</strong>tive council, secretary, and such other officers<br />

as the 19 congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of<br />

fi<strong>de</strong>lity, and of office, the governor before the presi<strong>de</strong>nt of congress, and all other<br />

officers before the governor, 20 as soon as a legis<strong>la</strong>ture shall be formed in the district,<br />

the council and house, assembled in one room, shall have authority by joint<br />

ballot to elect a <strong>de</strong>legate to congress, who shall have a seat in congress, with a<br />

right of <strong>de</strong>bating, but not of voting during this temporary government.<br />

And for the 21 extending the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty<br />

which form the basis whereon these republics, their <strong>la</strong>ws and constitutions<br />

are erected; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all <strong>la</strong>ws, constitutions,<br />

and governments, which for ever hereafter shall be formed in the said territory.<br />

To provi<strong>de</strong> also for the establishment of states and permanent government<br />

16. En Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe “names to Congress”.<br />

17. En Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe “the council”.<br />

18. En Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe “whatever, shall”.<br />

19. Falta “the” en Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe.<br />

20. Por el contexto <strong>de</strong>biera ser un “punto y seguido”, como en Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y<br />

Thorpe, y así se traduce.<br />

21. Falta “the” en Laws..., Story, Poore, Preston y Thorpe.<br />


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