Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU chosen by the General Assembly and Legislative Council, jointly by ballot in the General Assembly. XVI. That the Vice President of the Colony and the Privy Council, or the Vice President and a majority of the Privy Council for the time being, shall exercise the powers of a Court of Chancery, and there shall be an Ordinary who shall exercise the powers heretofore exercised by that officer in this Colony. XVII. That the jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty be confined to maritime causes. XVIII. That all suits and process depending in any court of law or equity, may, if either party shall be so inclined, be proceeded in and continued to a final ending, without being obliged to commence de novo. And the judges of the courts of law shall cause jury lists to be made, and juries to be summoned, as near as may be, according to the directions of the acts of the General Assembly in such cases provided. XIX. That justices of the peace shall be nominated by the General Assembly and commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief, during pleasure. They shall not be entitled to fees except on prosecutions for felony, and not acting in the magistracy, they shall not be entitled to the privileges allowed to them by law. XX. That all other judicial officers shall be chosen by ballot, jointly by the General Assembly and Legislative Council, and except the judges of the Court of Chancery, commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief, during good behavior, but shall be removed, on address of the General Assembly and Legislative Council. XXI. That Sheriffs qualified as by law directed, shall be chosen in like manner by the General Assembly and Legislative Council, and commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief for two years only. XXII. That the Commissioners of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Colony, Register of mesne conveyances, Attorney General, and powder receiver, be chosen by the General Assembly and Legislative Council, jointly by ballot, and commissioned by the President and Commander in Chief during good behavior, but shall be removed on address of the General Assembly and Legislative Council. XXIII. That all field officers in the army, and all captains in the navy, shall be, by the General Assembly and Legislative Council, chosen jointly by ballot, 60

CONSTITUCIÓN DE CAROLINA DEL SUR 1776 elegidos por votación conjunta de la Asamblea General y del Consejo Legislativo, realizada en la Asamblea General. XVI. Que el vicepresidente de la colonia y el Consejo Privado, o el vicepresidente y la mayoría del Consejo Privado en ese momento, ejercerán las potestades de un Tribunal de Equidad, y deberá haber un juez 6 que ejercite los poderes ejercidos hasta ahora por ese oficial en esta colonia. XVII. Que la competencia del Tribunal del Almirantazgo se limite a las demandas marítimas. XVIII. Que todas las demandas y procesos pendientes en cualquier tribunal tanto en derecho como en equidad podrán continuar hasta su resolución si cualquiera de las partes así lo desea, sin que estén obligados a comenzar [el procedimiento] de nuevo. Y los jueces de los tribunales en derecho crearán listas de jurados y los jurados serán citados según lo más parecido posible a las directrices de las leyes que la Asamblea General facilite para tales casos. XIX. Que los jueces de paz serán propuestos por la Asamblea General y elegidos por el presidente y comandante en jefe a su criterio. No tendrán derecho a cobrar honorarios excepto en los juicios por delitos, y cuando no actúen en la magistratura no tendrán derecho a los privilegios que la ley les permita. XX. Que todos los demás oficiales judiciales serán elegidos por votación conjunta de la Asamblea General y del Consejo Legislativo y, excepto los jueces del Tribunal de Equidad, serán seleccionados por el presidente y comandante en jefe, [ejerciendo] mientras mantengan buen comportamiento, pero podrán ser destituidos a petición de la Asamblea General y del Consejo Legislativo. XXI. Que los sheriffs, cuyos requisitos se determinarán por ley, serán elegidos de igual manera por la Asamblea General y el Consejo Legislativo, y seleccionados por el presidente y comandante en jefe, [pero] por un periodo de dos años solamente. XXII: Que los comisarios de hacienda, el secretario de la colonia, el registrador de títulos, el fiscal general, y el maestro armero, serán elegidos por votación secreta conjunta de la Asamblea General y el Consejo Legislativo, y seleccionados por el presidente y comandante en jefe [ejerciendo] mientras mantengan buen comportamiento, pero serán destituidos a petición de la Asamblea General y el Consejo Legislativo. XXIII. Que todos los oficiales de campo del ejército, y todos los capitanes de la armada, serán elegidos por votación conjunta de la Asamblea y del Consejo 6. El término “Ordinary” es ambiguo pues se puede referir a un prelado eclesiástico, que en el sistema político inglés formaba parte de la estructura general del gobierno, o a un “juez ordinario” (no por delegación o especial) que es el significado que se elige en este caso pues el artículo trata de jurisdicciones (la de equidad). 61


chosen by the General Assembly and Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council, jointly by ballot in the<br />

General Assembly.<br />

XVI. That the Vice Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Colony and the Privy Council, or the Vice<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt and a majority of the Privy Council for the time being, shall exercise the<br />

powers of a Court of Chancery, and there shall be an Ordinary who shall exercise<br />

the powers heretofore exercised by that officer in this Colony.<br />

XVII. That the jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty be confined to maritime<br />

causes.<br />

XVIII. That all suits and process <strong>de</strong>pending in any court of <strong>la</strong>w or equity, may,<br />

if either party shall be so inclined, be procee<strong>de</strong>d in and continued to a final ending,<br />

without being obliged to commence <strong>de</strong> novo. And the judges of the courts of<br />

<strong>la</strong>w shall cause jury lists to be ma<strong>de</strong>, and juries to be summoned, as near as may<br />

be, according to the directions of the acts of the General Assembly in such cases<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

XIX. That justices of the peace shall be nominated by the General Assembly<br />

and commissioned by the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt and Comman<strong>de</strong>r in Chief, during pleasure.<br />

They shall not be entitled to fees except on prosecutions for felony, and not acting<br />

in the magistracy, they shall not be entitled to the privileges allowed to them<br />

by <strong>la</strong>w.<br />

XX. That all other judicial officers shall be chosen by ballot, jointly by the<br />

General Assembly and Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council, and except the judges of the Court<br />

of Chancery, commissioned by the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt and Comman<strong>de</strong>r in Chief, during<br />

good behavior, but shall be removed, on address of the General Assembly and<br />

Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council.<br />

XXI. That Sheriffs qualified as by <strong>la</strong>w directed, shall be chosen in like manner<br />

by the General Assembly and Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council, and commissioned by the<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt and Comman<strong>de</strong>r in Chief for two years only.<br />

XXII. That the Commissioners of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Colony,<br />

Register of mesne conveyances, Attorney General, and pow<strong>de</strong>r receiver, be chosen<br />

by the General Assembly and Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council, jointly by ballot, and commissioned<br />

by the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt and Comman<strong>de</strong>r in Chief during good behavior, but<br />

shall be removed on address of the General Assembly and Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council.<br />

XXIII. That all field officers in the army, and all captains in the navy, shall<br />

be, by the General Assembly and Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council, chosen jointly by ballot,<br />


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