Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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SECTION I. LUIS GRAU Th e Co m m o n W e A l T h o r sT A T e o f ve r m o n T, shall be governed hereafter, by a Governor, (or Lieutenant-Governor,) Council, and an Assembly of the Representatives of the freemen of the same, in manner and form following: SECTION II. The supreme legislative power shall be vested in such Assembly. 22 SECTION III. The supreme executive power shall be vested in a Governor (or, in his absence, a Lieutenant-Governor) and Council. SECTION IV. Courts of justice shall be maintained in every county in this State, and also in new counties when formed; which courts shall be open for the trial of all causes proper for their cognizance, and justice shall be therein impartially administered, without corruption, or unnecessary delay. The judges of the supreme court shall be justices of the peace throughout the State, and the several judges of the county courts in their respective counties, by virtue of their offices, (except in the trial of such causes 23 as may be appealed to the county court.) SECTION V. A future Legislature may, when they shall conceive the same to be expedient and necessary, erect a court of chancery, with such powers as are usually exercised by that court, or as shall appear for the interest of the commonwealth; and also a court to correct the errors of the supreme court of judicature: 24 provided they do not constitute themselves the judges of either 25 of the said court. SECTION VI. The legislative, executive, and judiciary departments, shall be separate and distinct, so that neither exercise the powers properly belonging to the other. SECTION VII. To prevent unnecessary expense in legislation, for the more deliberate and expeditious proceeding in that important business, and that the freemen may be better and more equally represented, the whole number of Representatives in Assembly shall not exceed fifty; to be elected in manner following: – each organized town in this State, on the first Tuesday in September annually, shall have liberty to choose one able, discreet freeholder, to represent them in a county convention, to be held at such 22. En Poore y Thorpe “in a house of Representatives of the freemen, or Commonwealth, or State of Vermont”. 23. En Thorpe “cases”. 24. Falta “and also a court to correct the errors of the supreme court of judicature” en Poore y Thorpe. 25. Falta “of either” en Poore y Thorpe. 558

CONSTITUCIÓN DE VERMONT 1786 Sección I. La Comunidad o Estado de Vermont estará gobernado en adelante por un Gobernador (o Subgobernador), Consejo y una Asamblea de Representantes de sus freemen en la manera y forma siguientes: Sección II. El supremo poder legislativo estará conferido a tal Asamblea. Sección III. El supremo poder ejecutivo estará conferido a un gobernador, (o en su ausencia a un subgobernador) y a un Consejo. Sección IV. En todo condado de este estado, así como en los nuevos condados cuando éstos se creen, se costearán tribunales de justicia. Estos tribunales estarán abiertos para juzgar todas las causas de su competencia y en ellos se administrará justicia imparcialmente, sin prevaricación ni retrasos innecesarios. Los Jueces del Tribunal Supremo, por razón de su cargo, serán jueces de paz en todo el estado, y todos los jueces de los tribunales de condado en su respectivos condados, excepto en las causas que se pudiesen apelar al tribunal de condado. Sección V. Un futuro legislativo podrá, cuando considere sea conveniente y necesario, crear un Tribunal de Equidad, con los poderes que normalmente ejerce tal tribunal, o como se entienda [sea mejor] al interés de la Comunidad, siempre que los miembros del legislativo no se constituyan a sí mismos en jueces de dicho tribunal. Sección VI. Los departamentos legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial estarán separados y serán diferentes de forma que ninguno ejerza los poderes que apropiadamente pertenecen a otro. Sección VII. Para prevenir un gasto innecesario del legislativo, para un proceso más premeditado y rápido de asuntos tan importantes, y para que los freemen puedan estar mejor y más igualitariamente representados, el número total de representantes en la Asamblea no excedede 50; que serán elegidos de la siguiente forma: el primer martes de septiembre de todos los años, [los freemen de] cada municipio organizado de este estado tendrán derecho a elegir a un freeholder capaz y discreto para que les represente en una convención del condado que se celebrará en la fecha y lugar que, por ley, designe el Legislativo; los miembros 559

SECTION I.<br />


Th e Co m m o n W e A l T h o r sT A T e o f ve r m o n T, shall be governed hereafter, by a<br />

Governor, (or Lieutenant-Governor,) Council, and an Assembly of the Representatives<br />

of the freemen of the same, in manner and form following:<br />


The supreme legis<strong>la</strong>tive power shall be vested in such Assembly. 22<br />


The supreme executive power shall be vested in a Governor (or, in his absence,<br />

a Lieutenant-Governor) and Council.<br />


Courts of justice shall be maintained in every county in this State, and also in<br />

new counties when formed; which courts shall be open for the trial of all causes<br />

proper for their cognizance, and justice shall be therein impartially administered,<br />

without corruption, or unnecessary <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>y. The judges of the supreme court shall<br />

be justices of the peace throughout the State, and the several judges of the county<br />

courts in their respective counties, by virtue of their offices, (except in the trial of<br />

such causes 23 as may be appealed to the county court.)<br />

SECTION V.<br />

A future Legis<strong>la</strong>ture may, when they shall conceive the same to be expedient<br />

and necessary, erect a court of chancery, with such powers as are usually exercised<br />

by that court, or as shall appear for the interest of the commonwealth; and<br />

also a court to correct the errors of the supreme court of judicature: 24 provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

they do not constitute themselves the judges of either 25 of the said court.<br />


The legis<strong>la</strong>tive, executive, and judiciary <strong>de</strong>partments, shall be separate and<br />

distinct, so that neither exercise the powers properly belonging to the other.<br />


To prevent unnecessary expense in legis<strong>la</strong>tion, for the more <strong>de</strong>liberate and expeditious<br />

proceeding in that important business, and that the freemen may be better and<br />

more equally represented, the whole number of Representatives in Assembly shall<br />

not exceed fifty; to be elected in manner following: – each organized town in this<br />

State, on the first Tuesday in September annually, shall have liberty to choose one<br />

able, discreet freehol<strong>de</strong>r, to represent them in a county convention, to be held at such<br />

22. En Poore y Thorpe “in a house of Representatives of the freemen, or Commonwealth, or<br />

State of Vermont”.<br />

23. En Thorpe “cases”.<br />

24. Falta “and also a court to correct the errors of the supreme court of judicature” en Poore y<br />

Thorpe.<br />

25. Falta “of either” en Poore y Thorpe.<br />


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