Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU freedom to servants and slaves, enticed or stolen them from, and armed them against their masters – instigated and encouraged the Indian nations to war against the colonies – dispensed with the law of the land, and substituted the law martial in its stead – killed many of the colonists – burned several towns, and threatened to burn the rest, and daily endeavor by a conduct which has sullied the British arms, and would disgrace even savage nations, to effect the ruin and destruction of the colonies. And whereas a statute hath been lately passed, whereby, under pretence that the said colonies are in open rebellion, all trade and commerce whatsoever with them is prohibited – vessels belonging to their inhabitants trading in, to, or from the said colonies, with the cargoes and effects on board such vessels, are made lawful prize, and the masters and crews of such vessels are subjected by force to act on board the king’s ships against their country and dearest friends; and all seizures and detention or destruction of the persons and properties of the colonists which have at any time been made or committed for withstanding or suppressing the said pretended rebellion, and which shall be made in pursuance of the said act, or for the service of the public, are justified, and persons sueing for damages in such cases, are, on failing in their suits, subjected to payment of very heavy expenses. And whereas large reinforcements of troops and ships have been ordered and are daily expected in America for carrying on war against each of the united colonies by the most vigorous exertions. And whereas in consequence of a plan recommended by the Governors, and which seems to have been concerted between them and their ministerial masters, to withdraw the usual officers, and thereby loosen the bands of government and create anarchy and confusion in the colonies. Lord William Campbell, late Governor, on the fifteenth day of September last, dissolved the General Assembly of this colony, and no other hath been since called, although by law the sitting and holding of General Assemblies cannot be intermitted above six months – and having used his utmost efforts to destroy the lives, liberties and properties of the good people here, whom by the duty of his station he was bound to protect, withdrew himself from the colony, and carried off the great seal and the royal instructions to Governors. And whereas the judges of courts of law here, have refused to exercise their respective functions, so that it is become indispensably necessary that during the present situation of American affairs, and until an accommodation of the unhappy differences between Great Britain and America can be obtained, (an event which, though traduced and treated as rebels, we still earnestly desire) some mode should be established by common consent, and for the good of the people, the origin and end of all governments, for regulating the internal polity of this colony. The Congress being vested with powers competent for the purpose, and having fully 52

CONSTITUCIÓN DE CAROLINA DEL SUR 1776 la libertad a siervos y esclavos, los han seducido o arrebatado a sus amos y los han armado contra ellos; han instigado y animado a las naciones indias a levantarse en guerra contra las colonias; han prescindido de la ley vigente y la han sustituido por la ley marcial; han matado a muchos colonos; [y] para conseguir la ruina y destrucción de las colonias, han incendiado varias ciudades y amenazado con quemar el resto, y día a día se han comportado de forma tal que han mancillando los blasones británicos y que deshonraría incluso a las naciones salvajes. Y considerando que últimamente se ha aprobado un decreto por el que, alegando que dichas colonias están en franca rebeldía, se ha prohibido todo el trato y comercio con ellas; se ha convertido en botín legítimo a los buques de sus habitantes que comercien desde las colonias, así como sus efectos y cargamentos, y se ha forzado a sus capitanes y tripulaciones [a luchar] a bordo de los barcos del rey contra su país y sus amigos más queridos; y se han justificado [como necesarios] para resistir o suprimir la tal pretendida rebelión todos los embargos y la detención o destrucción de las personas y propiedades de los colonos que se hayan hecho o cometido y que en el futuro se hagan a tal fin; y que las personas que en tales casos demanden por daños serán condenadas al pago de cuantiosas costas si pierden sus demandas. Y considerando que se han mandado grandes refuerzos de tropas y barcos, que se espera lleguen cualquier día a América para, con los esfuerzos más vigorosos, continuar la guerra contra todas las Colonias Unidas. Y considerando que como consecuencia de un plan recomendado por los gobernadores, y que parece ha sido acordado entre ellos y sus amos ministeriales, se han retirado los oficiales ordinarios para así deshacer los entrelazos del gobierno y crear anarquía y confusión en las colonias. Lord William Campbell, el último gobernador, el pasado 15 de septiembre disolvió la Asamblea General de esta colonia y desde entonces no se ha convocado otra, aunque según la ley la reunión y celebración de las asambleas generales no se puede suspender más de seis meses. [Y] habiendo utilizado todos los medios para destruir las vidas, los derechos y las propiedades de este buen pueblo, al que su cargo le obligaba a proteger, abandonó la colonia y se llevó el gran sello y las instrucciones reales a los gobernadores. Y considerando que los jueces de los tribunales de aquí se han negado a ejercer sus respectivas funciones hasta el punto de que se ha hecho indispensablemente necesario que durante la presente situación de los asuntos americanos, y hasta que se alcance un acuerdo sobre las diferencias entre Gran Bretaña y América (un acontecimiento que, aunque se nos calumnie y trate como rebeldes, todavía deseamos fervientemente), con mutuo consentimiento, y por el bien del pueblo, principio y fin de todos los gobiernos, se deberá establecer alguna forma de regular el gobierno interno de esta colonia. Estando el Congreso investido con suficientes poderes para ello, y habiendo 53


freedom to servants and s<strong>la</strong>ves, enticed or stolen them from, and armed them<br />

against their masters – instigated and encouraged the Indian nations to war against<br />

the colonies – dispensed with the <strong>la</strong>w of the <strong>la</strong>nd, and substituted the <strong>la</strong>w martial<br />

in its stead – killed many of the colonists – burned several towns, and threatened<br />

to burn the rest, and daily en<strong>de</strong>avor by a conduct which has sullied the British<br />

arms, and would disgrace even savage nations, to effect the ruin and <strong>de</strong>struction<br />

of the colonies. And whereas a statute hath been <strong>la</strong>tely passed, whereby, un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

pretence that the said colonies are in open rebellion, all tra<strong>de</strong> and commerce whatsoever<br />

with them is prohibited – vessels belonging to their inhabitants trading in,<br />

to, or from the said colonies, with the cargoes and effects on board such vessels,<br />

are ma<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>wful prize, and the masters and crews of such vessels are subjected by<br />

force to act on board the king’s ships against their country and <strong>de</strong>arest friends;<br />

and all seizures and <strong>de</strong>tention or <strong>de</strong>struction of the persons and properties of<br />

the colonists which have at any time been ma<strong>de</strong> or committed for withstanding<br />

or suppressing the said preten<strong>de</strong>d rebellion, and which shall be ma<strong>de</strong> in pursuance<br />

of the said act, or for the service of the public, are justified, and persons<br />

sueing for damages in such cases, are, on failing in their suits, subjected to payment<br />

of very heavy expenses. And whereas <strong>la</strong>rge reinforcements of troops and<br />

ships have been or<strong>de</strong>red and are daily expected in America for carrying on war<br />

against each of the united colonies by the most vigorous exertions. And whereas<br />

in consequence of a p<strong>la</strong>n recommen<strong>de</strong>d by the Governors, and which seems to<br />

have been concerted between them and their ministerial masters, to withdraw the<br />

usual officers, and thereby loosen the bands of government and create anarchy<br />

and confusion in the colonies. Lord William Campbell, <strong>la</strong>te Governor, on the<br />

fifteenth day of September <strong>la</strong>st, dissolved the General Assembly of this colony,<br />

and no other hath been since called, although by <strong>la</strong>w the sitting and holding of<br />

General Assemblies cannot be intermitted above six months – and having used<br />

his utmost efforts to <strong>de</strong>stroy the lives, liberties and properties of the good people<br />

here, whom by the duty of his station he was bound to protect, withdrew himself<br />

from the colony, and carried off the great seal and the royal instructions to Governors.<br />

And whereas the judges of courts of <strong>la</strong>w here, have refused to exercise their<br />

respective functions, so that it is become indispensably necessary that during the<br />

present situation of American affairs, and until an accommodation of the unhappy<br />

differences between Great Britain and America can be obtained, (an event which,<br />

though traduced and treated as rebels, we still earnestly <strong>de</strong>sire) some mo<strong>de</strong> should<br />

be established by common consent, and for the good of the people, the origin<br />

and end of all governments, for regu<strong>la</strong>ting the internal polity of this colony. The<br />

Congress being vested with powers competent for the purpose, and having fully<br />


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