Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU [Sin título] 3 Resolved, That so much of the territory ceded or to be ceded by individual states to the United States, as is already purchased or shall be purchased of the Indian inhabitants, and offered for sale by Congress, shall be divided into distinct states, in the following manner, as nearly as such cessions will admit; that is to say, by parallels of latitude, so that each State shall comprehend from south to north north to south two degrees of latitude, beginning to count from the completion of thirty one the forty fifth degree forty-five degrees north of the equator; and by meridians of longitude, one of which shall pass through the lowest point of the rapids of Ohio, and the other through 4 the western cape of the mouth of the Great kanhaway: but the territory eastward of this last meridian, between the Ohio, Lake Erie and Pensylvania, 5 shall be one State whatsoever may be its comprehension of latitude. That which may lie beyond the completion of the 45th degree between the said meridians, shall make part of the State adjoining it on the south: and that part of the Ohio, which is between the same meridians coinciding nearly with the parallel of 39° shall be substituted so far in lieu of that parallel as a boundary line. That the settlers on any territory so purchased, and offered for sale, shall, either on their own petition or on the order of Congress, receive authority from them, with appointments of time and place, for their free males of full age within the limits of their State to meet together, for the purpose of establishing a temporary government, to adopt the constitution and laws of any one of the original States; so that such laws nevertheless shall be subject to alteration by their ordinary legislature; and to erect, subject to a like alteration, counties, townships, or other divisions, for the election of members for their legislature. That such temporary government shall only continue in force in any State until it shall have acquired twenty thousand free inhabitants when [That when any such State shall have acquired twenty thousand free inhabitants, on] giving due proof thereof to Congress, they shall receive from them authority with 3. En hunt, como narración de lo acontecido en la cámara, esta resolución aparece sin ningún título. En Organic Acts aparece como “r e s o l u T i o n s f o r T h e G o v e r n m e n T o f T h e W e s T e r n T e r r i T o r y, PAsseD AP r i l 23, 1784”, y en hulbert “or D i n A n C e o f 1784 By the UNITED STATES in CON- GRESS Assembled April 23, 1784”. (Nótese que ésta es, en puridad, una “Resolution” y no una “Ordinance” o Decreto-ley, como la titula hulbert, pues nada en los Diarios indica que fuera aprobada y promulgada como tal, como sí lo sería más tarde la de 1787 sobre la misma materia que, a su vez, se refiere a ésta como “Resolutions”.) 4. Falta “the lowest point of the rapids of Ohio, and the other through” en hulbert. 5. Sic en hunt (error que, curiosamente, se produjo asimismo en la Declaración de Independencia de 1776); corregido en Organic Laws y en hulbert. 494

RESOLUCIONES PARA UN GOBIERNO TERRITORIAL DEL NOROESTE 1784 [Sin título] Se decide que todo el territorio cedido o que cedan cada uno de los estados de los Estados Unidos, que ya se ha comprado o que se compre a los habitantes indios, y ponga a la venta el Congreso, 6 se dividirá de la siguiente manera (tan aproximadamente como las cesiones lo permitan) en estados separados, a saber: por paralelos de latitud, de forma que cada estado mida de sur a norte norte a sur dos grados de latitud a partir del límite de los 31 a los 45 grados 45º al norte del ecuador, y por meridianos de longitud, uno de los cuales pasará por el punto más inferior de los rápidos de Ohio y el otro por el cabo occidental de la desembocadura del [río] Gran kanhaway; pero el territorio al Este de este último meridiano, entre el [río] Ohio, el lago Erie y Pennsylvania será un único estado al margen de lo que tenga de latitud. Que el [territorio] ubicado más allá del límite de los 45º entre dichos meridianos será parte de estado contiguo a él por el sur, sustituyendo como línea fronteriza en vez del paralelo esa parte del [río] Ohio que queda entre esos mismos meridianos [y] casi coincide con el paralelo 39. Que los colonos de cualquier territorio así comprado y ofrecido a la venta, bien a petición suya o por orden del Congreso, recibirán autorización de [éstos], con designación de fecha y lugar, para que se reúnan los varones libres mayores de edad dentro de los límites de su estado para establecer un gobierno provisional, adoptando la constitución y las leyes de uno cualquiera de los [trece] estados primitivos, aunque tales leyes podrán ser modificadas por su legislativo ordinario, y para erigir, sujetos a la misma modificación, condados, municipalidades y otras divisiones para la elección de los miembros de su legislativo. Que tal gobierno provisional sólo continuará en vigor en cualquier estado hasta que haya alcanzado 20.000 habitantes libres momento en el que [Que cuando cualquiera de esos estados haya alcanzado 20.000 habitantes libres,] cuando le den buena prueba de ello al Congreso, recibirán de éstos la autorización, con 6. Todas las referencias al “Congreso” se entiende son al de los Estados Unidos. 495


[Sin título] 3<br />

Resolved, That so much of the territory ce<strong>de</strong>d or to be ce<strong>de</strong>d by individual states<br />

to the United States, as is already purchased or shall be purchased of the Indian<br />

inhabitants, and offered for sale by Congress, shall be divi<strong>de</strong>d into distinct states,<br />

in the following manner, as nearly as such cessions will admit; that is to say, by<br />

parallels of <strong>la</strong>titu<strong>de</strong>, so that each State shall comprehend from south to north<br />

north to south two <strong>de</strong>grees of <strong>la</strong>titu<strong>de</strong>, beginning to count from the completion<br />

of thirty one the forty fifth <strong>de</strong>gree forty-five <strong>de</strong>grees north of the equator; and by<br />

meridians of longitu<strong>de</strong>, one of which shall pass through the lowest point of the<br />

rapids of Ohio, and the other through 4 the western cape of the mouth of the Great<br />

kanhaway: but the territory eastward of this <strong>la</strong>st meridian, between the Ohio,<br />

Lake Erie and Pensylvania, 5 shall be one State whatsoever may be its comprehension<br />

of <strong>la</strong>titu<strong>de</strong>. That which may lie beyond the completion of the 45th <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

between the said meridians, shall make part of the State adjoining it on the south:<br />

and that part of the Ohio, which is between the same meridians coinciding nearly<br />

with the parallel of 39° shall be substituted so far in lieu of that parallel as a<br />

boundary line.<br />

That the settlers on any territory so purchased, and offered for sale, shall,<br />

either on their own petition or on the or<strong>de</strong>r of Congress, receive authority from<br />

them, with appointments of time and p<strong>la</strong>ce, for their free males of full age within<br />

the limits of their State to meet together, for the purpose of establishing a temporary<br />

government, to adopt the constitution and <strong>la</strong>ws of any one of the original<br />

States; so that such <strong>la</strong>ws nevertheless shall be subject to alteration by their ordinary<br />

legis<strong>la</strong>ture; and to erect, subject to a like alteration, counties, townships, or<br />

other divisions, for the election of members for their legis<strong>la</strong>ture.<br />

That such temporary government shall only continue in force in any State<br />

until it shall have acquired twenty thousand free inhabitants when [That when<br />

any such State shall have acquired twenty thousand free inhabitants, on] giving<br />

due proof thereof to Congress, they shall receive from them authority with<br />

3. En hunt, como narración <strong>de</strong> lo acontecido en <strong>la</strong> cámara, esta resolución aparece sin ningún<br />

título. En Organic Acts aparece como “r e s o l u T i o n s f o r T h e G o v e r n m e n T o f T h e W e s T e r n T e r r i T o r y,<br />

PAsseD AP r i l 23, 1784”, y en hulbert “or D i n A n C e o f 1784 By the UNITED STATES in CON-<br />

GRESS Assembled April 23, 1784”. (Nótese que ésta es, en puridad, una “Resolution” y no una<br />

“Ordinance” o Decreto-ley, como <strong>la</strong> titu<strong>la</strong> hulbert, pues nada en los Diarios indica que fuera aprobada<br />

y promulgada como tal, como sí lo sería más tar<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong> 1787 sobre <strong>la</strong> misma materia que, a<br />

su vez, se refiere a ésta como “Resolutions”.)<br />

4. Falta “the lowest point of the rapids of Ohio, and the other through” en hulbert.<br />

5. Sic en hunt (error que, curiosamente, se produjo asimismo en <strong>la</strong> Dec<strong>la</strong>ración <strong>de</strong> In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncia<br />

<strong>de</strong> 1776); corregido en Organic Laws y en hulbert.<br />


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