Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU the authority, office, and power before given to the former Governor, Deputy- Governor, and other officer and officers so removed, in whose stead and place new shall be chosen, shall, as to him and them, and every of them respectively, cease and determine: Provided, always, and our will and pleasure is, That as well such as are by these presents appointed to be the present Governor, Deputy-Governor, and Assistants of the said Company, as those which shall succeed them, and all other officers to be appointed and chosen as aforesaid, shall, before the undertaking the execution of the said offices and places respectively, give their solemn engagement by oath or otherwise, for the due and faithful performance of their duties in their several offices and places, before such person or persons as are by these presents hereafter appointed to take and receive the same; that is to say, the said Benedict Arnold, whoe is herein before nominated and appointed the present Governor of the said Company, shall give the aforesaid engagement before William Brenton, or any two of the said Assistants of the said Company, unto whom we do, by these presents, give full power and authority to require and receive the same; and the said William Brenton, who is hereby before nominated and appointed the present Deputy-Governor of the said Company, shall give the aforesaid engagement before the said Benedict Arnold, or any two of the Assistants of the said Company; unto whom we do, by these presents, give full power and authority to require and receive the same; and the said William Boulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Cogeshall, James Barker, William Field, and Joseph Clarke, who are herein before nominated and appointed the present Assistants of the said Company, shall give the said engagement to their offices and places respectively belonging, before the said Benedict Arnold and William Brenton, or one of them, to whom respectively we do hereby give full power and authority to require, administer, or receive the same. And further, our will and pleasure is, that all and every other future Governor, or Deputy-Governor, to be elected and chosen by virtue of these presents, shall give the said engagement before two or more of the said Assistants of the said Company for the time being, unto whom we do, by these presents, give full power and authority to require, administer, or receive the same; and the said Assistants, and every of them, and all and every other officer or officers, to be hereafter elected and chosen by virtue of these presents, from time to time, shall give the like engagements to their offices and places respectively belonging, bofore the Governor or Deputy-Governor for the time being; unto which said Governor or Deputy-Governor, we do by these presents give full power and authority to require, administer, or receive the same accordingly. And we do likewise for us, our heirs, and successors, give and grant unto the said Governor and Company, and their successors, by these presents, 472

CARTA-CONSTITUCIÓN DE RHODE ISLAND (1663) cesará y terminará la autoridad, cargo y potestad antes dada al anterior gobernador, subgobernador y otros oficiales así depuestos, para cuyo escaño y puesto se eligiera a los nuevos. A condición de que, y es nuestra voluntad y deseo, siempre que tanto aquellos que por estas presentes [letras patentes] son designados para ser el actual gobernador, subgobernador y ayudantes de dicha Compañía, como aquellos que les sucedan, y todos los demás oficiales que sean designados y elegidos como se ha dicho, antes de asumir el ejercicio de dichos cargos y puestos respectivamente, otorguen su solemne compromiso, mediante juramento o de otra forma, para el debido y leal cumplimiento de sus obligaciones en cada uno de sus cargos y puestos, ante la persona o personas que a continuación son designadas en estas presentes [letras patentes] para que los tomen y reciban, a saber: el dicho Benedict Arnold, a quien anteriormente se ha nombrado y designado aquí como el actual gobernador de la dicha Compañía, hará el dicho juramento ante William Brenton o ante dos de dichos ayudantes de dicha Compañía, a quienes por las presentes [letras patentes] damos total potestad y autoridad para exigirlos y recibirlos; y el dicho William Brenton, a quien anteriormente se ha nombrado y designado aquí como el actual subgobernador de dicha Compañía, hará el dicho juramento ante el dicho Benedict Arnold, o ante dos cualesquiera de los ayudantes de dicha Compañía, a quienes por las presentes [letras patentes] otorgamos total potestad y autoridad para exigir y recibir el dicho [juramento]; y los dichos William Boulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Cogeshall, James Barker, William Field y Joseph Clarke, quienes anteriormente en ésta han sido nombrados y designados los actuales ayudantes de dicha Compañía, otorgarán el dicho compromiso perteneciente a sus respectivos cargos y puestos ante los dichos Benedict Arnold y William Brenton, o ante uno de ellos, a quienes aquí damos total potestad y autoridad para exigirlo, administrarlo o recibirlo. Y además es nuestra voluntad y deseo que todos y cada uno de los futuros gobernadores o subgobernadores que sean elegidos y seleccionados en virtud de estas presentes [letras patentes], otorgarán el dicho compromiso ante dos o más de dichos ayudantes de dicha Compañía en ese momento, a quienes por las presentes [letras patentes] damos total potestad y autoridad para exigir, administrar o recibir el mismo [juramento]; y los dichos ayudantes y cada uno de ellos, y cada oficial u oficiales que cuando sea necesario se elijan y seleccionen en virtud de las presentes [letras patentes], otorgarán ante el gobernador o el subgobernador en ese momento los dichos compromisos pertenecientes a sus cargos y puestos respectivos, a cuyo dicho gobernador o subgobernador damos por las presentes [letras patentes], en consecuencia, total potestad y autoridad para exigirlo, administrarlo o recibirlo. Y de la misma forma, en nuestro nombre [y] en el de nuestros herederos y sucesores por las presentes damos y concedemos a dicho gobernador y Compañía, 473


the authority, office, and power before given to the former Governor, Deputy-<br />

Governor, and other officer and officers so removed, in whose stead and p<strong>la</strong>ce<br />

new shall be chosen, shall, as to him and them, and every of them respectively,<br />

cease and <strong>de</strong>termine: Provi<strong>de</strong>d, always, and our will and pleasure is, That as<br />

well such as are by these presents appointed to be the present Governor, Deputy-Governor,<br />

and Assistants of the said Company, as those which shall succeed<br />

them, and all other officers to be appointed and chosen as aforesaid, shall, before<br />

the un<strong>de</strong>rtaking the execution of the said offices and p<strong>la</strong>ces respectively,<br />

give their solemn engagement by oath or otherwise, for the due and faithful performance<br />

of their duties in their several offices and p<strong>la</strong>ces, before such person<br />

or persons as are by these presents hereafter appointed to take and receive the<br />

same; that is to say, the said Benedict Arnold, whoe is herein before nominated<br />

and appointed the present Governor of the said Company, shall give the aforesaid<br />

engagement before William Brenton, or any two of the said Assistants of<br />

the said Company, unto whom we do, by these presents, give full power and<br />

authority to require and receive the same; and the said William Brenton, who<br />

is hereby before nominated and appointed the present Deputy-Governor of the<br />

said Company, shall give the aforesaid engagement before the said Benedict Arnold,<br />

or any two of the Assistants of the said Company; unto whom we do, by<br />

these presents, give full power and authority to require and receive the same; and<br />

the said William Boulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John<br />

Smith, John Greene, John Cogeshall, James Barker, William Field, and Joseph<br />

C<strong>la</strong>rke, who are herein before nominated and appointed the present Assistants<br />

of the said Company, shall give the said engagement to their offices and p<strong>la</strong>ces<br />

respectively belonging, before the said Benedict Arnold and William Brenton, or<br />

one of them, to whom respectively we do hereby give full power and authority<br />

to require, administer, or receive the same. And further, our will and pleasure is,<br />

that all and every other future Governor, or Deputy-Governor, to be elected and<br />

chosen by virtue of these presents, shall give the said engagement before two or<br />

more of the said Assistants of the said Company for the time being, unto whom<br />

we do, by these presents, give full power and authority to require, administer, or<br />

receive the same; and the said Assistants, and every of them, and all and every<br />

other officer or officers, to be hereafter elected and chosen by virtue of these<br />

presents, from time to time, shall give the like engagements to their offices and<br />

p<strong>la</strong>ces respectively belonging, bofore the Governor or Deputy-Governor for the<br />

time being; unto which said Governor or Deputy-Governor, we do by these presents<br />

give full power and authority to require, administer, or receive the same<br />

accordingly. And we do likewise for us, our heirs, and successors, give and grant<br />

unto the said Governor and Company, and their successors, by these presents,<br />


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