Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU of the said Company for the time being, in such manner and form as is hereafter in these presents expressed; which said officers shall apply themselves to take care for the best disposing and ordering of the general business and affairs of and concerning the lands and hereditaments herein after mentioned to be granted, and the plantation thereof, and the government of the people there. And for the better execution of our royal pleasure herein, we do, for us, our heirs and successors, assign, name, constitute and appoint, the aforesaid Benedict Arnold to be the first and present Governor of the said Company, and the said William Brenton to be the Deputy-Governor, and the said William Boulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Cogeshall, James Barker, William Field, and Joseph Clarke, to be the ten present Assistants of the said Company, to continue in the said several offices respectively untill the first Wednesday which shall be in the month of May now next coming. And further, we will, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do ordain and grant, That the Governor of the said Company for the time being, or in his absence, by occasion of sickness or otherwise, by his leave or permission the Deputy-Governor for the time being, shall and may, from time to time, upon all occasions, give order for the assembling of the said Company, and calling them together, to consult and advise of the business and affairs of the said Company; and that for ever hereafter, twice in every year, that is to say, on every first Wednesday in the month of May, and on every last Wednesday in October, or oftener, in case it shall bee requisite, the Assistants, and such of the freemen of the said Company, not exceeding six persons for Newport, four persons for each of the respective towns of Providence, Portsmouth, and Warwick, and two persons for each other place, town or city, who shall be from time to time, thereunto elected or deputed by the major part of the freemen of the respective towns or places for which they shall be so elected or deputed, shall have a general meeting or assembly, then and there to consult, advise and determine, in and about the affairs and business of the said Company and Plantations. And further, we do of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, give and grant unto the said Governor and Company of the English colony of Rhode-lsland and Providence Plantations, in New-England, in America, and their successors, That the Governor, or in his absence, or by his permission, the Deputy-Governor, of the said Company for the time being, the Assistants, and such of the freemen of the said Company as shall be so as aforesaid elected or deputed, or so many of them as shall be present at such meeting or assembly as aforesaid, shall be called the General Assembly; and that they, or the greatest parte of them present, whereof the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, and six of the Assistants at least, to be seven, shall have, and have hereby given and granted unto them full power 466

CARTA-CONSTITUCIÓN DE RHODE ISLAND (1663) de dicha Compañía en ese momento, en la manera y forma que más adelante se expresa en estas presentes [letras patentes]. Dichos oficiales se dedicarán a cuidar de la mejor regulación y ordenamiento de los negocios generales y asuntos relacionados con las tierras y heredades que más adelante aquí se menciona que se conceden, y con su asentamiento y con el gobierno de su gente. Y para una mejor ejecución de este nuestro real deseo, en nuestro nombre [y] en el de nuestros herederos y sucesores asignamos, nombramos, constituimos y designamos al antedicho Benedict Arnold para que sea el primer y actual gobernador de dicha Compañía, y al dicho William Brenton para que sea el subgobernador, y a los dichos William Boulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Cogeshall, James Barker, William Field y Joseph Clarke, para que sean los diez ayudantes actuales de dicha Compañía, [y] para que continúen, respectivamente, en dichos cargos hasta el primer miércoles del próximo mes de mayo. Y además queremos, y por las presentes [letras patentes] en nuestro nombre [y] en el de nuestros herederos y sucesores ordenamos y concedemos que el gobernador de dicha Compañía en ese momento, o en su ausencia por razón de enfermedad, o si no con su permiso y consentimiento formal, el subgobernador en ese momento, en todas las ocasiones en que sea necesario podrá ordenar y ordenará la reunión de dicha Compañía, y la convocará para consultas y recomendaciones sobre los negocios y asuntos de dicha Compañía. Y que en adelante para siempre, dos veces al año, específicamente cada primer miércoles del mes de mayo y cada último miércoles de octubre, o más a menudo si fuera necesario, los ayudantes y tantos de los freemen de dicha Compañía que no excedan de seis personas de Newport, cuatro personas de cada uno de los municipios de Providencia, Portsmouth y Warwicke, y dos personas de cada otro lugar, municipio o ciudad, que periódicamente serán elegidos o delegados por la mayor parte de los freemen de los respectivos municipios o lugares en los que fueren elegidos o delegados, tendrán una reunión general o asamblea, para entonces y allí consultar, asesorar y resolver los asuntos y negocios de dicha Compañía y dichos asentamientos. Y además, por nuestra especial gracia, conocimiento cierto y mera voluntad, damos y concedemos a los dichos Gobernador y Compañía de la colonia inglesa de Rhode Island y de los asentamientos de Providencia de Nueva Inglaterra de América, y a sus sucesores, que el gobernador, o en su ausencia o mediante su autorización el subgobernador en ese momento de dicha Compañía, y aquellos ayudantes y tantos de los freemen de dicha Compañía que, como se ha dicho, hayan sido elegidos o delegados, o tantos de ellos como estén presentes en esa reunión o asamblea como se ha dicho, se denominarán la Asamblea General; y que ellos, o la mayoría de ellos, de los que el gobernador, o el subgobernador, y seis de los ayudantes para que al menos sean siete, tendrán, y aquí se les ha dado y concedido, total potestad 467


of the said Company for the time being, in such manner and form as is hereafter<br />

in these presents expressed; which said officers shall apply themselves to take<br />

care for the best disposing and or<strong>de</strong>ring of the general business and affairs of and<br />

concerning the <strong>la</strong>nds and hereditaments herein after mentioned to be granted,<br />

and the p<strong>la</strong>ntation thereof, and the government of the people there. And for the<br />

better execution of our royal pleasure herein, we do, for us, our heirs and successors,<br />

assign, name, constitute and appoint, the aforesaid Benedict Arnold to<br />

be the first and present Governor of the said Company, and the said William<br />

Brenton to be the Deputy-Governor, and the said William Boulston, John Porter,<br />

Roger Williams, Thomas Olney, John Smith, John Greene, John Cogeshall,<br />

James Barker, William Field, and Joseph C<strong>la</strong>rke, to be the ten present Assistants<br />

of the said Company, to continue in the said several offices respectively untill<br />

the first Wednesday which shall be in the month of May now next coming. And<br />

further, we will, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do ordain<br />

and grant, That the Governor of the said Company for the time being, or in his<br />

absence, by occasion of sickness or otherwise, by his leave or permission the<br />

Deputy-Governor for the time being, shall and may, from time to time, upon<br />

all occasions, give or<strong>de</strong>r for the assembling of the said Company, and calling<br />

them together, to consult and advise of the business and affairs of the said Company;<br />

and that for ever hereafter, twice in every year, that is to say, on every first<br />

Wednesday in the month of May, and on every <strong>la</strong>st Wednesday in October, or<br />

oftener, in case it shall bee requisite, the Assistants, and such of the freemen of<br />

the said Company, not exceeding six persons for Newport, four persons for each<br />

of the respective towns of Provi<strong>de</strong>nce, Portsmouth, and Warwick, and two persons<br />

for each other p<strong>la</strong>ce, town or city, who shall be from time to time, thereunto<br />

elected or <strong>de</strong>puted by the major part of the freemen of the respective towns or<br />

p<strong>la</strong>ces for which they shall be so elected or <strong>de</strong>puted, shall have a general meeting<br />

or assembly, then and there to consult, advise and <strong>de</strong>termine, in and about<br />

the affairs and business of the said Company and P<strong>la</strong>ntations. And further, we<br />

do of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, give and grant<br />

unto the said Governor and Company of the English colony of Rho<strong>de</strong>-ls<strong>la</strong>nd and<br />

Provi<strong>de</strong>nce P<strong>la</strong>ntations, in New-Eng<strong>la</strong>nd, in America, and their successors, That<br />

the Governor, or in his absence, or by his permission, the Deputy-Governor, of<br />

the said Company for the time being, the Assistants, and such of the freemen<br />

of the said Company as shall be so as aforesaid elected or <strong>de</strong>puted, or so many<br />

of them as shall be present at such meeting or assembly as aforesaid, shall be<br />

called the General Assembly; and that they, or the greatest parte of them present,<br />

whereof the Governor, or Deputy-Governor, and six of the Assistants at least, to<br />

be seven, shall have, and have hereby given and granted unto them full power<br />


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