Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU II. 9 And whereas, the condition of those persons, who have heretofore been denominated negro and mulatto slaves, has been attended with circumstances, which not only deprived them of the common blessings that they were by nature entitled to, but has cast them into the deepest afflictions, by an unnatural separation and sale of husband and wife from each other and from their children, an injury, the greatness of which can only be conceived by supposing that we were in the same unhappy case. In justice, therefore, to persons so unhappily circumstanced, and who, having no prospect before them whereon they may rest their sorrows and their hopes, have no reasonable inducement to render their 10 service to society, which they otherwise might, and also in grateful commemoration of our own happy deliverance from that state of unconditional submission, to which we were doomed by the tyranny of Britain. 11 III. 12 Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted, that 13 all persons as well negroes and mulattoes as others, who shall be born within this state from and after the passing of this act, shall not be deemed and considered as servants for life, or slaves; and that 14 all servitude for life, or slavery of children, in consequence of the slavery of their mothers, in the case of all children born within this state from and after the passing of this act as aforesaid, shall be, an hereby is, utterly taken away, extinguished, and for ever abolished. IV. 15 Provided always, and be it further enacted, that 16 every negro and mulatto child, born within this state after the passing of this act as aforesaid (who would, in case this act had not been made, have been born a servant for years, or life, or slave) shall be deemed to be, and shall be, by virtue of this act, the servant of such person, or his or her assigns, who would in such case have been entitled to the service of such child, until such child shall attain unto the age of twenty-eight years, in the manner, and on the conditions, whereon servants bound by indenture for four years are or may be retained and holden; and shall be liable to like correction and punishment, and entitled to like relief, in case he or she be evilly treated by his or her master or mistress, and to like freedom dues and other privileges, as servants bound by indenture for four years are or may be entitled, unless the person, to whom the service of any such child shall belong, shall abandon his 9. En Mitchell “(Section II, P. L.)”. 10. En Mitchell “that”. 11. Falta todo el párrafo en Read. 12. En Mitchell “[Section.] (Section III, P. L.)”; en Read “1. se C T. III. All persons...”. 13. En Mitchell “by the Representatives of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That”. 14. Falta “that” en Read. 15. En Mitchell “[Section II.] (Section IV, P. L.)”; en Read “2. se C T. IV. Provided, That...”. 16. En Mitchell “by the authority aforesaid, That”. 448

LEY DE ABOLICIÓN GRADUAL DE LA ESCLAVITUD DE PENNSYLVANIA 1780 II. Y considerando que la situación de aquellas personas a las que hasta ahora se ha llamado esclavos negros y mulatos, ha estado acompañada por circunstancias que no sólo les han privado de las bendiciones normales a las que de forma natural tenían derecho, sino que les han arrojado a los infortunios más profundos, vendiendo y separando de forma antinatural al marido y la mujer uno del otro y de sus hijos, agravio cuya magnitud sólo se puede concebir suponiendo que nosotros estuviéramos en la misma infeliz situación. Así en justicia, porque personas colocadas en circunstancias tan desgraciadas y sin perspectivas ante ellos en las que poder descansar sus penas y sus esperanzas, no tienen incentivo razonable para prestar sus servicios a la sociedad, como de otra forma lo harían, y también como celebración agradecida de nuestra propia liberación de ese estado de subyugación in condicional a la que estábamos condenados por la tiranía de [Gran] Bretaña: III. Promúlguese, y por la presente se promulga, 17 que ninguna persona, tanto negra y mulata como otra, que nazca en este estado después de la aprobación de esta ley, será tenida ni considerada como siervo de por vida o esclavo. Y que toda servidumbre de por vida o esclavitud de los niños como consecuencia de la esclavitud de sus madres, en el caso de todos los niños nacidos en este estado después de aprobada esta ley como se ha dicho, será y por la presente es totalmente eliminada, extinguida y abolida para siempre. IV. Siempre que, y además se promulga que todo niño negro o mulato nacido en este estados después de aprobarse esta ley como se ha dicho (que en el caso de que esta ley no se hubiera hecho, hubiera nacido siervo por [un número de] años o por vida, o esclavo), será tenido por, y será en virtud de esta ley, el siervo de dicha persona, o de sus designados, que en tal caso hubiera tenido derecho a los servicios de ese niño hasta que tal niño alcance la edad de 28 años, en la forma y con las condiciones a que están o pueden estar retenidos y sujetos los siervos obligados por un contrato de cuatro años; e igualmente se le podrá corregir y castigar, y tendrá derecho al mismo auxilio si fuera tratado con maldad por su amo o ama, y a los mismos sueldos y privilegios al tiempo de su liberación como lo tienen o puedan tener los siervos obligados por un contrato de cuatro años, a menos que la persona a quien pertenezca el servicio de ese niño renuncie a su derecho 17. En Mitchell se añade que la promulgación la hacen “los representantes de los freemen de la Comunidad de Pennsylvania reunidos en Asamblea General, y por autoridad de la misma”. 449


II. 9 And whereas, the condition of those persons, who have heretofore been<br />

<strong>de</strong>nominated negro and mu<strong>la</strong>tto s<strong>la</strong>ves, has been atten<strong>de</strong>d with circumstances,<br />

which not only <strong>de</strong>prived them of the common blessings that they were by nature<br />

entitled to, but has cast them into the <strong>de</strong>epest afflictions, by an unnatural separation<br />

and sale of husband and wife from each other and from their children, an<br />

injury, the greatness of which can only be conceived by supposing that we were<br />

in the same unhappy case. In justice, therefore, to persons so unhappily circumstanced,<br />

and who, having no prospect before them whereon they may rest their<br />

sorrows and their hopes, have no reasonable inducement to ren<strong>de</strong>r their 10 service<br />

to society, which they otherwise might, and also in grateful commemoration of<br />

our own happy <strong>de</strong>liverance from that state of unconditional submission, to which<br />

we were doomed by the tyranny of Britain. 11<br />

III. 12 Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted, that 13 all persons as well negroes<br />

and mu<strong>la</strong>ttoes as others, who shall be born within this state from and after<br />

the passing of this act, shall not be <strong>de</strong>emed and consi<strong>de</strong>red as servants for life, or<br />

s<strong>la</strong>ves; and that 14 all servitu<strong>de</strong> for life, or s<strong>la</strong>very of children, in consequence of<br />

the s<strong>la</strong>very of their mothers, in the case of all children born within this state from<br />

and after the passing of this act as aforesaid, shall be, an hereby is, utterly taken<br />

away, extinguished, and for ever abolished.<br />

IV. 15 Provi<strong>de</strong>d always, and be it further enacted, that 16 every negro and mu<strong>la</strong>tto<br />

child, born within this state after the passing of this act as aforesaid (who<br />

would, in case this act had not been ma<strong>de</strong>, have been born a servant for years, or<br />

life, or s<strong>la</strong>ve) shall be <strong>de</strong>emed to be, and shall be, by virtue of this act, the servant<br />

of such person, or his or her assigns, who would in such case have been entitled to<br />

the service of such child, until such child shall attain unto the age of twenty-eight<br />

years, in the manner, and on the conditions, whereon servants bound by in<strong>de</strong>nture<br />

for four years are or may be retained and hol<strong>de</strong>n; and shall be liable to like correction<br />

and punishment, and entitled to like relief, in case he or she be evilly treated<br />

by his or her master or mistress, and to like freedom dues and other privileges,<br />

as servants bound by in<strong>de</strong>nture for four years are or may be entitled, unless the<br />

person, to whom the service of any such child shall belong, shall abandon his<br />

9. En Mitchell “(Section II, P. L.)”.<br />

10. En Mitchell “that”.<br />

11. Falta todo el párrafo en Read.<br />

12. En Mitchell “[Section.] (Section III, P. L.)”; en Read “1. se C T. III. All persons...”.<br />

13. En Mitchell “by the Representatives of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania<br />

in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That”.<br />

14. Falta “that” en Read.<br />

15. En Mitchell “[Section II.] (Section IV, P. L.)”; en Read “2. se C T. IV. Provi<strong>de</strong>d, That...”.<br />

16. En Mitchell “by the authority aforesaid, That”.<br />


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